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A Memorandum was submitted to the DIR. HR, by Forum of All Associations of BSNL Assam Circle. All the three CSs met the Dir. HR, at Guwahati Airport.
CS, AIBSNLEA had raised the issue of 3rd PRC and requested to DIR. HR that till the finalization of 3rd PRC, 100% DA neutralization may immediately be implemented.
AUAB has submitted A memorandum on 28.05.2023 to MOC on his visit to Assam.
AUAB welcoming Honorable MOC Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw at BSNL Bhawan on 28.05.2023.
It is indeed a matter of great pride that there was a huge gathering on the occasion of the Open Session of First Central Working Committee ( CWC) of the 8th CHQ of AIBSNLEA in New Delhi.
The very special agenda of the CWC was the Discussion & Decision on Association matters in the context of the 3rd Membership verification process-2023, to secure more than 35% votes to AIBSNLEA in the ensuing MVP.
GS AIBSNLEA in his speech, elaborated that how 3rd PRC is the right for we BSNL employees from 01-01-2017. Had the 4G been timely arranged to BSNL, employees would have been enjoying the 3rd PRC in it's full 15% benefits. Now the PRC is a mirage for BSNL employees. Who is responsible for the same? Hence 3rd PRC cannot be denied to BSNL employees.
The topic for the Open Session in CWC was " Profit Efficiency of BSNL & 3rd PRC to its Employees".
In the Open Session, Dir. HR. elaborated how we all are working for a strong BSNL and the main focus should be on investment for strong Network in BSNL.
4G will be in operation very soon.
Dir. HR. asserted that BSNL will be a Solid & Strong Telecom. Company with the merger with MTNL.
Dir. HR. also asserted that all the pending promotions will be issued soon.
G.M. Pers. also attended the meeting and he clarifies that how we are on the way to 3rd PRC.
Regarding IPMS, all the Circles including Assam have objected. GM Pers assured that Management is working on IPMS and will make it a realistic one.
Management is also working on HR issues.
CP Assam has raised the developmental issue of Assam & NE region, E1+5 increments, E2 for JTO/JAO at per with MTNL and spl. drive for recruitment in JTO & JAO for Assam Circle immediately.
AIBSNLEA CWC resolved to request CMD BSNL for implementation of 3rd PRC to the employees of BSNL with at least 5% fitment to motivate all employees to gear up for adopting with the changes planned to happen in BSNL along with the infuction of indigenous 4G & other services.
The AUAB felicitated the Director by presenting him the Phulom Gomocha and a book on the Ahom History by Arup K Dutta.
The Director emphasised on the following points:
- One of the major cause of the allotment of package was the active role played by the Sec Fin to the GoI.
- It was because the Secy was a satisfied BSNL customer for long time and therefore the highest emphasis should be service delivery and satisfied customer.
- PO for the procurement of 4F cable to the extent of 20k KM has already been placed and a repeat order is under process for nxt year.
- The other transmission equipment like OTN and CPANs etc. are at various stages of procurement and delivery will start from Dec2022
- By Dec2023 the BSNL core network will be strengthened and that shall help in multiple ways in improving the service delivery.
- The 4G will start rolling before Mar 2023 and the same can be easily be upgraded to 5G with no extra cost.
- The GoI is funding 1.3 lac new towers (1 lac under 4G and.0.3 lac under 4G Saturation project).
- There is all seriousness in the Govt for reviving BSNL and the Secy Telecom is participating actively and on a daily basis in this excercise.
- For our local demands the Director was very positive and directed the CGMs to prepare proposal in consultation with the AUAB and send to him, if his intervention is found. required.
Respected sir,
With due respect, I am informing you that in Assam Telecom Circle some A.O.s were posted from CTD as Hard Tenure posting in Nov.'2020. Now, they are going to complete their Hard Tenure posting in Assam in Nov.'2022.
Name & Particulars of the executives are as follows :-
Sl no. Parner number Name Date of joining Tenure completion date
1 1003335 Gautam Deb 05/11/2020 04/11/2022
2 10227 Srikanta Patra 05/11/2020 04/11/2022
3 99605989 Pijush Kanti Ray 25/11/2020 24/11/2022
So, kindly arrange to issue the transfer order to their home Circle, at least 15(fifteen) days before the date of tenure completion. All of them are our AIBSNLEA's dedicated members.
Thanking you.
With regards
Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee
Letter written to CGMT, Assam Circle , for posting of a regular G.M. in Silchar SSA.
It is also mentioned in the Letter that due to absence of regular GM, the nosedive situation there is really concerning.
- Letter addressed to GM, Dibrugarh Telecom District, regarding formation of New Ad-hoc Body of AIBSNLEA, Dibrugarh Branch.
- Copy forwarded for information to GS AIBSNLEA, ND, CHQ.
Letter addressed to CGMT Assam Circle regarding unhealthy & unhygienic working condition in BSNL Bongaigaon GM office.
We requested CGM Assam Circle to improve & provide the GM office staff a healthy working environment.
A letter addressed to GS, AIBSNLEA, ND, for implementation of the E-2 & E-3 standard pay scales and requested GS for strongly take up the matter at all appropriate levels including DOT.
Father of Comrade Ranajoy Bhattacharjee, our AIBSNLEA Assam, Organizing Secretary, is expired today i.e. on 17-04-2022 due to massive attack in Guwahati.
On behalf of AIBSNLEA Assam, we convey our heartfelt condolences to Com. Ranajoy Bhattacharjee and the bereaved family members. May the departed Soul Rest in Peace.
District Conference of Tezpur Division was held on 12-04-2022 in the conference hall of G.M. Office bldg. in the presence of Circle Delegates.
The new body was formed after the dissolution of the existing body, as follows.
President: Com. Supriya Kar, (AGM Admn. Tez.)
Vice President: Com. Rupon Ch Boro (JAO CMTS, Tez.)
Dist. Secretary: Com. Sanjoy Kr Nath (A.O. CMTS, Tez.)
Asstt. DS: 1) Com. Ravi Sharma, (JAO plg.)
2)Ranadhir Dey (SDE Civil, Tez.)
Fin. Secy. Com. Dipankar Das (A .O. plg., Tez.)
Org. Secy. 1) Com. V. Raichur, AGM Plg., Tez.
2) Com. Tirtha Baruah JAO / TR Ngg.
Advisor: 1 )Com. Mousumi Kar AGM external, Tez.
2) Com. Sanjoy Deb Nath, A.O.(TR, Tz)
3) Com. Sanjoy Kr. Mohanty ( Ex Engineer Civil , Tz)
All the best wishes to the each and every member of the New Dist. body of Tezpur.
A Special General Body Meeting of AIBSNLEA Assam was held on 01-04-2022 along with NE-I and NE-II Circle to Welcome Com. V. Shaji on his Maiden visit to Assam.
Organising Secretary East Com. Abhijit Khamarui was also present in the meeting.
Almost all the Circle Executive committee members of Assam Circle including Kamrup District body, Circle office members and CNTX-NER office members were present in the meeting.
Com. Sukai Sema, CS NE-II was also attended the meeting.
The meeting was started sharply at 11-00 A.M. and was presided over by Com. Adarsh Maheshwari.
Com. Suman Paul, ACS, Assam, welcomed Com. GS, OS East and all the members present in the meeting.
Com. Swarup Chakraborty introduced GS Com. V. Shaji.
Com. GS was felicitated by Phulom Gamucha & Flower bouquet by CS & CP Assam.
Com. OS East was felicitated by CS NE-II by Gamucha and Flower.
Com. Adv. East was felicitated by DP Kamrup.
Com. CS NE-II was felicitated with Gamucha by Com. Smita Roy. ACS.
Com. Adarsh Maheswari ,President Assam welcomed Com. GS and OS East and extended special thanks to EX-CS Com. R. Dutta Choudhury and Com. K.K. Das for sparing their valuable time and attend the meeting.
Com. Abhijit Khamarui, OS East, thanked the Assam Circle Team for conducting the GB
meeting in a very short notice. Com. OS East mentioned about " Mission 5000" and assured that he will visit all the eastern states for increasing the membership.
Com. Ex-CS also addressed the house and shared their experiences.
Com. Sukai Sema ,CS NE-II thanked the Assam Circle team for arranging the GB meeting in a short notice and also thanked Assam Circle for inviting him in the meeting. He welcomed newly elected GS Com. V.Shaji and OS East Com. Abhijit Khamarui.
Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee, Circle Secretary Assam welcomed the newly elected GS Com. V. Shaji and OS East Com. Abhijit. He expressed his deepest gratitude to GS for coming to Assam. He asserted that Assam is having good relations with CHQ body and it will be strengthened further. He sincerely thanked his all district body for trying hard in their respective districts to increase the membership of AIBSNLEA. He mentioned that under the able leadership of Com. V.Shaji, AIBSNLEA will become No.1. He thanked Assam Team for successful arrangement of the GB meeting.
Our beloved General Secretary Com. V Shaji addressed the house and shared his views with the Assam Circle team. He discussed various organizational matter and HR related issues. He pointed out that BSNL is a Govt. Company and therefore nothing to be worried about BSNL.BSNL will flourish again. Regarding 4G implementation, He conveyed the assurances given by CMD that it will be implemented soon. Regarding implementation of E2 for JTO/JAO and E3 for SDE/AO, he mentioned that the decision of DOT in this matter is still awaited.
Regarding E1+5 increments, GS told that it is under pursuation. He mentioned that we all will work with Team spirit for betterment of BSNL and we will take the BSNL flag high.
Regarding long stay in Deficit Circle, AIBSNLEA CHQ has already taken up the issue with CMD BSNL that in Deficit Circle long stay issue should not be considered.
The ASSAM CS & CP presented a Momento to General Secretary Com. V. Shaji.
Before conclusion Com, Manas Roy Mukherjee, District President, Kamrup was felicitated
by General Secretary.
The General Body Meeting was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Com. Manas Roy Mukherjee and followed by Delicious Lunch.
A meeting of GS, AIBSNLEA held with CGMT, Assam Telecom Circle on 01.04.2022 and discussed various issues.
It is hereby once again notified that the AIBSNLEA Assam Circle will hold a General Body Meeting along with NE-I & NE-II in the presence of Newly elected GS com. Shaji V in the Conference Hall of BSNL Bhawan on 1st April'2022 .
The meeting will be commenced on 10.30 am and followed by lunch.
All are therefore requested to attend the meeting in time.
GS, AIBSNLEA, CHQ has written a letter to CMD, BSNL, Shri P.K. Purwar Ji, regarding Inter Circle Transfer of long stay of SDE(T) & AGM(T).
AIBSNLEA, Assam has submitted a representation to The CGMT, BSNL, Assam Circle for taking up the matter of Inter-Circle transfer of regular SDE(T) & AGM(T) under long stay, with BSNL Corporate Office, at appropriate levels.
GS AIBSNLEA has written a letter to Dir.(HR) to retain all the Executives promoted to SDE(T) in their present working circle.
GS AIBSNLEA has written a letter to Dir.(HR) to retain all the Electrical Executives promoted to SDE(E) in their present working circle.
Letter written to GS AIBSNLEA for pursuing with Dir.(HR) to retain all the Electrical Executives promoted to SDE(E) in their present working circle.
Letter written to GS to pursue the case with AGM (Pers-II), Corporate Office, for PA comrades of Assam Circle.
We are very sorry to hear the news of sad demise of Mother of our senior comrade Shashadhar Barman (CAO/CA).
We convey our Heart felt Condolences to the bereaved family
Dear comrades!
A meeting between the AUAB and CMD BSNL and all the Directors of BSNL Board, is held today the 27-10-2021. The following are the highlights.
(1) Launching of 4G.
CMD BSNL and the Director (CM) reported that, TCS is taking hectic efforts to supply 4G equipments to BSNL and it looks promising. The 4G core is developed by the C-DOT, with which TCS has made tie-up. The equipments will be manufactured by Tejas, which has been taken over by the TCS. Equipments are installed at Chandigarh and Ambala and testings are going on.
(2) Payment of salary on the due date.
After prolonged discussions, the following agreement is reached.
(i) Salary for October, 2021 will be paid before Deepawali.
(ii) November, 2021 salary will be paid on the due date, i.e., 30.11.2021.
(iii) December, 2021 salary will be delayed a little.
(iv) From January, 2022 onwards, every month salary will be paid on the due date.
(3) Wage Revision.
For the Non-Executives, Management has already taken action to reconstitute the Wage Negotiation Committee. The first meeting of this Committee will be held after Deepawali. For the Pay Revision of the Executives, CMD BSNL advised to take up the issue with the DoT. He assured to arrange a meeting between the AUAB and the Secretary, Telecom.
(4) Restructuring.
The CMD BSNL informed that, Restructuring of BSNL’s Manpower is approved by the Board, with 12% increase in the existing strength. The new strength will be 36,000 Executives and 35,000 Non-Executives. Totally, 71,000.
(5) Withdrawal of show cause notices.
The pensionary benefits of Com.S. Sivakumar, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com.Kabir Das, GS, BSNL OA and Com.Goud, President, BSNL MS, is settled. The pending cases of four serving General Secretaries / Presidents will be settled before New Year.
(6) Holding of various LICEs of Non-Executives and LDCEs of Executives.
Notifications will be issued before 30.11.2021.
(7) Restrictions imposed on Temporary Transfers under Rule 9.
A Committee will be formed with four Representatives from Unions / Associations and four Management Representatives. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, the restrictions will be relaxed.
(8) Threatening letters against agitations.
Threatening / harsh wordings will be avoided.
(9) SAB contributions pending from April, 2020.
CMD BSNL assured to clear the payment by March, 2022.
(10) Regular interaction between the AUAB and the Management.
The CMD BSNL assured that bi-monthly meetings will be held between the CMD BSNL and the AUAB for briefing on developmental activities.
After meeting the Management, the AUAB met and decided to defer the proposed Agitational programmes, in view of the improvements on the issues. - regards S.SIVAKUMAR GS AIBSNLEA CHQ New Delhi
CWC meeting of AIBSNLEA has been successfully conducted on 19.10.2021 in online mode. It was attended by all the CHQ office Bearers, CHQ Advisors, Circle Secretaries, Circle Presidents and CWC Members from all over India. After opening remarks by All India President, Com. GS has placed his report before the House & delivered inagural address to the House. All the Circle Secretaries have placed their reports & status about the organization in their respective Circles.
GS further mentioned that AIBSNLEA CHQ is continuously persuing with the management for the settlement of pending issues like E1+5 increments, E1A to E2 & E2A to E3 etc.
We have submitted our Assam Circle report and some specific issues from Assam circle are being mentioned here for immediate attention of the CHQ for resolution.
1. Immediate finalization of the indigenous 4G network.
2. Timely payment of monthly salary.
3. Immediate mutation of all properties under occupation of BSNL in BSNL favour.
4. Not allowing the residential properties occupied by BSNL staff for being listed as available for sale/monetization.
5. Creation of a Nodal SSA for the EB activities in the restructuring process. Not to be mixed up with TR other than EB.
6. It is also requested to reconsider the existing norms of residency in a cadre for next promotion in a view of the depleted man power and cadre strength as also with the aim to bring down the average age in the senior management.
7. In order to do away with multiple court cases and other legal hurdles in timely promotion, we demand that all Executive post should be considered as Group-A & concept of Gr-B may be completely done away with in line with other CPSUs.
8. We strongly oppose direct recruitment at any level other than JAO/JTO and abolition of the MTRR.
9. We demand that all the DGM (adhoc) should be promoted to DGM (regular).
10. We demand AO to CAO promotion should be processed immediately.
11. We also demand immediate promotion order for the the eligible regular D.Es to DGM to the extent of original sanctioned strength.
12. We demand continuous persuasion for Grant of E1+5 Advance Increments.
13. We demand immediate promotion from PA to PS / PS to PPS. We also demand to create a new post of PPS in CNTX (NER) circle.
We demand 30% superannuation benefit to be implemented immediately.
14. We demand for immediate recruitment/posting of more JTO/ SDE specifically in Assam Electrical & Civil zone.
15. We demand the implementation of 3rd PRC immediately.
Development Issues:- We request for immediate issue of PO for commissioning of the COX Bazar IGW to provide stability to the internet connectivity to NER.
20. We also demand that Board of Directors may please be convinced for immediate release of adequate funds for repair, maintenance and replacement of backbone network link for long distance transmission.
21. The issue of non maintenance of the East Data Centre for GSM is one big issue causing problems to the customers. We demand that the matter may please be taken up with the Director CM & CMD for immediate resolution of the issues in the EZBC.
ORGANISATIONAL Issue:- AIBSNLEA ASSAM is trying to increase the Membership sincerely. We have increased our members strength to 110 by adding 14 new members in Assam Circle including CNTX(NER).
Dist. conference in Tezpur and Dibrugarh SSA will be organized immediately.
Last but not the least, We congratulated Comrade GS and the entire CHQ team for their wholehearted efforts in being always in the forefront in thinking for upliftment of BSNL and for continuous pursuance of the issues with the management.
A General Body Meeting was organized in Mini Conference Hall, 5th floor, BSNL Bhawan.
In the meeting, All the new members, who has joined AIBSNLEA(Assam) recently, were welcomed. Then regarding pending District conference in Tezpur & Dibrugarh SSA , it was discussed. DS/Tezpur has assured that before Durga Puja, District conference in Tezpur will be completed.
Our next point was regarding renting out of Chenikuthi quarters complex and it was decided in the meeting that after discussion with our sister associations we shall give a representation to C.G.M.T. Assam Circle to stop the process of Chenikuthi quarter complex further.
After detail discussion, it was decided to write to the GS, AIBSNLEA to pursue the demands with CMD BSNL to regularize all Adhoc DGM posts.
It was also decided to write to GS regarding PA & PS and Executives requirement in Civil & Electrical offices ( CE & Divisions).
Some other issues like DA merger etc. were also discussed.
With regards.
On 11.08.2021, The Circle Presidents and The Circle Secretaries of all the three Executives Associations met with CGMT, Assam Circle to discuss the various issues including monetization of BSNL's vacant land, renting out of BSNL's vacant buildings etc.
While the discussions were going on for renting out of vacant space in BSNL Bhawan, AIBSNLEA is the only Association to raise the issue for renting out of space allotted for BSNL staff canteen without intimation to any Association and accusing Assam Circle Management for ignoring the Welfare of BSNL Executives and Employees. After that only, CGM Assam Circle agreed to arrange space for BSNL Staff Canteen. AIBSNLEA had also demanded to include this assurance given by Assam Circle Management, into the minutes of the meeting.
Com.S.Sivakumar,GS AIBSNLEA and AGS (Fin) met Shri P.K.Sinha ji, Member(Fin), DoT and other Senior Officers of DoT and discussed regarding:
1) Immediate release of long pending outstanding dues to BSNL: We requested the Member (F) for the immediate release of long pending outstanding dues from DoT to BSNL viz.,Reimbursement of deficit in Rural wireline operations, Refund of Excess Pension Contribution, Reimbursement of Leave Encashment etc., so as to solve the financial Crisis of BSNL to the great extent, disbursement of the Salary of BSNL Employees in time, payment of other pending bills by BSNL due to the present pandemic situation and finally accelerate the Growth of BSNL.
Member (F) opined that the dues within
the ambit of DoT can be processed and reimbursed/paid to BSNL. At the same
time, refund of Excess Pension Contribution to be received from the Department
of Expenditure is doubtful and further mentioned that the proposal for refund
of Excess Pension Contribution has been returned by the Department of Expenditure
with the dissent Note.
We further appraised the Member (F) that
BSNL received last support for its Rural Wire line operations installed before
the introduction of USO funded Schemes, for a period up to July 2013. The Rural
wire line Network Infrastructure and Exchanges continue to be maintained by
BSNL, and the existence of this Infrastructure has enabled Government in
realizing the objectives of providing affordable access to Broadband services
to Rural India/Gram Panchayats (GPs), through Bharat Net Project. Whereas the
deficit on account of maintenance of this infrastructure being borne by BSNL is
not only draining its financial resources, the quantum of loss in its books of
accounts is also impairing its capacity to raise fresh Capital from Banks and
Financial institutions. The viability Gap Funding for Rural Telphony
since 2014-15 to 2019-20 is Rs.13,789 Crores.
(F) mentioned that there are around 20,000 Rural Telephone Exchanges and if the
BSNL Management identify the Services of the Rural Exchanges to be surrendered
including VSAT Towers, then DoT will decide in consultation with Govt. of
India, the non remunerative Services to be continued in Rural/LWE Areas/Border
Areas/NE-I & II Areas/Hilly/Far flung Areas with the subsidy to be
reimbursed from USO Fund with the approval of TRAI.
We requested the Member(F) to
consider the same and immediate release of the viability Gap Funding for Rural
Telphony, since BSNL Management has
requested the Secretary(Telecom) from September’2020 onwards to consider 80% of
the fund requested as reimbursement of deficit in rural wireline operations on
adhoc basis subject to further reconciliations.
After patient hearing and detailed
discussions, Member(F) assured to consider the same with the approval of TRAI.
2) Borrowings and Letter of Comfort: We enquired about the status
of Presidential approval for borrowings
of Rs.13,787 Cr (Capex ₹ 5,000 Cr and Opex Rs
8,787 Cr) for the Financial Year 2021-22 up to a limit of Rs.41,213 Cr for the
FY 2020-21 after Board approval has been sent to DOT during March 2021 and the
Query on this matter was raised by DoT also replied by BSNL on 15.06.2021. Member(F) assured that
the Presidential approval will be issued shortly.
We also enquired about the request of the BSNL
Management to provide Sovereign Guarantee
for raising Rs. 10,000 Crores in the FY 2021 -22 and tenor co-terminus with
existing loans and the renewal of Letter of Comfort to BSNL. Member(F) mentioned that it is under process.
3) Mortgage: BSNL requested for
withdrawal of DoT letter No 10-12/2014-U.I dated 24.12.2014, so that BSNL can
mortgage specified Land parcel & Building other than those offered to DIPAM
as Security for availing Term Loan from Banks(***). Articles of Association of
BSNL permits mortgage of Land & Buildings for raising funds.
Member(F) mentioned that BSNL is facing heavy Financial
crunch, Debts and Debt Services are increasing in manifold whereas the Revenue
is decreasing drastically in comperision to other TSPs. However to come out
from the present financial crisis, the BSNL request will be considered
4) Immediate Steps to Off-set BSNL’s Debt through
the Monetization of Land Assets:
We enquired about the Monetization of BSNL’s Surplus Land Parcels so as
to clear the Rs.20,000 Cr Loan of BSNL in pursuance to the Union Cabinet
decision dated 23.10.2019 since BSNL is having a Debt of Rs.30,000 Cr. The
OPEX, CAPEX, Statutory and other Liabilities are also pending for more than
Rs.13,800 Crores and it is likely to increase in the months to come. The
Company is in the verge of getting into debt trap, which threatens its very
future of BSNL.
Member(F) mentioned that the Monetization is getting badly delayed and
opinied that for Speedy Monetization of BSNL’s Surplus Land Parcels, BSNL
Management has to take steps for getting the approval for Monetization of small
parcel of lands through Re-Delegation of Financial Powers/Decentralisation of
the same to the CGM Level Officers.
We further appraised the Member (F) that
BSNL received last support for its Rural Wire line operations installed before
the introduction of USO funded Schemes, for a period up to July 2013. The Rural
wire line Network Infrastructure and Exchanges continue to be maintained by
BSNL, and the existence of this Infrastructure has enabled Government in
realizing the objectives of providing affordable access to Broadband services
to Rural India/Gram Panchayats (GPs), through Bharat Net Project. Whereas the
deficit on account of maintenance of this infrastructure being borne by BSNL is
not only draining its financial resources, the quantum of loss in its books of
accounts is also impairing its capacity to raise fresh Capital from Banks and
Financial institutions. The viability Gap Funding for Rural Telphony
since 2014-15 to 2019-20 is Rs.13,789 Crores.
(F) mentioned that there are around 20,000 Rural Telephone Exchanges and if the
BSNL Management identify the Services of the Rural Exchanges to be surrendered
including VSAT Towers, then DoT will decide in consultation with Govt. of
India, the non remunerative Services to be continued in Rural/LWE Areas/Border
Areas/NE-I & II Areas/Hilly/Far flung Areas with the subsidy to be
reimbursed from USO Fund with the approval of TRAI.
We requested the Member(F) to
consider the same and immediate release of the viability Gap Funding for Rural
Telphony, since BSNL Management has
requested the Secretary(Telecom) from September’2020 onwards to consider 80% of
the fund requested as reimbursement of deficit in rural wireline operations on
adhoc basis subject to further reconciliations.
After patient hearing and detailed
discussions, Member(F) assured to consider the same with the approval of TRAI.
2) Borrowings and Letter of Comfort: We enquired about the status
of Presidential approval for borrowings
of Rs.13,787 Cr (Capex ₹ 5,000 Cr and Opex Rs
8,787 Cr) for the Financial Year 2021-22 up to a limit of Rs.41,213 Cr for the
FY 2020-21 after Board approval has been sent to DOT during March 2021 and the
Query on this matter was raised by DoT also replied by BSNL on 15.06.2021. Member(F) assured that
the Presidential approval will be issued shortly.
We also enquired about the request of the BSNL
Management to provide Sovereign Guarantee
for raising Rs. 10,000 Crores in the FY 2021 -22 and tenor co-terminus with
existing loans and the renewal of Letter of Comfort to BSNL. Member(F) mentioned that it is under process.
3) Mortgage: BSNL requested for
withdrawal of DoT letter No 10-12/2014-U.I dated 24.12.2014, so that BSNL can
mortgage specified Land parcel & Building other than those offered to DIPAM
as Security for availing Term Loan from Banks(***). Articles of Association of
BSNL permits mortgage of Land & Buildings for raising funds.
Member(F) mentioned that BSNL is facing heavy Financial
crunch, Debts and Debt Services are increasing in manifold whereas the Revenue
is decreasing drastically in comperision to other TSPs. However to come out
from the present financial crisis, the BSNL request will be considered
4) Immediate Steps to Off-set BSNL’s Debt through
the Monetization of Land Assets:
We enquired about the Monetization of BSNL’s Surplus Land Parcels so as
to clear the Rs.20,000 Cr Loan of BSNL in pursuance to the Union Cabinet
decision dated 23.10.2019 since BSNL is having a Debt of Rs.30,000 Cr. The
OPEX, CAPEX, Statutory and other Liabilities are also pending for more than
Rs.13,800 Crores and it is likely to increase in the months to come. The
Company is in the verge of getting into debt trap, which threatens its very
future of BSNL.
Member(F) mentioned that the Monetization is getting badly delayed and
opinied that for Speedy Monetization of BSNL’s Surplus Land Parcels, BSNL
Management has to take steps for getting the approval for Monetization of small
parcel of lands through Re-Delegation of Financial Powers/Decentralisation of
the same to the CGM Level Officers.
AIBSNLEA, Assam writes to the General Secretary, AIBSNLEA, CHQ, New Delhi, for inviting his attention to the Confusing Restructuring Policies. Some points have been mentioned for clarification, in this letter.
On 4/7/2021 another On-line meeting was organized through Google meet.
The meeting was participated by the District Secretaries, CHQ Advisor, Senior comrades, District President and Circle Office bearers.
The meeting was presided over by Circle President Com. Adarsh Maheswari.
Besides, discussion on to collect more number of Membership forms, it was also discussed on the issues like, very poor mobile networks, Cluster Partners for land line and BTS maintenance etc.
It was also discussed in the meeting regarding confusing Restructuring policies, regarding Manpower norms prepared by restructuring cell and discussed regarding drastically reduced the post of JTOs, SDEs, JAOs and AOs as against working strength.
It was also decided to wtite to The GS, AIBSNLEA, CHQ for onwards sibmission to BSNL Board/ Management.
AIBSNLEA, ASSAMÂ writes to the General Secretary, AIBSNLEA, CHQ, New Delhi, for attracting the attention of the CMD, BSNL, New Delhi.
Since for the last 17 months there has been no promotion in any cadres due to non finalization of sanctioned strength after restructuring. It is requested that immediate action may be taken for promotion in all cadres.
It is also requested to reconsider the existing norms of residency in a cadre for next promotion.
The Direct Recruitment at any level other than JTO/JAO is opposed.
The immediate process for promotion from AO to CAO is demanded subject to the out come of court case and in lines with the principle of promotion as already laid down by various courts.
In DGM Engineering cadre, It is requested to regularize the present ad hoc strength and issue additional promotion order among the eligible regular D.E.s.
CHQ has already initiated the demand for grant of E1+5 advance increments for JTOs/JAOs 2013 batch onwards. It is requested to pursue the case continuously and also requested to pursue for the standard Pay-Scale of E2 & E3 in replacement of E1A & E2A. ( Click here for the letter).
AIBSNLEA, Assam writes to the General Secretary, AIBSNLEA, CHQ, New Delhi regarding Grant of 5(five) Advance Increments on the minimum of revised E1 IDA scale of Rs.16400-40500, at par with JAO/JTO 2010.
On 12th June 2021 an online meeting was arranged through Google meet. In that meeting all the District President, District Secretaries and Circle office bearers were present.
The meeting was presided over by Circle President Com. Adarsh Maheswari.
In that meeting all were requested by Circle President and Circle Secretary, to interact with all Executives and to collect more number of Membership forms from non members and from other members and submit the form to the concerned DDO before 15th July 2021.
A condolence meeting on 11th May 2021, by AIBSNLEA Assam was organized to pay respect to the departed soul of all the Comrades of BSNL family including Com. Tarun Roy, who passed away due to COVID-19 complications
A condolence letter has also been sent to his wife.
One representation submitted to The C.G.M.T., Assam Circle, regarding improvements of Internet services in Assam & N.E. Region reg.
Com. CS, Com. ACS(HQ), Com. ACS and Com. Organising Secy met Circle IFA regarding transfer of Lebanan Basumatary, JAO from Tezpur to Bongaigaon. IFA assured to look into the matter.
Com. President, Com. CS & Com. DS of Kamrup and other members met CGM CN-Tx NE Region regarding posting of Com. Mousumi Dey Das, JAO. CGM assured that he will look into the matter.
Congratulation to the newly formed body of Guwahati Division of AIBSNLEA, Assam Circle.
The 8th Divisional conference of AIBSNLEA Guwahati Division was held on 30.01.2021 at Multi-Purpose Hall of IQ Panbazar under the chairmanship of Com. M K Roy Mukherjee, DGM(ETR).
8th District Conference of Guwahati District Branch will be held on 30.01.2021 (SATURDAY) at Multipurpose Hall, IQ Panbazar, Guwahati at 14.30 Hrs. All are requested to attend the conference.
AIBSNLEA Assam wishes you all a Happy Republic Day.
Com. President & Com. CS, AIBSNLEA Assam met CGMT Assam Circle and discussed regarding merger of Tezpur and Nagaon BAs and requested to make necessary arrangement for posting of more Accounts personnel in Nagaon for Nagaon customer base.
Representations received from Smt. Mousumi Dey Das, JAO, o/o the DGM, NETF, Silchar for retention her posting at Silchar.
CS alingwith FS and Organising Secy. of AIBSNLEA Assam met CGM, NETF (Core Network) and given the representation to him
We extend our sincere thanks to you and your dedication towards AIBSNLEA as well as BSNL.
Chairman and GS met the Senior Officers in DoT and enquired about the outcome of the Meeting held in PMO convened by the Principal Secretary to PM Shri Nripendra Misra Ji on 20.08.2019. The queries raised by the Ministry of Finance on Revival Plan of BSNL has been discussed in detail in the meeting wherein Group of Secretaries including Secretary (Telecom) Shri Anshu Prakash ji, CMD BSNL Shri PK Purwar ji were also present. The PMO intervene in the matter to resolve the bottleneck raised by MoF on the proposed revival package of BSNL. It is reliably learnt that after detailed discussions the following decisions have been taken:-
1) VRS Package to BSNL Employees: VRS Package is eligible for BSNL Employees who are attaining the Age of 50 years & above.
a) The Employees opting VRS will get cash payment of Ex- gratia amount in single go or maximum in 5 instalments on optional basis for availing Income Tax benefit.
b) The formula for VRS Package is (Ex-gratia + Pension) or 125% of the Salary (Pay + IDA), whichever is less.
c) The Employees having 40 months Service left will get full Salary benefits.
d) Leave Encashment & Pension (without Commutation) will be paid at the time of VR but the Gratuity and Commutation Value of Pension Payment will be deferred till they attain the age of Superannuation. During the intervening period from the date of VR to the date of attain the age of Superannuation, Employees will get interest @ 8% on their Gratuity amount.
e) The Ex-gratia amount for VRS will be paid in Cash by BSNL by issuing of Bonds on the basis of the Sovereign guarantee to be given by the DoT. 50% of interest liability on bonds will be borne by Govt.
Through this process, Govt. is estimating that the present staff strength will be reduced to 62000 from the present strength of 1.60 lakhs.
2) The roll out of age from 60 years to 58 years: The roll out of age from 60 years to 58 years in respect of BSNL Employees will be followed by VRS.
3) 4G Spectrum allocation to BSNL: Rs.14,000 Crores will be borne by the Govt for 4G Spectrum allocation to BSNL.
4) BSNL Land Monetization proposal: The proposal for monetization of BSNL Land, OFC & Towers has been accepted which will be monitored by a Committee consisting of the officers from BSNL, MTNL, DoT and DIPAM.
5) Proposal for SPV for land monetization and merger of BSNL & MTNL is dropped:
Minutes of the Meeting is expected by today evening/ tomorrow morning and accordingly the revised Cabinet Note will be put up to Hon’ble Minister of Communication Shri Ravi Sankar Prasad ji with in day or two for approval and further circulated to the concerned Ministries. It is expected that Cabinet approval for the Revival Package of BSNL will get within the 1st or 2nd week of September 2019, if all the things go smoothly.
It is also reliably learnt that window for VRS Package will be opened for One Month and all the process will be settled within two months.
AIBSNLEA is of the firm opinion that as a stakeholder and one of the Major Recognised Associations in BSNL, we should be called for discussion before finalization of VRS Proposal. As per AIBSNLEA 6th AIC decision, we demand the BSNL Management that the VRS Proposal should be linked with 3rd PRC fitment. AIBSNLEA strongly hope that the BSNL Management will call us for discussion in this regard.
However, as per the 6th AIC decision AIBSNLEA will strongly oppose the move of roll out of retirement age from 60 to 58 years.
Congratulations to retiring comrades. AIBSNLEA Assam extends Best Wishes for all the comrades who retire today on Superannuation, for a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and peaceful life after retirement. May your days be filled with Elation and Triumph! We extend our sincere thanks to you for your Dedication towards BSNL as well as AIBSNLEA and congratulate you on your Superannuation on 31.07.2019.
All India Conference of AIBSNLEA at Vijayawada :
Elections for the new body held unanimously. The complete list of the Central Office bearers is as mentioned below:
Central Office Bearers:
Chairman Shri Prahlad Rai, DGM (Retired)
President Shri Subhasis Mitra, D.E. Kolkata Telecom District
Vice President-I Shri Appalal J Chakoli, DE(QA), Karnataka
Vice President-II Shri A Srirama Rao, CAO, AP
General Secy. Shri S. Sivakumar, AGM/IFA, Tel. Factory, N.Delhi
AGS(Head Quarters) Shri Bhagwan Singh, DE Rajasthan
AGS(Engineering) Shri S. K. Hiremath, DGM Karnataka
AGS(Finance) Shri Raj Pal Sharma, DM, BSNL CO, New Delhi
AGS(Civil/Elect/Arch/TF) Shri V. B. Pawar, SDE Telecom Factory, Mumbai
AGS(PS/CSS/Others) Shri K. P. Nair, PS Kalyan
Finance Secretary Shri Ramnath Chabra, DM, BSNL CO, New Delhi
Assistant FS Shri K Pushparajan, JTO Kerala
Organizing Secy (North) Shri Devesh Sharma, SDE(T), Rajasthan
Organizing Secy (South) Shri C Duraiarasan, DGM Tamilnadu
Organizing Secy (East) Shri Suninoy Chakraborthy, SDE West Bengal
Organizing Secy (West) Shri A G Joshi, DE, Maharashtra
BSNL News in Media.....Courtesy ET Telecom.com..
(i) BSNL, MTNL revival: Top bureaucrat-headed group seeks legal view on 4G, time-bound assets monetisation to fund VRS <<<Click here for detail news>>>
Yesterday, GS, President met PGM (Pers) and requested to file an urgent MA in the Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT for early hearing of DE to DGM(T) Promotion case. He directed DGM (Pers. Legal) to file an MA immediately through BSNL advocate in the Hon’ble Chandigarh CAT.
Meeting with Director (Estt), DoT: GS, President met Director(Estt), DoT and discussed regarding
I) Reply to DOP&PW delinking of Pension from Pay revision : Director(Estt) informed that the reply to DoP&PW has been sent clarifying these points.
a) At present the pension revision is linked with pay revision as per the Rule.
b) In case pension is revised to pre-retired 1.1.2017 BSNL Pensioners, then pension will be more than the post retired BSNL Pensioners in case the Pay is not revised, this will create anomaly.
c) DoP&PW has to suggest mean and manner under which the pension revision is delinked from pay revision by framing the Rule.
He advised to pursue with DoP&PW for early reply.
II) Payment of Pension contribution on actual basic : Director(Estt) informed that the matter has been processed to the Competent Authority of the Ministry of Finance. After the clearance of Department of Expenditure further action will be taken in this regard.
III) First time bound promotion under EPP objection raised by Kolkata CCA: Director(Estt) mentioned that the matter was forwarded to BSNL for comments. Reply from BSNL is still awaited. DGM (Estt) BSNL Shri Siva Shankar Prasad was also present in the meeting and he assured for early reply to DoT
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded results in getting released the letter from DOT regarding CGHS facilities to retired BSNL/ MTNL employees who are in receipt of pension from central civil Estimates -revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and ward entitlement. <<click here for letter>>
AIBSNLEA welcomed and Felicitated the New CMD BSNL Shri P K Purvar on assuming the High Office of CMD, BSNL .
AIBSNLEA team met Shri P K Purwar , CMD BSNL and welcomed / felicitated him on assuming the High Office of CMD, BSNL . we assured him our best cooperation for turning out BSNL and to achieve its pristine glory . On the issue of Revival of BSNL / MTNL CMD mentioned that Secretary (T) also met Cabinet Secretary yesterday and discussed the Revival plan of BSNL on that basis matter will go to Digital Commission and with the recommendation of DC, matter will go to Union Cabinet for consideration and approval. Hwe further mentioned that he has taken over the charge of CMD BSNL on very critical situation when BSNL Revenue has drastically come down and the loss this FY 2018-19 will be about Rs 14000 crores . wage payment liability is also around Rs 14000 crore . Now we have to take certain steps to reduce the expenditure and concentrate on operation and maintenance of BSNL network . salary payment will be the second priority. In this process people have to ready for some sacrifice .He further mentioned that the Revival plan of BSNL /MTNL has now been finalized. He appealed for extending support during this critical period.
Clicck here for glimpses>>> <<<Photo1>> <<<Photo2>> <<<Photo3>> <<<Photo4>> <<<Photo5>> <<<Photo6>>>
Congratulations! Due to consistent efforts of AIBSNLEA, Management Committee approved the relaxation of eligibility condition for promoting 26 nos of CAO to DGM Adhoc.
GS writes to Shri Narendra Modi Ji, Hon'ble Prime Minister, Govt. of India regarding Revival of BSNL<<<Click here for letter>>
Updated Constitution of AIBSNLEA corrected up to Mysuru AIC 2016
6th ALL India Conference of AIBSNLEA at Vijayawada (AP):
AIBSNLEA CHQ has already notified for holding of 6th AIC at Vijawada (AP) from 14th to 16thJuly 2019 and Pre AIC CWC meeting on 13th July at the same venue. The CHQ Office Bearers, Advisors and Consultants meeting will be held on 12th July 2019 at 18.00Hrs. All the Circle Secretaries /Circle Presidents/CWC Members, CHQ office bearers, Advisors, Consultants and elected delegates are requested to inform their names and with the details of their arrivals and departure to the Host Circle representatives of AP Circle well in advance to make their stay comfortable.
The delegates are to be elected strictly on the basis of actual paid membership as per the provision of the constitution of AIBSNLEA. The delegates per 30 Paid members or part there of being not less than 20 subject to the minimum of two per branch shall be elected by the Branch /Circles. The Circle Presidents, Circle Secretaries, CHQ office bearers, Central Working Committee members shall be the ex-officio delegates. No observers will be allowed in the AIC.
The CHQ Office Bearers, Advisors, Consultants, CWC members, Circle Presidents and Circle Secretaries will be ipso-facto members of the Central Working Committee (CWC).
The resolutions and amendment of rules and by-laws proposed to be moved at the AIC meeting/All India Conference shall have to be given in writing to the General Secretary/ the concern Committee members so as to reach them at least 15 days ahead of the day of meeting.
All the District Secretaries are requested to immediately send the advertisements collection if any to the CS immediately so that the same can be deposited in time.
6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA
(To be held at Vijaywada , Andhra Pradesh)
> Arrival of CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors to CHQ / Circle Secretaries / CWC Members/Consultants.
> CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors/Consultants to CHQ Meet at 18.00 Hrs.
> Pre - AIC CWC Meet at 10.00 Hrs.
> Arrival of Delegates
14.07.2019 to 16.07.2019
> 6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA
> Departure of Delegates
Make it a Grand Success by>>>>
> Attending the Conference in a large number.
> Electing the delegates as per the constitution and intimating their names and arrival/departure particulars to the host circle. Delegates to be elected @ 30 paid members or part thereof being not less than 20 subject to the minimum of two per branch.
> Clearing the CHQ quota up-to the month of June, 2019 as well as Contribution towards Legal Funds and Diary payments.
> Depositing the Delegate fee @ Rs. 1800/- per Delegate to the host circle immediately on reaching Vijaywada.
> CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors to CHQ/Consultants to CHQ / Circle Secretaries /Circle Presidents and CWC Members will be the Ex-Officio Delegates.
> Ensure that the CWC members representing their Circle are elected as per the norms prescribed in the constitution. CWC members elected in excess will not be honored.
> No extra Delegates / Observers are allowed.
> Delegates attending the conference with family have to pay Rs.1500/- per member for food whereas the accommodation charges are to be paid as per actuals.
> Co-operate with the Host Circle in all respects.
AUAB leaders met CMD/BSNL and held discussions regarding payment of salary for the month February, 2019 and the repressive measures initiated under FR 17A against the employees participated in the strike, especially the Executives. GSs and senior leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, BSNLMS, BSNLOA and TEPU were present in the meeting. DIR(HR) was also present in the meeting.
CMD informed that the salary will be paid by next week end, according to the present cash flow.
On the repressive measures, AUAB explained that FR 17A is not part of CDA Rules or it is not adopted by BSNL so far and hence it is not applicable for BSNL employees. The action initiated under FR 17A is not valid, AUAB explained to management.
Accordingly, the proposed Relay Hunger fast by CHQ leaders of AUAB at New Delhi from 12.03.2019, demanding salary payment and withdrawal of repressive measures deferred.
It is to inform that March to the PM Office on 06.03.2019 is postponed in view of the tension prevailing in the border. Next date will announced in due course.
Protest demonstrations against non-payment of salary:
It is very unfortunate that payment of salaries of the Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL, for the month of February, 2019, is not made today. All of us are aware that BSNL is not getting the permission of the DoT, for taking bank loans. The AUAB has already demanded that the DoT should immediately permit BSNL for taking bank loans, to tide over the crisis. However, so far, the DoT has not given the necessary approval.
The AUAB has called on the employees to organise demonstrations tomorrow the 01.03.2019, protesting the non-payment of salary, and demanding the DoT, to immediately grant sanction to BSNL, for taking bank loans.
All the members of AIBSNLEA are requested to participate actively in the said demonstration..............<<<Click here for AUAB Circular>>>
Estt. Cell of BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued clarifications on deduction of TDS on payment of Encashment of Half Pay Leave (HPL) against shortfall in Earned Leave (EL) of 300 days on retirement <<<Click here for clarifications>>>
6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA
(To be held at Vijaywada , Andhra Pradesh)
> Arrival of CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors to CHQ / Circle Secretaries / CWC Members/Consultants.
> CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors/Consultants to CHQ Meet at 18.00 Hrs.
> Pre - AIC CWC Meet at 10.00 Hrs.
> Arrival of Delegates
09.04.2019 to 11.04.2019
> 6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA
> Departure of Delegates
Make it a Grand Success >>
> Electing the delegates as per the constitution and intimating their names and arrival/departure particulars to the host circle. Delegates to be elected @ 30 paid members or part thereof being not less than 20 subject to the minimum of two per branch.
> Clearing the CHQ quota up-to the month of March, 2019 as well as Contribution towards Legal Funds and Diary payments.
> Depositing the Delegate fee @ Rs. 1800/- per Delegate to the host circle immediately on reaching Vijaywada.
> CHQ Office Bearers / Advisors to CHQ/Consultants to CHQ / Circle Secretaries /Circle Presidents and CWC Members will be the EX-OFFICIO Delegates.
> Ensure that the CWC members representing their Circle are elected as per the norms prescribed in the constitution. CWC members elected in excess will not be honored.
> No extra Delegates / Observers are allowed.
> Delegates attending the conference with family have to pay Rs.1500/- per member for food whereas the accommodation charges are to be paid as per actuals.
> All are requested to Co-operate with the Host Circle in all respects.
Decisions of the AUAB meeting held on 20.02.2019.
A meeting of the AUAB was held today to review the 3 day strike and also to chalk out the future course of action. General Secretaries / Senior officer bearers of all the constituents of the AUAB participated. The meeting whole heartedly thanked the entire Executives and Non-Executives who made the 3 day strike a historic success. The meeting also congratulated the circle and district level AUAB, for effectively organising the strike. With the view to carry forward the movement further to settle the charter of demands, the following programme of action is finalised.
1) Conducting March to PMO on 06.03.2019, by mobilising the employees from the surrounding circles.
2) Memorandum to be submitted to all the MPs, latest by 28.02.2019.
3) To send messages to the Hon’ble Prime Minister and Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications on Twitter.
4) Meeting the Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications wherever possible by our comrades.
BSNL News in Media :
(i) DoT finalising revival proposal, no shutdown: BSNL....<<<Click here for detail news>>>>
Admin Cell, BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi called views/suggestions from AIBSNLEA to review existing medical policy so as to make it sustainable irrespective of financial condition of the organisation(BSNL)....<<<Click here for letter>>>
Status of AO to CAO promotion case in Hon`ble Chandigarh CAT: AO to CAO promotion Status Quo case came up for hearing on 13.02.2019 in the Hon`ble Chandigarh CAT. The applicant`s Lawyer requested time for filing reply for the MA filed by the BSNL. The case is posted for further Hearing on 19.3.2019
AUAB Meeting with CMD BSNL: AUAB rejects the proposal of the Management for deferring the salary for the month of February, 2019 - AUAB also rejects the appeal of the Management to withdraw the strike.
Pers. Cell of BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi issued letter regarding calling of objections/errors/omissions w.r.t. seniority list of TES Gr B circulated vide this office order dated 07.08.2018 and 08.08.2018, as per Rule 206- <<<Click here for letter>>>
The details of referred letters dated 07.08.2018 and 08.08.2018 are as under>>>>>>>>>>
07.08.2018: BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued revision of Seniority List of TES Group- 'B' in compliance of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 21.01.2015 and 14.12.2017 in Civil Appeal No (s) 4389 of 2010.
<<<Annexure-A>>> <<<Annexure-B>>> <<<Annexure-C>>> <<<Annexure-D>>>
<<Click here for corrigendum letter dated 08.08.2018 of Pers Cell of BSNL CO>>>
6th AIC of AIBSNLEA at Vijawada
All the District Secretaries are requested
1) To forward the Delegate List of their respective District by Mail to the Circle Secretary for the forthcoming 6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA scheduled to be held at Vijayawada from 9.4.2019 to 11.4.2019.
2) Also send Advertisements/Donations collected for the Souvenir.
AUAB served notice to Secy(T), DoT & CMD, BSNL for three days strike w.e.f. 18th Feb., 2019 ....<<<Click here for notice>>>
Charter of demands for the 3 day strike from 18.02.2019>>>>>
1. Implementation of 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment.
2. Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, as per the proposals submitted by the BSNL Management.
3. Implement assurance of the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications for delinking pension revision from pay revision. Revise pension of BSNL retirees w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
4. Payment of pension contribution by BSNL as per the government rule.
5. Settlement of the left out issues of the 2nd Pay Revision Committee.
6. a) Approval for BSNL's Land Management Policy without any delay.
6. b) Expeditiously complete the mutation and the process of transferring of all assets to BSNL, as per the Cabinet decision taken on the eve of the formation of BSNL.
7. (a) Ensure financial viability of BSNL, as per the decision taken by the Group of Ministers, at the time of formation of BSNL.
7. (b) Issue letter of comfort for BSNL's proposals for taking bank loans.
7. (c) Expeditiously fill up all vacant post of BSNL Board of Directors.
8. Scrap BSNL's outsourcing for the operation and maintenance of it's mobile towers.
The Writ Petition case regarding Tower Subsidiary was listed as Item No. 5 in Court No. 7 before the Delhi High Court today. Mr. Rajshekhar Rao appeared on behalf of the Petitioners i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA, AIGETOA & others , apprised the Court that DOT was yet to file a response and sought liberty to file a rejoinder to the Counter Affidavit filed by BSNL as also DOT. Accordingly, the matter has been adjourned to 20.08.2019.
Status of AO to CAO Promotion case in Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh: AO to CAO promotion Status quo case came for hearing today at Hon'ble Chandigarh CAT and posted for next hearing on 13.2.2019.
AUAB meeting today unanimous decided the following:-
(1) Considering various ground realities, the meeting decided to call on all the Executives and Non-Executives of BSNL to go on a three day strike from 18.02.2019.
(2) Street corner meetings are to be organised throughout the country for 5 days from 11.02.2019, and mobilise the support of the general public for the strike demands.
(3) Press meetings are to be organised at circle and district levels on 12 or 13 February.
(4) To meet all political parties, for mobilising their support for the demands especially, the revival of BSNL.
(1) Implementation of 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment.
(2) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL, as per the proposals submitted by the BSNL Management.
(3) Revision of pension to BSNL retirees w.e.f. 01.01.2017.
(4) Payment of pension contribution by BSNL as per the government rule.
(5) Settlement of the left out issues of the 2nd Pay Revision Committee.
(6) a) Approval for BSNL's Land Management Policy without any delay. b) Expeditiously complete the mutation and the process of transferring of all assets to BSNL, as per the Cabinet decision taken on the eve of the formation of BSNL.
(7) Extend financial support to BSNL, to ensure financial viability, as per the decision taken by the Group of Ministers, at the time of formation of BSNL. Issue letter of comfort for BSNL's proposals for taking bank loans.
(8) Scrap the proposal for outsourcing for the maintenance of BSNL's mobile towers..........<<<<Click here for AUAB Circular ..........Dated 25.01.2019>>>>
As per the decision taken in meeting held on 16.01.2019, letter has been written to Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications, by the AUAB, communicating it's unhappiness over the delay in the settlement of the 3rd Pay Revision issues. In the letter, the AUAB has stated that it would be compelled to go on strike, if no positive outcome comes on the issue. The letter was delivered by hand to the Private Secretary to the Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications today, by the AUAB representatives.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch extends best wishes for all the BSNL employees and particularly AIBSNLEA members who are going to retire today on superannuation for a happy, healthy and prosperous retired life!
Convener, AUAB writes PROTEST LETTER to Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL regarding reduction of the retirement age without discussing with the BSNL Unions and Associations.
GS, President & AGS (DR) met CMD, BSNL and discussed :
AIBSNLEA enquired about the status of the AUAB demands in DOT and the constitution of committee comprising DOT/BSNL officers and AUAB representatives. CMD BSNL informed that committee formation file is with Secretary (T) and once approved, the meeting of committee may take place to discuss the demands of AUAB. We showed our serious concern about inordinate delay in formation of committee. We requested that AIBSNLEA should also be one of the nominees in the Committee.
AIBSNLEA also expressed concern that the payment of Bank EMIs of employees, Medical claims, GPF/EPF payments, EB bills, Vendor bills payments, Tower rents etc. are not being paid by BSNL which has caused serious problem to all concerns. CMD BSNL appreciated our concern and mentioned that he is trying that all pending payments i.e. Electricity, Medical claims, GPF/EPF payments, Vendor bills at up to certain extent etc. will be paid by 31-12-2018 and we may enter in New Year with no pendency.
AIBSNLEA requested CMD BSNL to withdraw MT recruitment in BSNL above the level of JTO/JAO which will block the carrier progression of executives in BSNL, CMD appreciated AIBSNLEA’s concern and assured to look into the matter.
03.12.2018 :: AUAB Meeting with Hon'ble MoS(C) has been fixed today at 12:30 AM on the charter of demands instead of 10.00 AM. Update waiting.
02.12.2018 :: Secy(T), DoT Meeting with AUAB : Talks between the AUAB and the Secretary (T), DoT were held on 02nd Dec., 2018. Improvements are there in the issues of 4G Spectrum, Pension Revision and pension contribution. However, dead lock in prevailing in the issue of 3rd Pay Revision. With a view to ensure discussion with the Hon'ble MOS(C) on this issue, the AUAB decides to defer the strike for one week. If fruitful outcome does not come in the meeting with the Hon'ble MOS(C), the strike will start from 00.00 Hrs. on 10th Dec., 2018.
<<<AUAB Letter of deferment to Secy(T), DoT & CMD BSNL>>>>
<<<Director (PSU-I), Dot letter to AUAB leaders>>>>
02.12.2018 :: 1430 hrs: AUAB talk with CMD BSNL
CMD BSNL & Director(HR), BSNL Board called meeting with General Secretaries of AUAB i.e. AIBSNLEA, BSNLEU, NFTE BSNL, BSNLMS, AIGETOA, BSNLOA & ATM & appraised regarding his discussions with Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) & Secy(T), DoT and other Senior Officers of DoT that on some demands DoT is taking some positive steps but on some issues due to financial viability BSNL’s some way out is to be taken. AUAB leaders clearly mentioned that till the time their demands are not shorted out, they can’t review their Indefinite Strike decision. Thus there couldn’t be any break though on the settlement of AUAB demands.
Now, CMD, BSNL has further fixed up the meeting with AUAB Leaders on Sunday afternoon at 1200 Hrs. All the District Secretaries are requested to concentrate on the successful implementation of the Indefinite Strike from 3rd Dec., 2018.
Dear comrade,
The AUAB met at New Delhi today and decided to organise indefinite strike from 03-12-2018, demanding settlement of wage revision, 4G spectrum and other issues. It is also decided to boycott the execution of all government projects like NOFN, NFS and LWE from 03-12-2018.
All members are requested to get ready for the indefinite strike. Detailed communication follows.
A huge rally organised by AUAB at Guwahati today in response to the call given by AUAB CHQ, New Delhi. Different District/Branch of Assam Circle also organised the rally successfully.
AUAB has given a call of organizing Rallies at CHQ/Circle HQ/ SSA HQ levels on 14th November 2018 demanding immediate resolution of following issues:
1. Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL with 15% fitment benefit
2. Payment of Pension contribution on actual basic pay
3. Pension revision of BSNL Pensioners
4. 4G spectrum allocation to BSNL etc.
5. Left out items of 2nd PRC.
AIBSNLEA CS, Assam Circle requests all the District Secretaries to organize rallies effectively by maximum participation at all the levels on 14th November 2018.
A meeting between Ms.Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary, Telecom and the All Unions and Associations of BSNL(AUAB) was held today.
Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS/BSNLEU, Com.Chandeswar Singh, GS/NFTE, Com.K.Sebastin, GS/SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai,GS/AIBSNLEA, Com. Ravi Shil Verma, GS/, AIGETOA, Com. Suresh Kumar,GS/BSNL MS, Com. Revti Prasad, AGS/BSNL ATM, Com. Rashid Khan, AGS/TEPU and Com.H.P.Singh, Dy.GS/BSNL OA participated in the talks on behalf of the AUAB.
From the DoT, Ms. Anuradha Mitra/Member(Finance), Shri Ravi Kant/ Member(Services), Shri.N.Sivasailam/Special Secretary and Shri R. K. Khandelwal/ Joint Secretary(Admn) Shri Pawan Gupta, Director (PSU),Shri Sanjay Agarwal,Director(Esst) of participated.
From the BSNL Management side, Shri Anupam Shrivastava/CMD BSNL, Ms. Sujata Ray/ Director(HR), Shri Saurab Tyagi/Sr.GM(Estt) , Shri. A.M.Gupta/ GM(SR) and Shri Sheo Shankar Prasad/DGM(Estt.) participated.
At the outset, the representatives of the AUAB pointed out that DoT failed to take appropriate action to implement the assurances given by the Hon’ble MoS(C) in the meeting held on 24-02-2018, in view of which the AUAB has been compelled to go on agitational programme. On the 3rd Pay Revision issue, the Secretary, Telecom assured that the Cabinet Note, for getting the approval of the Cabinet, would be sent at the earliest. The AUAB pointed out that within three months the Pay Revision issue has to be settled fully, otherwise, Parliament elections would be announced; settlement of Pay Revision would become difficult. Secretary informed that some queries are there from IFD, it will be raised by DoT to BSNL in a week and BSNL assured to reply all the queries within one week time ,As and when BSNL replies and after the discussion with CMD BSNL it will be processed. AUAB demanded the formalities of Cabinet memo to be completed before this month. Secretary, Telecom assured to act fast.
On the issues of allotment of 4G spectrum, Payment of Pension Contribution on the actual basic pay and Pension Revision issues, very useful discussion took place. On the 4G issue, the Cabinet Note has been sent for inter-ministerial consultation, and at the earliest it will be sent for the approval of the Cabinet. On the issue of Payment of Pension Contribution on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale , the matter is being recommended for the approval of the Department of Expenditure, with a positive note of the DoT, by next week. On the Pension Revision of BSNL retirees, the Secretary Telecom appeared to be convinced with the arguments of the AUAB, that it should not be linked with the Pay Revision of the serving employees. She directed the Member (Services) to immediately discuss the issue with her. On the 30% Superannuation benefits for the directly Recruited employees, the Secretary Telecom said that it should be settled by the BSNL. Thereafter CMD assured to examine another 2%.
After the meeting with the Secretary, Telecom, the meeting of the AUAB was held. The meeting expressed it’s satisfaction about the discussions on the issues of Allotment of 4G spectrum, Payment of Pension Contribution and Pension Revision. However, the meeting viewed that there is no improvement in the matter of 3rd Pay Revision. Hence, the meeting decided to go ahead with the agitational programme of Rally on 14.11.2018. The meeting called upon the employees to effectively organise the rallies on 14-11-2018. It is decided that the AUAB will again meet on 14-11-2018, to review the situation.
In addition to the above issues Com GS discussed the issue of replacement of E-1 by E-2,E2A by E-3 and upgradation of subsequent pay scales E-3byE-4,E-4 byE-5,E-5 by E-6 and E-6 by E-7 as per the proposal of BSNL sent on 6-6-2016 .He pleaded that downgrading of the pay scales from E-1A to E-1 and E-2Ato E-2 has degraded the cadres Secy(T) directed SST to re look in to the matter. Com GS also apprised Secy(T) that despite the assistance given by Hon'ble MOSC a writ petition has been filed by DoT in tn the Hon'ble High court Delhi against the PBCAT ND judgment in withdrawal of the additional increments in the same pay scale under EPP.Secy(T) assured to look into the matter. During discussions Com GS AIBSNLEA actively participated along with other General Secretaries.
Organisational decisions of the AUAB:
Prior to the meeting with the Secretary, Telecom, a meeting of the AUAB was held at NFTE’s office, under the chairmanship of Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE BSNL. After finalising the strategy to be adopted in the meeting with the Secretary, Telecom, the meeting discussed about the ways and means to strengthen the unity of the AUAB and its functioning. After detailed discussion, the following decisions are taken unanimously:-
(1) Com.Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE BSNL, is elected as the Chairman of the AUAB.
(2) Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, is elected as the Convener of the AUAB.
(3) Notices for struggles will go with the signatures of all the General Secretaries of the constituents.
(4) All other letters / communications to the BSNL Management/ DoT / Government, will be signed by the Chairman and the Convener.
(5) AUAB should immediately be formed at all circles and districts, wherever it is not formed so far. As regards the posts of Chairman and Convener, the pattern adopted at the All India level should be adopted at the circle and district levels also.
Secretary, DoT meeting with representatives of AUAB on various demands is on the card on 2nd November 2018 at 05.00 PM <<<Click here for letter>>>
One day Dharna programme of AUAB was successfully implemented today in Circle Office, Guwahati. CS, President and all Circle/District Office bearers present at Guwahati attended the day long Dharna programme. Large number of members of all Unions and Associations participated in the Dharna programme. CS AIBSNLEA addressed the gathering and mentioned in details about the need of agitation Programme and status of all the issues of demand besides other leaders of AUAB. One day Dharna also successfully organized by all Districts/Branches of Assam Circle.
District conference of AIBSNLEA Jorhat Branch was held on 13/10/2018 at the Conference Hall of GMTD office, Jorhat.
Com. Jugal Hazarika, Sr. AO presided the meeting. On behalf of Circle Body Com. Swarup Chakraborty, Circle Secretary attended the conference.
The meeting started with Devi vandana and a devotional song by Mrs. Arati Kakoti, OS of GMTD office. All the dignitaries including circle leaders were felicitated with traditional Gamosa.
Welcome address was given by Com. Prafulla Sadanidar, District Secretary of the host branch after which he has placed the District Secretary's report which was adopted unanimously. Since the Finance Secretary has retired long back the Finance Secretary's audited report also placed by Com. Prafulla Sadanidar and after some discussion it was approved by the house.
Com. Swarup Chakraborty in his address elaborated about the status of 3rd PRC and E2-E3 and subsequent pay scale of JTO/SDE. Efforts of AIBSNLEA for getting promotion orders of more than 12000 executives and we are on the move to complete all CPCs before the implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy with the dynamic leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai, GS. CS explained the status of key HR issues and appealed to all members to be united and take active part in all agitational programmes as called by AUAB for resolution of our demand from 29.10.2018 onwards.
Com. Dipen Baruah has given vote of thanks. Thereafter a strong and energetic body was elected unanimously with Com. Prabhat Chandra Dutta, SDE (C) as President, Com. Dipen Baruah, AO (Claims) as District Secretary and Com. Dipkiran Saikia as Finance Secretary for the next term. (Claims) as District Secretary and Com. Dipkiran Saikia as Finance Secretary for the next term.
Meeting of AUAB : Today All Unions and Associations of BSNL hold its meeting at NFTE CHQ Office at New Delhi. On behalf of AIBSNLEA GS & President attended the meeting. Com. C.Singh, GS, NFTE presided the meeting. AUAB expressed its serious concern against the non-implementation of the assurances/directions given by the Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) in the meeting with AUAB held on 24.2.2018. Also expressed dissatisfaction against the poor response of the BSNL Management in this regard. After detail discussions AUAB unanimously decided to serve the Notice of Trade Union Action Programmes as under:
i) Press release/Press Conference at CHQ/Circle/SSA levels on 29.10.2018 high lighting the demands.
ii) One full day Dharna at BSNL CO/Circle/SSA levels on 30.10.2018.
iii) Rallies at Circle and SSA levels and submission of Memorandum to the respective CGMs/GMs on 14.11.2018.
iv) To intensify the Agitational Programme in terms of Indefinite Strike will be decided after 30.11.2018 in case the AUAB demands are not settled.
v) AUAB decided to issue protest letters to CMD regarding
a) Outsourcing of Passive Infra Maintenance of Non BSNL Sites amounting Rs.1800 Crores per Annum and
b) Repatriation of excess ITS Officers against the Sanctioned Strength to DOT as per the Hon'ble High Court Delhi Judgement of in diminishing order.
All the Unions and Associations of BSNL will be requested by AUAB Leaders to come together and fight collectively on the common demands. The demands are as under:
1) 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment
2) Pension Revision
3) Pension Contribution on Actual Basic Pay instead of Maximum Pay.
4) Immediate Allocation of 4G Spectrum to BSNL.
All the District Secretaries are requested to implement and make the Agitational Programme successfully.
A very Happy & Prosperous
‘BSNL Foundation Day’
Group Term Insurance Committee Meeting: AIBSNLEA was invited for the Group Term Insurance Committee Meeting held at Corporate Office, BSNL, New Delhi at 12.30 hrs today. GS, President & AGS (DR) attended the meeting. GTI Committee meeting was conducted under the Chairmanship of SR.GM (Estt). Officer In charge from LIC attended the meeting and quoted the rates as detailed below.
Scheme (A) Executives below Age Group: 50 years
- Rs.1.80/Rs.1000 + GST 18% for Rs.50 Lakh without Medical claim.
Scheme (B) Executives Age Group: Above 50 years - Rs.7.40/Rs.1000 + GST 18% with Medical Claim.
After detail discussions and negotiation the Officer In charge of LIC agreed for the negotiated rates for Scheme (A) for Rs.1.60 and Scheme(B) Rs.6.75 subject to approval of the Competent Authority of LIC. But the Committee Members bargain for Rs.1.50 for Scheme (A) and Rs.6.50 for Scheme (B)
Salient Features of Scheme (A):
1) Maximum Limit of Coverage: Rs.50 Lakh
2) No Undertaking is mandatory for the Executives
3) This GTI Scheme will be optional only.
4) Reviewed after 1 Year.
5) Sovereign guarantee under Section 37 of LIC act for Bulk claim.
6) Annual Payment no additional charge. For Quarterly Payment additional 2% will be charged. For Monthly Payment additional 4% will be charged.
7) Claim will be payable to Nominee by On Line after 1 Week from the completion of the formalities.
8) Claim form will be simple (1 page)
9) No Medical Claim Facility.
Committee will try to finalize it by tomorrow so that the Scheme may be announced by 1st October 2019.
The Supreme Court Wednesday said its 2006 decision in the M Nagaraj case on the reservation for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in job promotions does not require reconsideration by a larger bench. However, the apex court reversed the finding in Nagaraj judgment that stated states required to collect quantifiable data to prove backwardness, saying it was contrary to the decision in Indira Sawhney case.
The apex court also turned down the Centre’s plea that overall population of SC/ST be considered for granting quota for them. “States need not collect quantifiable data on the backwardness of SC/ST for giving quota in job promotion to SC/ST employees,” the five-judge bench, headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra, said.
The bench of the apex court, also comprising Justices Kurian Joseph, R F Nariman, S K Kaul, and Indu Malhotra, in August reserved its verdict on petitions seeking a seven-bench examination of its judgment in the M Nagaraj case that had put conditions for granting quota benefits for job promotions to SC/ST (Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe) employees working in the public sector.
In the Nagaraj verdict, the Supreme Court had held that the state was not bound to provide reservation in promotions to SCs/STs. But in case any state wished to make such a provision, it was required to collect quantifiable data showing backwardness of the class as well as its inadequate representation in public employment, the SC had said.
Additionally, the state was also required to ensure that the reservation does not breach the 50 per cent ceiling. The ruling also said that the ‘creamy layer’ concept cannot be applied to SCs and STs for promotions in government jobs.
The Centre and various state governments had sought reconsideration of the 12-year-old verdict on various grounds, including that the members of the SC/ST communities were presumed to be backward and considering the stigma attached to their caste, they should be given reservation even in job promotions.
Attorney General K K Venugopal, appearing for the Centre, had sought reconsideration of the Nagaraj judgment, saying it was not implementable. He had cited instances of Dalits grooms not being allowed to ride horses and untouchability to make his point.
Senior advocate Rakesh Dwivedi, opposing any review of the Nagaraj verdict, said the situation had changed from the time the Constitution was framed. The social stigma, he said, had disappeared to a large extent. To make his point, he said Dalits had become President and Chief Justice in the country.
Before reserving its verdict, the Supreme Court underlined the need for “quantifiable data” to determine the backwardness of SC and ST for the purpose of providing reservation in promotions to members of these communities. “Quantifiable data, in our view, as a basis is unavoidable,” Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra said. The CJI noted that no state had prepared the “quantifiable data” despite such a direction in the Nagaraj case.
AUAB Call On 'BSNL at Customer's Door Step' was inaugurated on 24.09.2018 by BSNL Brand Ambassador Ms. Mary Kom - an Indian Olympic boxer in BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi in the presence of CMD BSNL, Director(HR), All Head of Circles & the representatives of AUAB.
From AIBSNLEA side GS, President, AGS(F) & AGS(DR) attended the function. As per the call given by AUAB & endorsed by BSNL Management, the programme has to be implemented sincerely by all the BSNL employees for the growth of BSNL & increase of revenue.
Writ Petition No.5758/2018 filed by AIBSNLEA and other Associations of BSNL against the formation of Independent Subsidiary Tower Company of BSNL and appointment of Shri Amit Yadav, JS (A) as CMD of the Independent Subsidiary Tower Company of BSNL is came up for hearing today in the Court No.5 of Hon'ble High Court Delhi and posted for next hearing on 31.01.2019
We are truly sorry to hear of the untimely death of our beloved Sri Rudra Paudel, DGM. May Lord blesses and comforts his family members in this time of grief!
3rd PRC in BSNL with 15% fitment benefit: It is learnt that internal finance of DoT sought some clarifications in BSNL's reply on the issues of financial condition of BSNL. Which will be further clarified within 2-3 days to the internal finance of DoT for consideration. it is also understood that further action for moving a Cabinet Note by DoT can take place only after the clearance of internal finance of DoT only.
Allotment of 4G Spectrum to BSNL: It was informed that some action by DoT being taken for allocation of 4G Spectrum to BSNL in accordance with the judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court.
Status of Court cases on AO to CAO, SDE to DE and DE to DGM: Today Hon'ble CAT has issued the written judgment on AO to CAO promotion wherein stay on promotion has been vacated with an interim order that promotions of AO to CAO can be made subject to outcome of OA. SEA cell BSNL CO today immediately filed CAVEAT in the Hon'ble High court Chandigarh. SEA Cell BSNL CO will issue AO to CAO promotion shortly.
SDE to DE contempt case : The contempt case has been listed for hearing 27.09.2018 for which rejoinder is being filed by BSNL CO shortly .
DE to DGM(Engg) stay on promotion: the case has been listed in the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh on 29.10.2018. With the efforts of AIBSNLEA, Director (HR) has directed Pers Cell BSNL CO to file an MA for preponement of the hearing date Accordingly Pers. Cell BSNL CO will file MA based on AO to CAO stay vacation order in the Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh by tomorrow for preponement of hearing date and vacation of the stay order on promotions.
wishes all A HAPPY
Congratulations! AO to CAO Promotion stay is vacated by Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh today. AIBSNLEA persistent efforts yielded result. On request of AIBSNLEA, Director(HR), BSNL Board directed GM(FP) & DGM(SEA) BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi to attend the court in person. Accordingly, GM(FP) & DGM(SEA) met BSNL's Advocate yesterday and briefed the MA filed by BSNL for getting stay order vacated.
AIBSNLEA will continue its efforts for getting CPC expedited from AO to CAO.
Status of 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL: GS, President, AGS(DR) met the concerned authorities in DoT and discussed regarding implementation of 3rd PRD in BSNL. It is learnt that the BSNL's Board proposal is still pending in the Internal Finance of DoT for clearance. It is expected that proposal may be cleared by Member(Finance) DoT in the next week after her joining from leave. However, the nodal section of DoT has already prepared the Cabinet Note in this regard. After the clearance of Internal Finance wing & approval of the Hon'ble MOSC(I/C), it will be sent to Nodal Ministries for comments i.e. DoP&W, DPE, DOE, Law Ministry & DoP&T. It is also learnt that the comments of all these ministries are ready available in DoT on the earlier references made by DoT. Now, the whole matter depends on the approval of Internal Finance of DoT.
Allocation of 4G Spectrum to BSNL: It is understood that Cabinet Note of the allotment of 4G Spectrum to BSNL is ready in DoT and will be send to union Cabinet for approval shortly.
NO DOCUMENT WITH DOT AND DOP&PW WHICH CAN PROVE DOP&PW MEMO DATED 04-08-2016(PENSION REVISION) IS FOR CDA PENSIONERS ONLY: Both DoT and DOP&PW could not supply any note sheet/ order / document which can establish their claim that the pension revision memo F. No. 38/37/2016-P&PW(A)(ii) dated 04-08-2016 is only for those absorbee pensioners who retired from CDA scale and drawing pro-rata pension in reply to RTI applications made by Com. Amit Kumar Gupta, AGS, AIRBSNLEWA.
DoT in its reply said that " it is self evident based upon the background material refereed therein" <<view the reply>>
And DOP&PW in its reply said "Obviously , these orders are not applicable to those pensioners who are drawing pension in the IDA pay scale" <<view the reply>>
Meeting on the Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives :GM( Restg) convened a meeting of the committee, BSNL Executive associations AIBSNLEA, SNEA and AIGETOA with SBI Life representatives for Group Term Insurance for BSNL Executives. GS , AGS(Fin) and AGS(DR) attended the meeting . SBI life representative told that they have provided most competitive rate for Rs 50 lakh cover @ Rs 1.42 per Rs. 1000 cover for executive of age band 18- 50 year . This rate will be applicable for executive upto age less than 51 years without any medical test. For executives above 50 years rate is Rs 6.98 per Rs1000 cover with medical test .
SBI life rate are applicable for 2 years which may be reviewed +/_10% change in base rate.
Association side expressed that we are expecting for more lucrative offer and asked for consideration of monthly and quarterly payment option.
SBI life submitted that rates offered are most competitive, payment options they will further discuss with their management.
It was decided that negotiations will be hold in the next meeting by next week and in that meeting the Scheme will be finalised. Committee suggested launches the scheme on 1st October 2018 on the "BSNL Day".
The 3rd Central Working Committee Meeting of AIBSNLEA held at 'Dev Bhoomi' Dehradun, Uttaranchal on 18thAugust, 2018 and 19th August, 2018. The Flag Hosting was done by the Com. President and the General Secretary. After the flag Hosting, Com. President in his opening remarks told about the achievement of the AIBSNLEA for the promotion of more than 12000 Executives in last one month span. He requested all to use their positive gesture in enhancing the membership of the AIBSNLEA. He requested all to go through the agenda and involve themselves for the positive participation in the CWC deliberations till end for getting the fruitful results. Com. President mentioned that due to the historical achievements, the believe of executives on AIBSNLEA has increased.
Com. Brij Mohan Dhyani, CS Uttaranchal and Host of the CWC Meet, delivered the welcome address. In his address Com. Dhyani welcomed all guests coming to Dev Bhoomi- Dehradun, from all nook and corners of the country. He told that although the UTTARANCHAL is small Circle but he has tried his level best to make the CWC a comfortable one. CP Uttaranchal Com. L.K. Thapaliyal Ji welcomed the President CHQ by garlanding. CWC Uttaranchal Bisit Ji welcomed the GS AIBSNLEA by garlanding. All CHQ office bearers, Advisors and consultants were warm welcomed by garlanding the Host Circle. Haldwani branch and CWC Uttaranchal Bisit ji presented shawl to GS. All CWC participants were welcomed by presenting Uttaranchal traditional CAP.
After the welcome program Com President appealed all to go through the agenda and tell about the modification. CWC approved the agenda program. One minute silence was observed in the memory of departed comrades.
Self introduction was made by all the comrades on the appeal of President CHQ. All the CWC participants made their self introduction.
After the self introduction the CWC Dehradun confirmed the minutes of the CWC Thiruvanatpuram. CWC Dehradun unanimously confirmed the minutes.
Com. President appealed all the Circle Secretaries to deposit the legal and Diary payments.
Com. Ganeshan from Chennai donated Rs 15000 to CHQ.
Most of the Circles actively participated and placed their report in the CWC Meet at Dehradun expect A&N Circle, ALTTC GZB Circle and J&K Circle due to unavoidable reasons.
After completion of the Circle Secretary reports, Com. President requested Com. GS to Summed up.
Com. GS Summed up with the reply of the queries raised by all the Circle Secretaries.
On the issue of the DGM to Jt. GM promotion, Com. GS informed that we are perusing the case. Com. GS told that after the persuasions of AIBSNLEA only the promotions of JTO to SDE LDCE quota (about 2000) has issued. In SCF 3000 JTOs of 1999 batch have promoted. DRs were not been taken into consideration by the intervention of SCF by the SNEA. We demanded to promote list No. 8 and 9 and Management agreed on list no. 8 but SNEA raised the issue to bring parity among the cadres in promotions, which has derailed the process. Earlier SNEA was impressing the management to implement the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy w.e.f. 31st July, 2018 but when they get failed in getting its implementation then to stop the promotions through CPCs they demanded parity. The fact remains that there was never parity among the various cadres in promotions due to various reasons even that prevailed in DoT. Management got disappointment due to such attitude of the Majority Association and stop the promotion through CPCs. AIBSNLEA continued to pursue with CMD BSNL , Director(HR) , GM(Pers.) for issuing the promotions through CPCs in all disciplines and to maintain equalization in the cadres as far as possible. AIBSNLEA also extended its sincere gratitude and thanks to the managements for issuing 12,000 executives promotions within a month time, which has became a history. AIBSNLEA is also demanded implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy but before its implementation all the existing eligible executives should be promoted to the next grade as per the existing RRs. We also briefed the management that in case CPSU CH is implanted without conducting CPCs there will be court cases and in case the stay order is granted then BSNL Management will not be in a position to issue any promotion order through CPCs or CPSU CH. BSNL Management has appreciated our concern and assured to examine our apprehensions and for an early action in this regard.
AIBSNLEA efforts will continue to ensure holding of CPCs for the promotion for all the eligible executives before implementation of CPCU CH to provide their service waitage and financial benefits.
Com. GS told that AIBSNLEA played a big role in vacating the stay on JAO to AO promotion and 2300 promotions took place. In AO to CAO Court case BSNL Management filed the MA on our persuasion only. Stay order date on catch up Rule of DE to DGM hearing is 05.09.2018. DE to DGM contempt case date of hearing is 07.09.2018. AIBSNLEA impledment in AO to CAO case will derail the process. GS informed that we will pursue the matter of GM (TR) in AP Circle. GS assured to take up the issue of posting new staff at BRBRAITT.
Regarding one day salary to Kerala calamity, Com. GS informed that we will support the donation of one day salary to Kerala Calamity. GS explained that the meeting at Jaipur was extremely necessary due to MV and was held by the approval of President and CHQ Office Bearers at ND. GS explained that the meeting at Delhi was also necessary for the issuance of the promotions before 30.06.2018. So it was not the wasteful expenditure at that time. To have second line leadership, Com. GS explained that AIBSNLEA have five Asstt. General Secretaries along with 15 CHQ Office Bearers who are leading the organization and they are available to serve the association as second line leadership if required.
Regarding the legal fund Com. GS told that now the subscription is directly coming to CHQ so that we have funds but there are so many legal cases AIBSNLEA is fighting. Now Rule 206 has been misinterpreted by the BSNL CO. Thus seprate legal fund is must.
GS assured to take up the matter of Hungama Service with Management. GS assured to takeup the matter of delayed GPF payment in HP Circle. GS informed that 28.08.2018 Board Meeting the AD (OL) case will be taken up. Com. GS assured that on E-2 & E-3 payscales revised proposal has been again sent to DPE and we will discuss the case with Secy (T). GS assured that soon our DRs will get the benefits of 7% SAB. GS assured to pursue the matter of Rs. 22820 pay with CMD BSNL. GS assured to take up the Android mobile phone matter with Mgmt. For GTI GS told that we are perusing the case. We will discuss the Death Relief Fund with the Management.
GS assured that we will discuss the case of Special CL but the Majority Association is mounting the pressure on the Management not to deviate REA Rule-2014. GS assured that we will discuss the case of special recruitment drive. GS asked Com. Sukaisema to send the letter of CGM NE-II for tenure problem.
GS explained that Account must be audited from Jan to Dec. GS explained that this monitoring system is very good for financial excellence.
GS informed that shortly a software is being launched for transparency in the IQ booking system.
GS advised all the Circle Secretaries to start the Circle Websites of AIBSNLEA, it is needed in the competitive environment .
Going through the General Secretary Report
Point 2.6 Com GS informed that For Diary 2019 the orders have been placed and diary will be dispatched to the Circles by the begging of Dec., 2018 with improved quality.
2.9 Venue of AIC- President and GS asked the voluntariness for the next AIC. Four Circles came with the proposals.
>>>MP Circle
>>>Haryana, Punjab and HP Circle combindly
>>>Tamilnadu Circle
>>>AP and Telangana Circle
AP and Telangana Circle informed that they can hold the conference in the Vijaywada but the financial constraint will be there, which cannot be assumed at this juncture. On this situation the various Circles assured financial help to the host Circle for making 6th AIC a grand success.
GS informed that tentatively next AIC will be in the month of Jan.- Feb. 2019 either in Vijayawada or Hyderabad.
Welfare Scheme- GS told that the scheme is to be implemented as per the committee report with a unique number (May be HR number) to every member.
Open Session brief has already been uploaded on CHQ Website.
Going through the General Secretary Report enumerating the following issues:- <<<Click here for GS Report>>>
Membership, Contribution towards legal fund, Central Office Bearers, Advisors, Consultants and Circle Secretaries meeting of AIBSNLEA CHQ at Jaipur and New Delhi, Regular election of Branch/Circle Body of AIBSNLEA, Journal/Circular/Websites, Publication of BSNL Executives' Diary – 2019, Welfare Scheme , Venue of 6th AIC, Organizational Tours of GS and other CHQ Office Bearers, CPCs to fill up the vacant JAG, STS Group 'A' & Group 'B' Grade posts in BSNL on adhoc / Regular basis, Implementation of Executives Promotion Policy in BSNL: Implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy - Change of designations on each Time Bound up-gradation on functional basis, Date of effect of Implementation of revised IDA Pay Scales for the Executives w.e.f. 1.10.2000, Amendment in BSNL MSRRs allowing Diploma holders to the promotion of EE, Left out issues of 2nd PRC – Implementation of E-2, E-3 standard IDA Pay scales to JTO and SDE equivalent executives in BSNL, Rs. 22820/- Pay Fixation case of JTOs/JAOs post recruited 2007, 30% Superannuation benefits to directly recruited employees as per DPE guidelines, Serious anomalies in the TES Gr. 'B' officers' seniority lists, Management Trainees Recruitment Rule-2009, DGM Recruitment, Modification in BSNL MSRR regarding Pay fixation from E5 to E6 to DGM (Adhoc), Grievances of PA/ Stenographers' cadre : Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre, Regularization of offg. JTOs, E1+5 Increments benefit to JTO (SRD), JAOs 2013 batch and PAs, Special drive for recruitment of JTO's/ JAO's for tenure circles, Withdrawal of Additional Increment in the same scale on functional promotion under EPP, Pay FR-22(1)a(i) Pay Fixation Case of Offg. JTOs, Group Term Insurance (GTI), Issues related to 3rd PRC: Implementation of 3rd PRC report with 15% Fitment benefit for BSNL executives, Payment of pension contribution on the IDA pay scales, Revision of Pension of BSNL Pensioners, BSNL MRS Scheme, All India BSNL Welfare Board & Sports Control Board meetings, Improvement in the revised policy for service GSM, RSTC & Broadband to Executives, Inordinate delay in settlement of disciplinary cases.
Other Organizational Activities- Establishment of Association office and permanent assets, Office Accommodation in BSNL Corporate Office, Winding-up of all constituent Associations, Organizational Action programs, Functioning of United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations:- Post Membership verification of the Executives Associations scenario in BSNL, Objection raised by SNEA against the office bearers of AIBSNLEA who have retired, Functioning of All Unions and Associations (AUAB), Creation of Tower Subsidiary, Merger of BSNL & MTNL.
All the other CHQ Office Bearers AGSs/OSs/Advisors and Consultants placed their report.
Com. Alkendra Singh, Advisor in his address congratulated the GS AIBSNLEA for the untiring efforts for the mega promotions. He requested the Dias to take the matter of left out cases for the C/E wings. He also requested for the AO to CAO DPC and clear the bottleneck. He stressed for the energy conservation and energy saving for the BSNL. He requested to fill the SE level posts for the C/E/Arch wings.
Com. Narendra Advisor:- He appreciated the efforts of the GS and CHQ team for the efforts done for the mega promotions. He requested all to explore the possibilities to finish the pending DPCs. He mentioned that we should take the initiative to find out the possibilities to clear the court case.
Com. Guruprasad, Advisor in his address endorsed the view of Com. Narendra and suggested that the stay is not vacated. AOs drawing CAO scale may be designated as CAO.
Com. President explained the efforts made by GS AIBSNLEA for expediting the CPCs. He told that AO to CAO DPC cannot be compared with SDE to DE CPC. Com. President told about the factual position in the AO to CAO DPC. 7800 vacancies are available in SDE cadre as on date.
Com. GS explained about the status of the standard pay scale, 22820 pay scales to post 2007 and 2008 batch. The matter is pending with Director(HR) for consideration.
Com. Karan Singh, Advisor explained in detail the 206 case and requested to implement the decision of the court in the matter of 206 case.
GS AIBSNLEA described the procedure for relaxing the affordability clause. AUAB is supporting us in this mission. We have to peruse it in DoT beurocracy. The fact remains that other then AIBSNLEA no Union or Association is perusing it in DoT.
Inordinate Delay in settlement of Disciplinary cases- GS AIBSNLEA told that now the pendency is reduced. He asked for the details of such cases.
GS told that the Office accommodation of BSNL CO was started by the efforts of AIBSNLEA. We have requested the Management to provide the same facilty to Circle also. GS appealed all Circle Secretary to peruse with the respective CGM.
GS told that the winding up of assets of all Associations is pending. GS told that we should discuss the possibility of our own accommodation. CWC suggested not to have associations accommodation in view of the previous bitter experience in this regard.
Com. GS deliberated about the scenario after the Membership Verification and requested all the Circle / District Secretaries to concentrate for enrolling more members in our association by explaining the efforts of AIBSNLEA in getting 12000 executives promotions.
GS described that initially the apprehension that the creation of tower subsidy will reduce the asset of the BSNL and it will fragment BSNL. So AUAB protested it. Only BSNL Board can decide the CMD of subsidiary company but DoT arbitrarily appointed an IAS officer as CMD of the subsidiary company. This created the panic. We protested against that. CMD BSNL also wrote to DoT about the difficulty to rectification of this appointment process due to strong protest of BSNL's Unions & associations. GS described in detail the status of the subsidiary tower company matter.
GS concluded the General Secretary Report and it was approved by the house.
Com. T C Jain FS presented the audited account, which was adopted by the House with few suggestions.
CWC unanimously decided the continuation of CHQ Office bearers in the present CHQ body even after their retirement till the next All India Conference as per the provisions of the constitution of AIBSNLEA.
A resolution was moved by Chennai Telephone Circle in appreciation of the host Circle for making best boarding and lodging arrangements to the CWC Members for their comfortable stay which was seconded by Kolkata TD Circle/West Bengal Telecom Circle, which was unanimously approved by the House. At last Com. GS & President extended their sincere gratitude and thanks to the Host Circle Uttrakhand and all the participants for making CWC Dehradun a grand success and call upon to meet next AIC at VijayaWada. Com. Rajpal AGS(Fin.) extended vote of thanks.
Com. CHQ President declared CWC Meet Dehradun closed with thundering of slogans AIBSNLEA Zindabad…AIBSNLEA Unity Zindabad…..BSNL Zindabad…CWC Meet Dehradun Zindabad- Sine die.
6th All India Conference of AIBSNLEA: AIBSNLEA Central Working Committee (CWC) Meeting held at Dehradun on 18th & 19th August, 2018 has decided to hold its 6th AIC shortly. Necessary notification regarding venue & time will be issued. In this regard all District Secretaries are requested to hold their District Conferences, if due, before the 6th AIC under intimation to CHQ.
BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued order regarding Transfers and postings /cancellation in the grade of AO/Sr.AO-<<<Click here for order>>>>
BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued Clarification on Compassionate Ground Appointments - reg.<<<<Click here for order>>>
GS and President met CMD, BSNL and requested for his kind consideration of the promotion of all the eligible executives of all disciplines before notification of CPSU CH. We further explained that our 12,000 executives recently promoted through CPCs are extremely happy as many of them got an additional increment on promotion which was not available on promotions through CPSU CH and give all appreciations to CMD BSNL, Director (HR), GM (Pers) and his team for issuing mass promotion orders with in a month’s time. We also apprised him that before promoting all the eligible executives through CPC process, if the CPSU CH is notified and some one brings stay order against its implementation in that case Management will not be in a position to promote the executives through CPCs or CPSU CH since after the notification of CPSU cH SDE / DE & equivalent posts and their RRs will be scrapped. CMD appreciated our concern and assured to look into the matter.
Our GS requested CMD BSNL to attend the open session of CWC meet of AIBSNLEA as Chief Guest at Dehradun on 18.08.2018. CMD assured to explore the possibilities.
Hon’ble Supreme Court dismissed the SLP filed by BSNL Corporate Office against the Hon’ble High Court Kerala judgment regarding FR-22(1)a(i) Pay fixation case of Offg. JTOs of Kerala Circle. AIBSNLEA had already requested BSNL Management for implementation of Hon’ble Kerala High Court judgment but on the basis of legal opinion BSNL filed the SLP in the Hon’ble Supreme Court. We congratulate our JTO members for their victory.
BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued Clarification on Joining / relieving of officers on promotion to AGM(T) as asked by some circles w.r.t Para 9(a) of promotion order issued<<<Click here for clarification>>>
Dear Comrades,
A copy of declaration form of AIBSNLEA for monthly deduction from salary is posted in Gallery. If required may be downloaded or can be printed directly. This for your kind information please.
Status update on AO to CAO promotion case in Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh:
CS Haryana and CWC Member, AIBSNLEA Haryana Circle met Sr. Advocate at Chandigarh as per the directions given by CHQ for impleadment of AIBSNLEA and early favourable decision. After the discussions with Sr. Advocate, he advised to wait for 3rd August hearing in the Hon’ble Supreme Court Constitution Bench on the promotions of SC/ST which may deliver the judgment in 10-15 days after the hearing. Further, he mentioned that the contempt case filed by Shri Ramesh Kumar against the SDE to DE promotions is also coming for hearing on 13.08.2018 and as per the judgment of this case the same may be submitted to the Hon’ble CAT in AO to CAO promotion case also on the day of hearing i.e. on 07.09.2018. He further advised that impleadment at this stage may delay the court proceedings.
In view of this AIBSNLEA will prefer to see the outcome of Hon’ble Supreme Court hearing on 03.08.2018 and contempt case hearing on 13.08.2018
In a written reply to an RTI made by Com. Amit Kumar Gupta, BSNL consultant, DOP&PW informed that Pension revision of the permanent absorbees to BSNL/MTNL will be taken up as and when 3rd PRC is implemented in BSNL/MTNL.
AIBSNLEA members throughout Assam Circle very actively participated on the THIRD day of 3 days Relay hunger strike. Com. CS, ACS, CWC member along with DS, Guwahati and all members of AIBSNLEA stationed at Guwahati, attended and addressed the Relay hunger strike organized by AUAB at Circle Office, Guwahati. The 3-days Relay Hunger Strike ended with slogans.
We thanks all the members of AIBSNLEA for their active participation and making the programme successful.
As per call of AIBSNLEA CHQ Relay hunger strike is going on in Assam Circle with active participation of all members. All District secretaries also arranged and participated in relay hunger strike in their respective SSAs.
Glimpses of participation are uploaded in Photo Gallery.
Relay hunger strike by AUAB on 24th, 25th & 26th July, 2018:
a) 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL employees.
b) Implementation of Government Rules in payment of Pension Contribution by BSNL.
c) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL as per the proposal made by the BSNL Management.
d) Pension revision for the BSNL pensioners.
All the District Secretaries of AIBSNLEA are requested to implement the above agitation Programme in true spirit in co-ordination with the affiliate Unions and Associations under AUAB.
Today CGM Assam Circle in the presence of CGM(BBNW), CO, New Delhi rolled out the new BSNL "Wings Services" in Assam Circle along with other promotional BB plans. In this connection CS, AIBSNLEA Com. Swarup Chakraborty was also invited along with other Circle Secretaries of Unions and Associations to exchange their views and popularise the new services among BSNL employees and public. Our CS, Com. Chakraborty on behalf of AIBSNLEA assured the management to extend full support in this new endeavor.
All the members of AIBSNLEA are requested to take active part and extend full support in implementation of "Wings Service" and new promotional BB plans.
SC/ST promotion: Bench to consider reservation on Aug 3, 2018:
The SC bench refused to pass any interim order even as Attorny General K K Venugopal contended that confusion was created due to multiple orders and reservation in promotion in various departments, including Railways was stuck. on Wednesday Supreme Court fixed August 3, 2018 as the date for constitution bench to determine if, to reconsider the 2006 M Nagaraj judgement.
The contempt petition and the prayer for stay on SDE to DE promotions come up for hearing today in the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh. BSNL counsel explained to the court about the Hon’ble Supreme Court Interim Order and DOPT guidelines which allowed reservation in promotions and how BSNL has given promotions based on these orders. After arguments, Hon’ble CAT declined to grant stay on the promotions and permission granted to BSNL to file a detailed affidavit on the Contempt Petition. The case is now posted to August, 2018. Jt GM (Pers) from BSNL Corporate Office was present in the Hon’ble CAT.
All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB) demonstrating in front of the CCA office at Assam Circle on 11.07.2018 demanding the implementation of the assurances given by the Hon MOSC to the representatives of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, in the meeting held on 24.02.2018, on the issues of implementation of 3rd Pay Revision to BSNL employees, implementation of Government of India Rules on payment of Pension Contribution by BSNL, the allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL and Pension revision to BSNL Pensioners.
Good news awaiting for JTO (Arch), those who have been waiting for their first promotion for last 21-22 years. CGM (Arch) after detailed discussions with our GS and AGS (HQ) assured to process the case of 74 vacant JTO posts for up-gradation at the earliest.
AIBSNLEA is continuing its efforts for holding of CPCs to get promoted all eligible executives of various disciplines by up-gradation of posts. In continuation to this 1200 CAO posts and 248 EE (Electrical) posts for up gradation, files are pending for approval by the competent authority. We are pursuing the matter vigorously. Similarly we are also trying to get promoted SDEs from the List no. 8 as about 2800 DE through up-gradation, about 8000 JTOs are going to be promoted against SDE’s vacant posts and up-graded posts and 200 EE (civil) through up-gradation. In Arch, TF streams requisite numbers of posts are to be up-graded to bring parity with other cadres.
To examine the SC/ST roaster implementation in CPSU cadre hierarchy, a committee has been formed under the chairmanship of CGM (Legal), BSNL Corporate Office. Thereafter only, the CPSU CH may come into existence. AIBSNLEA is committed for promotions in all the cadres without discrimination through CPCs before implementation of CPSU CH.
BSNl Corporate Office asks details of JTOs appointed / promoted up to JTO Recruitment Year 2008 including the VC and Screening Committee report containing ACR/APAR details for considering these JTOs for promotions against the vacancy year 2011-12 onwards.
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly bestow their personal attention and arrange to submit the desired information to Circle Office at the earliest.
Congratulations !!! 773 nos. SDE (T) to AGM (T) promotion orders issued [Left out]:
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Regular Promotion and postings of the Executive in the grade of AGM/DE of Telecom Operation Stream in the IDA scale of pay of Rs. 29100-54500/=[Left Out] ...........
<<Click here for order>>> <<<<Annexure-I>>>> <<<Annexure_I_1>>>> <<<<Annexure-II>>>
AIBSNLEA is extremely thankful to CMD, BSNL, Direrctor(HR), CGM(Legal), GM(Pers.), GM(Estt.), GM(SR), Jt. GM(Pers.), DGM(Legal), OSD to Director(HR) and the concerned officers of Pers. Cell, who involved in the process of CPCs and completed successfully by their Hard Work within the assigned dead line.
GS, President, AGS (Finance), AGS(HQ), AGS (DR) met CMD BSNL and extend him sincere gratitude and thanks for issuing about 12000 Executives promotion orders within one month by approving CPCs. AIBSNLEA also requested to continue the process till the time all the eligible Executives are promoted to higher posts through CPC before implementation of the CPSU cadre hierarchy. CMD assured to look into the matter.
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding Transfers and Postings in the grade of Sub Divisional Engineers (Electrical) <<<<Click Here for orders>>>>>
JTO(E) to SDE(E) promotion orders issued under Selection cum Seniority quota:
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Promotion and Posting to the grade of Sub Divisional Engineer (Electrical) under Selection cum Seniority quota...<<<<Click Here for orders>>>>>
Congratulations !!! JTO(C) to SDE(C) & SDE(C) to EE(C)/AGM promotion orders issued:
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Regular Promotion in the grade of SDE(C) under Seniority cum Fitness Stream <<<Click here for order>>>>
Click Here for SDE(C) to EE(C)/AGM orders=>>><<<Part1>>> <<<Part2>>>
AIBSNLEA Vision and Positive approach benefited thousands of Executives by promotion through CPCs: AIBSNLEA since beginning was trying to get filled up all the vacant Group-‘B' and Group-‘A' (STS) equivalent posts and simultaneously persuaded for the implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy since Feb-2011. AIBSNLEA was demanding CPSU Cadre Hierarchy implementation in the form of “Non Post Based time bound functional promotions upto the level of SG-JAG level and post based promotions after SAG level and above. Accordingly a Joint Committee headed by the then PGM(FP) Sh. S.R. Kapoor was constituted wherein AIBSNLEA, SNEA & AIGETOA were the participants but the Committee could not reach the unanimity and Mr. S.R. Kapoor retired. Then Sh. N.K. Narang, the then PGM(SR) headed the Committee but this Committee also failed to submitted the report. Thereafter, our CMD BSNL Sh. Anupam Shrivastava ji intervene in the matter and a new Committee headed by the then ED(NB) Sh. M.A. Khan was constituted having the GM(Estt.), GM(EF), Jt. GM(Pers.) official side members and Association side AIBSNLEA, SNEA and AIGETOA as the members.
This Committee after number of marathon meetings submitted the report in Sept-2016 but the report was not liked by the then PGM(Pers.) and he kept it pending. Again we took up the matter with CMD/Director(HR) BSNL and after their intervention PGM(Pers.) redrafted the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy in discussion with so called majority Associations and gave presentation to CMD/Director(HR) BSNL wherein he limited the functional promotions upto Sr. SDE level only, the bench marks were made stringent and Jt. DGM designation to E-5 grade to AGMs was not considered. AIBSNLEA immediately protested against such dilution of Khan Committee report and demanded immediately to take the views of AIBSNLEA also as 2nd majority Association. Management Committee of BSNL Board immediately directed PGM(Pers.) to take the views of AIBSNLEA also after discussions PGM(Pers.) hold discussions with AIBSNLEA and incorporated some suggestions viz. functional promotion upto AGM Level, Jt. DGM designation in E-5 scale and numerical benchmarks for promotion to avoid heavy droppings etc. The cutoff date from last CPC or year of recruitment, eligibility SDE/AO to DE/CAO was not considered 7 years instead of 12 years and the cutoff date was decided 01.01.2017.
This revised CPSU Cadre Hierarchy proposal was considered by the Management Committee of BSNL Board but the BSNL Board approached the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy on prospective dated which created problem that seniors was not getting any benefit of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy rather were being put in loss. In view of this, AIBSNLEA impressed upon the management for the filling up of all the vacant Group-‘B' and Group-A' (STS) level posts immediately before the implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. AIBSNLEA concern was appreciated by the management and they started the process of CPCs immediately. In the first phase management Committee allowed Pers. Cell to conduct the CPCs in accordance with the promotions being made by other ministries. Meanwhile Hon'ble Supreme Court delivered the judgment on SC/ST roster implementation in promotions and accordingly BSNL Management immediately issued 1987JTO to SDE(T) LDCE quota promotions and 3000 JTO to SDE(T) SCF quota promotions.
AIBSNLEA continued its efforts to get conducted CPCs in all disciplines which resulted 2227 JAO to AO promotions, 3450 SDE(T) to DE Promotions, JTO(TF) to SDE(TF) and SDE(TF to AGM(TF) promotions, SDE(E) to EE(E) and JTO(C) to SDE(C) promotions. Now efforts are being made to get CPCs conducted from AO to CAO, JTO(T) to SDE(T) to fill up all the vacant posts. The promotion orders from JTO(E) to SDE(E) and SDE(C) to EE(C) are expected shortly.
All the above promotion orders have been issued and are being issued with the untiring and dedicated efforts of AIBSNLEA. Some vested interests tried to block the CPCs but failed. AIBSNLEA always demanded CPSU Cadre hierarchy on the basis of Khan Committee report to benefit the executives in true sense/sprit.
AIBSNLEA congratulated all the executives got promoted and now getting promoted. History has been created in BSNL.
AIBSNLEA is extremely thankful to CMD, BSNL, Direrctor(HR), Director(CM), Director(CFA/EB), CGM(Legal), GM(Pers.), GM(Estt.), Jt. GM(Pers.), GM(SR) and the concerned officers of Pers. Cell, who involved in the process of CPCs and completed successfully by their Hard Work within the assigned dead line.
A meeting of the Central Office Bearers, Advisors, Consultants, and Circle Secretaries was held on 28th and 29th June 2018 at Hotel Grand Southern, Karol Bag, New Delhi. Com. Shivakumar, President welcomed one and all.
Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary has submitted the report on the activities. He has briefed about the difficulties faced after the membership verification due to the anti-activities of the majority association in support with few of the officers in the corporate office.
Key points discussed in the meeting are –
1. GS also brief about the status of the Court Case at Allahabad High Court regarding the Recognition Rules.
2. To propagate the efforts and achievement of the AIBSNLEA, which will help in increasing its membership.
3. Wherever there are no branches, Circles will have to take action to form branches at all SSAs.
4. All the Circle those not conducted the Circle conference should conduct the Circle Conference before the ensuing CWC at Dehradun.
5. Before the CWC at Dehradun, all the Circle Secretaries will have to update the circle websites.
6. GS informed that the he will ensure that the CPSU CH is made applicable to PA PS Cadre and change of cadre controlling authority from Director (HR) to CGM will also be taken up along with pending cases of holding of CPCs of PA to PS promotion case of stenos drawing the pay scale of Executives under ACP scheme.
7. GS condemned the criticizing of consultants in whatsapp and requested not to repeat such activities by the leaders. It was decided that the Admin of the whatsapp group should issue instructions that, it is only for exchanging the information and not to be used for criticism.
8. Details of the Welfare scheme will have to be displayed in the CHQ website. Separate account will have to be opened for the welfare scheme.
9. AIBSNLEA will ensure true implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy after its notification.
10. It was decided to continue and lead the All Unions and Associations forum for the implementation of the 3 PRC for the largest interest of the executives and non-executives of BSNL keeping away difference of opinion with the GS SNEA.
11. The issue of co-ordination and forming united forum with the AIGETOA was discussed in detail. It was decided to keep the relation with all.
12. All of above, it was unanimously passed that Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary be continued as G.S. AIBSNLEA till the next AIC is held.
AIBSNLEA CHQ on 29.06.2018 during lunch hours arranged a farewell party to Shri R.K. Mittal, Director (CM), BSNL Board, who is retiring on superannuation on 30.06.2018.
Smt. Sujata Ray, Director (HR); Shri H C Pant, CGM (Legal); Shri Keshav Rao, GM (Pers); Shri Sourabh Tyagi, GM (Estt); Shri A M Gupta, GM (SR); Smt. Smita Choudhari, GM (FP); Shri Manish Kumar, Jt. GM (Pers); Shri V K Sinha, OSD to Director (HR) and Shri Surendra Kumar CLO have attended the party.
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded result in getting released promotion orders to the grade of EE (Electrical) on Regular basis with immediate effects. AIBSNLEA congratulates all the promote officers.
Congratulations !!! AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Regular Promotion and postings of the Executive from SDE to DE/AGM of Telecom Operation Stream in the IDA scale of pay of Rs. 29100-54500/-
AIBSNLEA is thankful to CMD BSNL, Director(HR), BSNL Board, GM(Pers.), OSD to Director(HR) and other officers in Pers. Section New Delhi, all the HR team of various Circles for the same.
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Promotion of JTOs (TF) to the grade of SDE (TF) in B.S.N.L. against 67% seniority-cum-fitness quota (Promotion quota) <<<Click here for list>>>
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded result in getting released Promotion & Posting Orders from JAO to AO ....<<Click here for order>>>
We are thankful to our GS, Prahlad Rai ji, President, Sivakumar ji & CHQ office bearers, CMD BSNL, Director(HR), BSNL Board, GM(Pers.), GM(FP), OSD to Director(HR) and other officers in Pers./SEA Section New Delhi, all the HR team of various Circles for the same.
DoT grants approval for up-gradation of pay scale of AD (OL) / Rajbhasha Adhikari from E1 to E2:
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded results in getting approved the proposal for up-gradation of pay scale of AD (OL) / Rajbhasha Adhikari from E1 to E2 to be effective from 01.10.2000 notionally. Actual benefit shall be effective from the date of issue of order in this regard by BSNL Corporate Office. We will pursue its endorsement from BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest.
SDE to DE promotions - Status update
It is learnt the Hon'ble Ernakulam CAT has not granted any stay on the SDE to DE promotions when the case was brought before the CAT and passed the directions that the promotion orders can be issued subject to outcome of final verdict.
SDE to DE promotions - A hurdle created by District Secretary of SNEA, Rohtak (Haryana):
It is really saddened to report that SNEA, the so called Majority Association, when the BSNL Management not accepted their demand of immediate notification of CPSU CH, they have taken the CAT Chandigarh route to stall the CPC proceedings for SDE to DE promotions.
Today, one of their Office Bearer Shri Ramesh Kumar alias Ramesh Kumar Nehra, District Secretary, SNEA, Rohtak (Haryana) has filed an OA in the CAT Bench Chandigarh and appeared in person and got directions that "The respondents are directed to make promotions from the post of SDE to AGM as per Hon'ble Apex Court judgment cited above, after following the catch up rule in terms of the above said judgment by complying with the mandate of M. Nagraj, subject to final out come of the OA".
The so applicant Shri Ramesh Kumar belongs the SDEs seniority List No. 8.
Status on JAO to AO Court Case in Hon’ble CAT Ernakulam:
OA against the promotion of JAO to AO came up for hearing today. Case posted for 29.06.2018 for filing reply. Court stated that how a screening committee was formed within a day and how the report was submitted by the committee. However no stay order issued.
JAO to AO promotion CPC has been expedited and the minutes have been submitted to the competent authority for approval. Promotion orders will be issued after the out come of the court case.
Misleading information on JAO to AO promotions spread out by SNEA:
It is very unfortunate to know the report that SNEA, the so called Majority Association, publishing sentimental and provocative news against AIBSNLEA to cover-up their false face. AIBSNLEA DS of Kottayam Branch has been called by some of his batch mates belonging to SNEA informed about their move to claim their promotion along with CPC covering JAOs up to 2013 and sought his joining also as he is a lone member of AIBSNLEA in that batch. Though this batch of JAOs belongs to JAO batch 2012, they have been trained in 2016. Being informed that all his batch mates are moving together for their claim, he was requested to join. Before signing, DS was reassured that the case is for considering their promotion alone.
From SNEA site only he could understand that his signature has been used for the stay purpose also along with other Non-AIBSNLEA Members. By understanding the trap move of another association Com. DS rushed today morning to Ernakulam and withdrawn his signature on today morning itself.
BSNL Corporate Office today issued instructions to the field unit citing that since AIBSNLEA has deferred its agitational programme, the instructions issued vide letter of even number dated 26.06.2018 under para 3& 4 may not be acted upon.
Deferment of Demonstration program on 27.06.2018 during Lunch Hours.
In view of the assurances given by the Director (HR) during its meeting with AIBSNLEA, SNEA, AIGETOA and SEWA to conduct maximum CPCs before notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy, it has been decided to defer the Lunch Hour Demonstration at all Circle/SSA HQs and BSNL Corporate Office on 27.06.2018. Director (HR) has assured to withdraw / modify the SR Cell letter baring grant of leave to AIBSNLEA Office Bearers for attending the CHQ Office Bearers, Advisors, Consultants and Circle Secretaries meeting at New Delhi on 28th and 29th June 2018. Necessary orders will be issued tomorrow.
1. The Chairman & Managing Director, BSNL regarding:
(a) Our request to hold ongoing CPCs before notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy.
<<Click here for the letter >>>
(b) Notice for holding of Demonstration on 27.6.2018 for drawing attention of Management to hold CPCs before notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy.
Filling-up of all the vacant Group "B" and Group "A" level posts through CPCs in various disciplines before implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy - GS writes to CMD BSNL :
GS today has written a letter to CMD BSNL requesting him to intervene in the matter and direct Pers. Cell BSNL Corporate Office to hold the CPCs in all the disciplines to fill-up all vacant Group "B" and Group "A" level posts in various disciplines before notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy
BSNL Corporate Office EW Wing has issued promotion orders to the grade of EE (Civil)/AGM or equivalent on regular basis notionally with effect from the date mentioned against their name and actually from the date of assuming charge by them.
JAO to AO Court Case / CPC status update:
Today, the matter related to the seniority issue for JAO to AO promotions was came up for hearing in the Hon'ble CAT Bench Bangalore. Hon'ble CAT after some hearings ordered that "without prejudice to any of the contentions of both the parties, this interim order is vacated at the request of both the parties. Post on 25.07.2018."
Thus vacation of the stay order has paved the way for conduction of the CPC from JAO to AO. We are thankful to the applicants who agreed to withdraw the case on our request.
CMD BSNL has already approved the CPC proposal from JAO to AO to fill-up about 2400 AO vacant posts by considering up to JAO-2013 Batch. The CPC proceedings are to be initiated and expedited shortly.
It is reliably learnt that the Hon'ble CAT Bench Bangalore has today disposed off the case on the request of the applicant on the CPC for promotions from JAO to AO. This will pave the way for conduction of the CPC from JAO to AO. We are thankful to the applicants who agreed to withdraw the case on our request.
CMD BSNL has already approved the CPC proposal from JAO to AO to fill-up about 2400 AO vacant posts by considering up to JAO-2013 Batch. The CPC proceedings are to be initiated and expedited shortly.
Filling-up of all the vacant Group "B" and Group "A" level posts through CPCs in various disciplines - decision taken by the competent authority:
GS discussed with OSD to Director (HR) regarding holding of CPCs to fill-up all the vacant Group "B" and Group "A" level posts through CPCs in various disciplines before implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. OSD to Director (HR) informed that today Director (HR) called all the cadre controlling authorities i.e. GM (Pers.), GM (FP), CGM (EW), CGM (BW) and CGM (Arch) and discussed the progress with respect to the CPCs of their wings. After detailed discussions competent authority directed all the cadre controlling authorities to submit a road map to expedite the CPCs in a time bound manner before notification of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. Director (HR) also directed them to expedite the CPCs as per the existing seniority lists of SDE/AO equivalent cadres to the post of DE/CAO/EE equivalent cadres on adhoc basis subject to out come of the court cases.
Comrade GS extended thanks for a right and justified decision.
GS discussed with Jt. GM (Pers.) regarding the decision taken by the competent authority to fill-up all vacant Group "B" and Group "A" STS level posts through CPCs before implementation of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy. Jt, GM (Pers.) informed that tomorrow Director (HR) is holding a meeting to discuss and decide the action plan to fill-up the vacant Group "B" and Group "A" STS level posts.
AIBSNLEA has already requested CMD BSNL, Director (HR) and GM (Pers) to consider our above requests.
It is reliably learnt that the CMD BSNL has approved the CPC proposal from JAO to AO to fill-up about 2400 AO vacant posts by considering up to JAO-2013 Batch. The promotion orders for JAO to AO will be issued subjected to withdrawal of the court case in the Hon'ble CAT Bench Bangalore. AIBSNLEA continuously pursuing the CPC process.
Vigilance clearance for considering executives for promotion to the grade of DE/AGM (T) on regular basis:
BSNL Corporate Office has called VC of 4226 executives of SDE (T) cadre for considering them for promotion to the grade of AGM/DE (T) from the office of CVO vide letter dated 08.06.2018. BSNL Corporate Office now circulates the list for getting any errors / omission / addition / deletion / correction of this data.
<<Click here for the letter >>> <<Click here for the list >>>
BSNL Corporate Office further intimated that the process for e-DPC from List No. 8 will be considered in due course.
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly arrange to send the representation received, if any, in this regard to AIBSNLEA CHQ immediately for taking it up with DPC Cell for the corrections, if required.
(1) State-run BSNL to launch 5G services together with telcos worldwide
“BSNL will launch 5G services the same day as their launch globally,” BSNL Chief General Manager Anil Jain said.
<<Click here for the complete news>>>
(2) BSNL Revises Several Prepaid Plans to Offer More Data, Taking on Jio
JTO to SDE (T) promotions under SCF quota – Status update
AIBSNLEA’s consistent efforts yielded results as the JTO to SDE (T) promotions orders under SCF quota numbering around 3,200 wherein JTOs recruited in the year 1999 may be covered are expected to be issued by tomorrow after getting the approval from the competent authority.
AIBSNLEA tried to get filled up all vacant 10,000 posts of SDE (T) but the Management took a decision to fill-up only 3,200 posts with respect to the LDCE conducted for the year 2009-10 and 2010-11 and rest of the vacancies they considered as under dispute and therefore left it. We will continue our efforts to get filled-up all these vacant posts.
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded results in getting initiated the preparatory exercise for promotion to SDE (TF) cadre. BSNL Corporate Office has called for the screening committee report along with ACRs of all JTOs for the period 2007-08 to 2015-16 as per DOP&T circular number F.2201/5/86-Estt.D New Delhi dated 10.03.1989 and VC status of the eligible JTOs as per SDE (TF) RR.
<<Click here for the letter >>>
Concerned are requested to kindly arrange to sent the requisite information to BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest.
GS writes to Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD, BSNL regarding our submissions for utilization of 50% MT Quota Posts in Accounts Wing to the Seniority Quota Posts of CAOs for giving promotions on adhoc basis in view of acute stagnation in the Cadre of Accounts Officers.
Preparatory work for promotion to different grades / streams - Updation of data in ERP
BSNL Corporate Office releases clarifications on the queries raised by some of the filed units for updation of data in ERP for smooth processing of e-VC/CPCs.
<<Click here for the letter >>>
BSNL Corporate Office requests to provide the screening committee report for all the working executives of list 5,6,& 7 for financial year 2015-16 latest by 15.06.2018. It has also requested to provide the screening committee report for all the working executives of list 5,6,& 7 for financial year 2016-17 latest by 20.06.2018. Further, it has also requested to provide the screening committee report in respect of the reserved category (SC & ST) executives of seniority list 8 for the period starting from 2010-11 to 2016-17
<<Click here for the letter >>>
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly bestow their personal efforts for submission of the desired information to the BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest.
BSNL Corporate Office issues instructions for preparation of APAR evaluation sheets of the JTO (E) for regular promotion to the grade of SDE (E) for vacancy year 2016-17 and 2017-18.
<<Click here for letter>>> <<Click here for letter for VC>>> <<Click here for tabulation >>>
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly bestow their personal efforts for submission of the desired information to the BSNL Corporate Office at the earliest.
Congratulations! BSNL CO issues clarification on applicability of E6 IDA pay scale up-gradation under EPP to Gr. B absorbees working as DGM on adhoc basis:
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded results in getting released a clarification from BSNL Corporate Office that the Group “B” abosrbess working as DGM on adhoc basis (availing E5 pay scale) shall be eligible for consideration of time bound pay up-gradation to E6 scale under the EPP if otherwise eligible on the same consideration as being done for other executives.
Up-dation of data in ERP for preparatory work for promotion to different grades / streams.
BSNL Corporate Office issues instructions for immediate up-dation of data in ERP for preparatory work for promotion to different grades / streams. <<Click here for letter>>>
Now the responsibility to enter data has been entrusted on each individual executive / officer to enter correct data for which a POP UP has been provisioned in the ESS Module of ERP Portal for up-dation of data by individual employee himself.
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly educate all employees to fill-up the correct data in the ESS Module so that the CPC works can be completed in a shortest time frame.
Judgment dated 05.06.2018 in OP (CAT) No.45/2015 pronounced by Hon’ble High Court of Kerala in matter of the inter-se seniority list of JTOs:
Certified copy of the judgment has been received by AIBSNLEA through its advocate.
<<Click here for the certified copy of the judgment>>
Stand of AIBSNLEA on the judgment pronounced by Hon’ble High Court of Kerala on 05.06.2017 in the matter of JTO to SDE promotions:
1. Hon’ble High Court Kerala is of the view that the pragmatic way of fixing seniority of the departmental JTOs and Direct Recruit JTOs would be reckon date of appointment as regards to the Direct Recruits and the date of promotion as regard to the promotes, once they successfully complete the training and then interpose them in the seniority list in accordance with the rotation of quotas, reckoning their due seniority or position in their respective list of appointment or order of promotion. In such circumstances the direct recruits are entitled to be considered for inclusion in the seniority list only after their actual entry in service and they could not make any claim to the un-filled quota of direct recruits during the period 1996 to 2001.
2 the final seniority list by BSNL has to be finalized with in a period of six months from the date of receipts of the copy of this judgment on the above mentioned principal.
3 It will be open for BSNL to effect promotion against the unfilled vacancies of SDE equalling distributing the vacancy amongst the senior most directly recruited JTOs and senior most promote JTO subject to finalization of the final eligibility list of JTOs.
In view of the above, AIBSNLEA feels that BSNL Management can immediately expedite CPC from JTO to SDE (T) SCF quota from the departmental JTOs of the vacancy year 1996 to 2001 and thereafter from a consolidated list of equally distributing departmental JTOs and direct recruit JTOs in 1:1 ratio. Accordingly about 4500 departmental JTO will immediately be promoted along with direct recruited JTOs of the year 2002 Batch and SC/ST upto 2005 Batch. Thus BSNL Management should initiate and expedite CPC.
Before implementation of the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy, if above promotions orders are issued there will be no dispute of seniority which will avoid further litigations.
Implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 12.12.2017 in CA No. 392 of 2017 BSNL Corporate Office issues further orders:
1. Officers retained as DGM Level
2. Officers reverted to AGM Level
3. Officers reverted to SDE Level
4. Officers reverted to SDE Level (Ineligible Executives)
BSNL Corporate Office writes:
1 Reminder for timely completion and proper maintenance of APAR and communication of all entries to executives for fairness and transparency in public administration:
A In the matter of promotions in the grade of JAG of Telecom Finance on regular basis. APAR of 9 executives is still awaited.
B APAR of 129 executives upto 15-16 is not received so far. BSNL CO requests to send APARs of all the Telecom Finance Executives up to the period ending 31.03.2017 immediately.
All the District Secretaries are requested to kindly look into the matter and ensure timely submission of the requisite APARs to BSNL CO.
Judgment dated 05.06.2018 in OP(CAT) No.45/2015 on the files of Hon’ble High Court of Kerala:
The judgment in the above case along with other connected cases was pronounced by the Division Bench of the Hon’ble High Court comprising Hon’ble Mr.Justice. C.T Ravikumar & Hon’ble Mr.Justice. K.P.Jyothindranath on 05.06.2018 when AIBSNLEA counselor Advocate Benny M John appeared on behalf of AIBSNLEA, the 16th respondent.
The prima facie understanding regarding the judgment is as follows:
* The main findings of the Tribunal were not interfered by the Court.
* The final eligibility list is to be prepared within 6 months and provisional promotions can be done on a 1:1 ratio equally from the senior most promotees and senior most direct recruitees.
* It seems some contrary observations and directions in the judgment and the same can be detailed only on receipt of the certified copy of the judgment
AIBSNLEA has applied for the certified copy of the judgement and the same will be shared on receipt.
Pers. Cell of BSNL Corporate Office, New Delhi issued instructions to update the status of executives in ERP on or before 06.06.2018 since the process for Promotion to different grades of all executives / Streams is in active consideration.
Click here for >>>>><<<<Letter>>>
<<<Annexure-Part-01>>> <<<Annexure-Part-02>>>
<<<Annexure-Part-03>>> <<<Annexure-Part-04>>>
All the CHQ Office Bearers, Circle / Branch Secretaries are requested to go through the lists given above and ensure that the same may be got corrected by Admin. Cell in the ERP in targeted time i.e. 06.06.2018.
Retirement of Executives on Superannuation:
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch extends best wishes for all the BSNL employees and particularly AIBSNLEA members who are going to retire today on superannuation for a happy and prosperous retired life.
Issue of Additional Increment on regular promotion to a scale.
BSNL Corporate Office today circulated a copy of the DoT letter number 40-12/2004-Pen(T) (Pt.) dated 17.05.2017 for compliance by all units of BSNL. According to this letter, in order to process the pension case an undertaking from the retiring BSNL employees may be obtained to the effect that in case the court cases filed against the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 are decided in favour of DoT, the retiree shall refund the over-paid amount on account of grant of an extra-increment on post based promotion under the EPP of BSNL.
Since, the case for quashing the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 has been filed and won by AIBSNLEA and the higher court has not given any stay order against it, so instead of withdrawing the letter dated 05.07.2017 calling for an undertaking as per above is tantamount to the contempt of Hon'ble court orders.
Additional list for promotions and posting of JTOs to the grade of SDE (Telecom) in BSNL under Competitive Quota (33%) on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held on 21.06.2015:
<<Click here for Letter dated 29.05.2018 for 29 candidates>>>
<<Click here for Letter dated 30.05.2018 for 103 candidates>>>
AIBSNLEA congratulatesall these newly promoted SDEs.
AIBSNLEA notifies its 3rd CWC meet at Dehradun
The 3rd Central Working Committee meeting of AIBSNLEA after the 5th All India Conference Mysuru (Karnataka) will be held at Forest Research Institute Campus, Dehradun on 18th and 19th August 2018 to transact the following agenda:
1.Discussion and decision on organizational matters.
2. Discussion and decision on the issues of importance on service / welfare matters especially issues related to:
(i) CPCs to fill up the vacant DGM (Eng)/DGM (Fin), DE/CAO, SDE(T)/AO equivalent posts,
(ii) CPSU Cadre Hierarchy and abandon of MTRR/DGMRR,
(iii) Standard pay IDA scales E2 & E3 instead of E1A and E2A IDA pay scales for BSNL Executives and subsequent up-gradation of IDA Pay Scales of E3 by E4, E4 by E5, E5 by E6 and E6 by E7,
(iv) Rs. 22,820/- Pay fixation of JTOs/JAOs post recruited 01.01.2007,
(v) Implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court judgments on TES Group “B” seniority in true spirit.
(vi) Notional Pay Fixation w.e.f. 01.10.2000 of JTOs/SDEs (C/E/Arch/TF) Engg. Wings and PA Cadre,
(vii) FR 22 (1)a(i) Pay fixation of Officiating JTOs.
(viii) 30% Superannuation benefit to BSNL recruited employees,
(ix) Restructuring of AD (OL) Cadre and
(x) BSNL MRS, Group Term Insurance Scheme (GTI) etc.
3. Discussion and decision on the implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations for Executives in BSNL.
4. Discussion and decision on burning items related to viability of BSNL i.e. Creation of BSNL's Tower Subsidiary, Payment of Pension contribution on actual basic, Procurement of stores / material, Rental / Tariffs, Strategies on Sales & marketing and merger of BSNL & MTNL etc.
5. Discussion and decision on the relative activities of other Executive Associations and Non-Executive Unions.
6. Discussion and decision on the venue of 6th AIC.
7. Any other items with the permission of chair.
All CHQ Office Bearers, Advisors, Consultants, Circle Presidents, Circle Secretaries and Central Working Committee members of AIBSNLEA are requested to attend the meeting. Detailed Programme / agenda shall be circulated at the venue before start of the meeting. The CHQ Office Bearers meeting will be arranged at the same venue on 17th August 2018 at 18.00 Hrs.
The boarding and lodging arrangements have been made from 17th August 2018 to 20th August 2018. For more details Shri B.M. Dhyani, Circle Secretary, Uttarakhand Circle may please be contacted at 9412000909. The venue is 30 Kms away from the airport and 4 Kms from Railway Station. Buses are passing through in-front of the venue itself.
CPSU Cadre Hierarchy approved by BSNL Board on prospective date implementation: BSNL Board in its meeting held today afternoon at Hyderabad approved CPSU Cadre Hierarchy on prospective dated i.e. date of notification will be the date of implementation. The CPSU Cadre Hierarchy implementation with prospective date will not benefit the existing executives. In view of that before its notification, AIBSNLEA will continue its efforts to get fill up all Group-‘B’ and STS/JAG equivalent vacant posts of all disciplines through CPCs.
The suggestions given by AIBSNLEA to consider time bound functional promotion upto AGM Level, Jt. DGM designation to the STS level officers working in E-5 grade has been considered and approved by BSNL Board.
The other issues i.e. eligibility conditions for promotion from SDE/AO to DE/CAO within 7 years instead of 12 years, benchmarks on numerical basis and SC/ST roster implementation have been considered or not will be find out shortly.
It is learnt that BSNL Board has recommended abolishing all SDE/AO, DE/CAO equivalent posts w.e.f. 01st July, 2018. Thus the all vacant posts of Group-'B' and STS level are necessarily required to be filled up by conducting CPCs before 1st July 2018 so that the existing majority executives may get desired benefits of CPSU Cadre Hierarchy.
BSNL Management has to take immediate necessary steps to finalize that TES Group-'B' seniority as per the Hon'ble SC judgments to fill up the vacant posts to avoid further litigations.
Meeting with GM (Restg.) BSNL CO New Delhi:
GS, President, AGS(DR) met GM (Restg.) BSNL and discussed regarding Group Term Insurance Scheme for BSNL Executives . GM (Restg.) explained that BSNL management is planning the finalize Group Term Insurance Scheme for BSNL executives / employees and in this connection , a committee has been constituted by BSNL management in BSNL CO to examine and give recommendation on this policy . Accordingly committee has discussed with LIC and SBI Life to submit their proposals and they have submitted also. SBI Life is proposing term Insurance Scheme for executives for Rs 1.88 per Rs 1000 up to 50 lakh insurance cover and 1.90 per 1000 for up to 1 crore insurance coverage means approx. Rs .1900 per 10 lakh insurance cover. it means an executive have to pay about Rs. 750 P.M. (Rs9000 per Annum) for 50 lakh insurance coverage. Similarly BSNL CO vide letter no 8-1/2017- Restg(pt) dated 24/05/2018has addressed to branch manager LIC , New Delhi for submitting the final most competitive quote. LIC has started a term policy for BSNL Executive for BSNL executive of MP Circle @1.61 per Rs .1000
After detailed discussion we assured to submit our association views shortly. All the District Secretaries are requested to immediately send their comments to Circle Secretary in this regard for further submission to CHQ.
AIBSNLEA's untiring and persistent efforts yielded result in getting released promotion and posting of JTOs to the grade of SDE (Telecom) in B.S.N.L. under Competitive Quota (33%) on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination held on 21.06.2015
<<Click here for Letter>>> <<<Undertaking>>>>
<<<List5>>>.....<<<<In Excel Format>>>>
AIBSNLEA is thankful to CMD, BSNL, Director (HR) BSNL Board, GM (Pers.), Jt. GM (Pers), OSD to Director (HR), BSNL Board.
Similarly AIBSNLEA is trying to get released the Promotion orders from JTO to SDE(T) of SCF quota wherein the vigilance clearance are being collected of all eligible JTOs and CPC from JTO to SDE(T) will be expedited after 30th May,2018 on pronouncement of Judgment by Hon'ble High Court, Kerala.
GS writes to:
Shri Anupam Srivastava,CMD BSNL regarding:
(a) Renewal of agreement with OIL for fiber by ETR Assam.
Creation of the Tower Subsidiary Company of BSNL- Status of the Court Case filed by the Executive Associations of BSNL i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA, & AIGETOA:
All Unions and Associations of BSNL decided to file a Writ Petition against the creation of BSNL Tower Subsidiary Company in the name of AIBSNLEA & SNEA. Accordingly, the Writ Petition was prepared wherein AIGETOA also became party later-on.
The case filed by these Executive Associations of BSNL i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA & AIGETOA has been registered in the Hon'ble High Court of Delhi vide WP No. 5758/2018 and came for hearing on 25.05.2018 in the Court No. 10. After a brief hearing, Hon'ble High Court passed an order that the operation of this Subsidiary Tower Company shall be subject to outcome of this case and posted for next date of hearing on 25.09.2018.
it is an achievement towards BSNL Associations & Unions.
AUAB defers the call for walk-out and conducting rallies on 28.05.2018, against Subsidiary Tower Company: Based on the notice issued yesterday, by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, for organising walk-out and rallies on 28-05-2018, the CMD BSNL invited the leaders of the AUAB for talks. The talks started at 16:30 hrs. and lasted for almost two hours.
In the meeting, the CMD BSNL informed the AUAB leaders that the item of Subsidiary Tower Company is not there in the agenda for the BSNL Board meeting to be held at Hyderabad on 28-05-2018. He also made an appeal to withdraw the struggle. Thereafter, a meeting of the AUAB was held. In view of the information given by the CMD BSNL, the meeting unanimously decided to defer the call for organising walk-out and rallies on 28-05-2018.
We are thankful to our members who supported the cause and got prepared for participation in the agitation programme.
Lunch Hour demonstration held at BSNL Corporate Office against creation of the Tower Subsidiary Company of BSNL:
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL organised a lunch hour demonstration today at the BSNL Corporate Office, after serving the notice for the walk-out, rallies, etc. to be organised on 28-05-2018. The meeting that ensued the demonstration was addressed by Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS,BSNLEU, Com. Mahabir Singh, Secretary, NFTE, Com. G.L. Jogi, Chairman, SNEA, Com. Prahalad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Madhu Trivedi, Vice-President(CHQ), FNTO and Com. N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL. The leaders severely criticised the Government and the BSNL Management for taking steps to make the Subsidiary Tower Company operational. In one voice, the leaders demanded that the Government should roll back the Subsidiary Tower Company.
Creation of the Tower Subsidiary Company of BSNL - Notice to the Secretary, DoT and the CMD BSNL for the 28th May Walk-Out, Rallies etc & Joint appeal to the BSNL Non-Executives and Executives to make the 28th May struggle a grand success
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL served notice on the Secretary, DoT and the CMD BSNL, for organising the Walk-Out, Rallies, etc., on 28-05-2018, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com. Swapan Chakraborty, Dy.GS, BSNLEU, Com. Mahabir Singh, Secretary, NFTE, Com. Rajmouli, Treasurer, NFTE, Com. GL. Jogi, Chairman, SNEA, Com. A.A. Khan, President, SNEA, Com. Prahalad Rai, GS,AIBSNLEA, Com. Sivakumar, President, AIBSNLEA, Com. N.D.Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL, Com.Madhu Trivedi, Vice-President (CHQ), FNTO, and Com. Mohinder,CS, FNTO, NTR were present in the team of the leaders of the AUAB, who delivered the Notice for the agitation.
Joint appeal to the BSNL Non-Executives and Executives:
The leaders of the All Unions and Associations have given a joint appeal to the Non-Executives and Executives of BSNL to make the walk-out and rallies a grand success. In the appeal, the leaders have regretted that, the BSNL Management is holding the Board meeting at Hyderabad to give approval for the decision of the DoT, to make the Subsidiary Tower Company operational. The leaders have called upon the employees to make the struggles a total success.
Meeting with Director (HR) BSNL Board: GS, President, AGS (HQ), AGS (Finance) & AGS(DR ) met Dir (HR) BSNL Board and discuss regarding:
a) Promotion from JTO (T) to SDE (T) under LDCE quota: We requested Director (HR) to issue promotion orders from JTO (T) to SDE (T) of LDCE qualified JTOs immediately subject to VC clearance at Circle level . Director HR told that case has been received in her office from Pers Cell and after examination it will be approved immediately, today the select panel for the promotion may be approved.
b) Promotion from JTO to SDE(Telecom.) SCF quota:- We apprised Director HR that Hon'ble High Court Kerala has given the date for pronouncement of the judgement on 30.05.2018 and requested to direct Pers cell to initiate CPC to fill up the vacant TES Group-B posts. We further pleaded that more than 10000 SDE(Telecom.) vacant posts are there which needs immediate filling up. Director HR assured an early action in this regard.
c) Filling up of the Vacant Group-A and Group-B equivalent posts: We further requested Director (HR) to initiate CPCs by Calling of APARs and VC of the eligible candidates to fill up the vacant Group-A and Group-B level posts in all wings i.e. Telecom, Finance, Electrical, Civil , Arch, Telecom Factory (Engg. Wings) subject to outcome of the Court cases as per the management committee approval. We apprised Director HR specific undesired bottlenecks created by CGM(BW) like Issue of Diploma holders in Civil despite of Board decision, held up of promotion in Finance in the name of catch-up rule etc., we requested Director HR to direct concerned cell to initiate the CPCs process immediately. Director HR assured early action in this regard.
d) Implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy: We requested Dir (HR) BSNL Board to consider views / suggestions of AIBSNLEA on CPSU cadre hierarchy in BSNL to benefit executive in true sense. CPSU Cadre Hierarchy implementation cut-off date should be taken date of last DPC / Year of Recruitment instead of prospective date and eligibility criteria from SDE/ AO to DE /CAO promotion should be 5/7 years instead of 12 years and Benchmark should be at par of existing EPP on post based promotions to avoid droppings etc. Director (HR) assured to deliberate the proposal point by point in BSNL Board meeting keeping interest of all executives.
e) Taking over of BSNL's Assets by DOT : We registered our strong protest against the taking over of BSNL's Land asset by DOT's and requested Director HR to kindly raise the issue before the DOT administration that arbitrary presidential orders in this regard are not acceptable to BSNL. Director HR mentioned that now DoT has decided to send the requirement to BSNL to fulfil their need to accommodate the Term Cell and CCA staff instead of issuing arbitrary presidential orders.
f) Action of the AIBSNLEA's suggestion regarding the curtailment of Wasteful expenditure: We reiterated that AIBSNLEA has submitted various suggestions regarding curtailment of wasteful expenditure and requested to Director HR to implement these measure in BSNL. Director HR has appreciated our suggestions and assured for consideration.
Congratulations ! BW Cell of BSNL Corporate office, New Delhi issued promotion orders from JTO(C) to the grade of SDE(C) on regular basis under SCF quota vacancy 2016-17....<<<Click here for order>>>>
AIBSNLEA is thankful to Director (HR), BSNL Board, PGM(BW) and GM(Pers.) for issuing promotion orders from JTO(C) to the grade of SDE(C) on regular basis under SCF quota vacancy 2016-17.
Waiting list of JTOs for transfer under Rule-8:
BSNL Corporate Office requests Circles to send data of current waiting list of JTOs for transfer under Rule-8 as on 01.05.2018 latest by 07.06.2018.
<<<Click here for the letter>>>>
All District Secretaries are requested to arrange to send the requisite information to the Circle Office so as to enable speedy disposal of these transfer cases.
BSNL Corporate Office had called for the Gradation List Particulars and VC for promotion to SDE grade under SCF & LDCE quota. Till date, the requisite information is not received from 22 Circles.
<<<<Click here for the Letter>>>>
All the District Secretaries are requested to ensure timely submission of the requisite information including the VC.
BSNL Corporate Office issues orders regarding Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL Employees under provisions of EPP - Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale - CAT Principle Bench New Delhi orders dated 21.12.2017.
<<<<Click here for the Letter>>>>
It is worth while to mention that AIBSNLEA only has initiated and filed the case in Hon'ble PBCAT New Delhi and got quashed the DoT's disputed letter date 05.07.2017 for all irrespective of any discrimination.
The 6th Circle Conference of AIBSNLEA, Assam Circle Branch was held on 02.05.2018 at BSNL multipurpose Hall, Panbazar, Guwahati.
Com. Biswajit Roy Choudhury, CAO presided the meeting. On behalf of CHQ Com. Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, Com. S Sivakumar, President CHQ and Com.Prasun Kr. Mukhopadhyay, Organising Sercretary(East) attended the conference. After flag hoisting the welcome address was given by Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee, ACS, Assam Circle.
General Secretary, President and Organising Secy.(E) were felicitated by traditional Assamese Japi by lady comrades Smt. Smita Roy, Nabanita Deka and Subarna Boro of AIBSNLEA, Assam Circle Branch.
The President has given the inaugural address after which Com. Swarup Chakraborty, CS has placed the Circle Secretary’s report which was adopted unanimously.
Com. Tamal Krishna Bhattacharjee, Finance Secretary, placed the audited account for the stipulated period, after some amendments and discussion, it was approved by the house.
Com. Ranjit Kr. Das, DS, Kamrup/ Com. Anirban Ganguli, DS, Bongaigaon/ Com. Sukumar Dutta, DS, Tezpur/Com. Sujit Choudhury, on behalf of DS, Silchar/Com. Samir Kr. Banik, DS, Nagaon placed the District Committee reports of their respective SSA and Circle Secretary has summed up the reports.
In the delegate session Org. Secretary(E) Com. Prasun Mukhopadhyay gave the clarion call for development of the organization and increase of membership in the Engineering Cadre and discussed about some problem in transfer and release order of AOs etc.
Com. President and GS in their deliberation in the delegate session discussed about the different short coming of the AIBSNLEA, Assam Circle Branch and way to develop the organization in future. GS told that AIBSNLEA, Assam Circle Branch is one of the most important circle for policy making of our Association and in future also they will continue to take the same role in All India meetings etc.
At the lunch break, a grand OPEN SESSION was organized where Sri Sandeep Govil, CGM Assam was the Chief Guest and Sri M K Gogoi, PGM(ETR), Sri Kishor Kumar, GM(HR&Admin), Assam circle, Sri D D Tasniwal, GMTD Kamrup, Sri J C Chouhan, Circle IFA Assam were the Guest of Honour.
The OPEN SESSION was started with Saraswati Bandana and a devotional song by Com. Subarna Boro, JAO of AIBSNLEA. The lamp was lighted by Chief Guest and all other dignitaries.
All the dignitaries including our CHQ leaderships were felicitated with traditional Assamese Gamosa.
Welcome address was given by Com. Ranjit Kr. Das, DS Host Branch after which Com. Swarup Chakraborty, CS has placed the KEY NOTE ADDRESS and there after Circle Secretaries of SNEA(I), AIGETOA, BSNLEU and NFTE delivered their address and greeted the august conference.
Org. Secretary(E) in his deliberation congratulated Assam Circle for their better out put in March 2018 in EB/CM etc. and appreciated the outstanding performance of Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA to whom all other Union and Associations as well as management are totally dependent, and discussed about some transfer and release order problems of accounts personal.
Com. S Sivakumar, President CHQ in his address stated about the BSNL in the present financial competitive marketing arena. He also mentioned unhelpful and bureaucratic attitude of DoT towards BSNL. Com. S Sivakumar congratulated Assam Circle officers and staffs for a unique SIM sale in the last financial year and making Assam Circle No.1 in the country. He also cautioned about the hidden agenda and the move of the cabinet to disintegrate BSNL.
All other dignitaries present in the house congratulated Team Assam for their active support and co-operation.
Com. Prahlad Rai, GS in his address elaborated about the status of 3rd PRC and E2-E3 and subsequent pay scale of JTO/SDE, CPSU cadre Hierarchy, condition of different CPCs, History of SAB, Movement for Tower subsidiary Company formation, Delhi historical march, the meeting with hon’ble communication minister and expressed his hope that BSNL must stand in the right way with the historical role of All Union’s & Association and we must achieve 3rd PRC. He expressed that after finalisaton of HR Plan and 3rd PRC the other demands which were already approved by BSNL management committee like E1+5 increments for 2013 batch JAOs, 25% diversion of MT quota of CAO will be taken up by BSNL Board.
The Chief Guest Sri Sandeep Govil, CGM Assam Circle, congratulated Team Assam for their performance and Unions & Associations for their heartiest co-operation with the management. He stated that another route from Chennai to Guwahati is likely to be installed soon, so that dependency upon Kolkata will be minimized. He also stated that all the old BTS equipment will be replaced by new equipment in Phase-VIII. He is also in touch with corporate office for diversion of some BTS from West Bengal to Assam through which shortage of tower density in Assam can be minimized in some extent.
Com. Biswajit Roy Choudhury has given the vote of thanks and the Open Session ended with the National Anthem.
Thereafter, a strong and energetic body was elected unanimously with Com. Ananda Ram Baro, EE(Civil) as President, Com. Swarup Chakraborty, AO(C&E) as Circle Secretary and Com. Kishor Choudhury, JAO as Financial Secretary for the next term.
Management Committee of BSNL Board allows Promotions in BSNL:
AIBSNLEA's consistent efforts yielded results in getting approved the proposal of promotions through CPCs and LDCE subject to out come of court cases from the Management Committee of the BSNL Board. AIBSNLEA conveys its sincere gratitude and thanks to the CMD, Director (HR), GM (Pers.) and entire team of Pers. Cell.
Legal action against the Subsidiary Tower Company.
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL is continuously organising struggles, demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. At the same time, the AUAB meeting held on 27.03.2018, decided to explore the possibility of taking legal action on this issue. The responsibility for making legal consultations was given to Com. G.L. Jogi, Chairman, SNEA and Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA. Based on the suggestions given by these two comrades, the AUAB meeting held today,after threadbare discussion, decided to take legal action against the Subsidiary Tower Company.
The meeting was conducted in the AIBSNLEA CHQ Office at Room No. 19, IR Hall.
Massive campaign among the people against the anti-BSNL policies of the Government
In the meeting of All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB), held on 24.04.2018, it has been decided to conduct week long street corner meetings, i.e., from 07th to 11th May, 2018, against the anti-BSNL policies of the government and demanding the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company. <<<<Click here for the Circular >>>>
All the District Secretaries are requested to participate with full zeal and enthusiasm in these programs and make it a grand success.
Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court of India with regard to the seniority of 270 LDCE quota SDEs:
Hon'ble Supreme Court has given its judgment in the Civil Appeal No. C.A. No. 3149 of 2009, K. Vishwanathan & Ors. Vs. Government of India & Ors. against the judgment and order dated 02.04.2008 of High Court of Madras passed in Writ Petition No. 22087 of 2001.
<<<<Click here for the copy of the judgment>>>>
Similarly placed candidate may file OA in respective CATs for getting same relief.
Hon'ble CAT Chandigarh decision on catch up Rule:
Hon'ble CAT Bench Chandigarh in an OA No. 060/00440/2018 delivered its judgment on 17.04.2018 disposed of the OA with the direction to the competent authority amongst the respondents to consider and decide the indicated representations, keeping in view the ratio of law laid down by Hon'ble Apex Court in case of B.K. Pavitra & Ors. versus Union of India & Ors. [2017] 4 SCC 620, by passing a speaking & reasoned order and in accordance with law, before making any promotion to the post of CAO.
Meeting with the representatives of Union/Association to discuss their suggestions on curtailment of wasteful expenditure in BSNL.
BSNL Corporate Office has called a meeting with the representatives of the major Union/Association to discuss their suggestions on curtailment of wasteful expenditure in BSNL on the Wednesday, the 9th May 2018 at 15.00 Hrs.
All the District Secretaries are requested to give their feedback/suggestions in this regard to the CS at the earliest so that these may be submitted and discussed in the meeting.
CS, Swarup Chakraborty along with ACS, Dist. Secy, Dist. Treasurer and Ex-Circle President today met Shri R K Mittal, Director (CM), CO, at Guwahati and submitted a memorandum on various issues like- increase of tower density, roll out of 4G services in Assam, sort out POI problem, etc. Director (CM) assured to look in to the matters without any assurance of 4G roll out in Assam.
DPE replies DoT on 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL:
GS and President met DPE officers and extended thanks for replying DoT with respect to the proposal of BSNL for implementation of 3rd PRC by relaxing affordability criteria. DPE in their letter has replied that “BSNL does not fall under the category mentioned in para 5 of DPE’s OM dated 03.08.2017 on 2017 pay revision. Further, it is mentioned that DPE has issued guidelines for 2017 pay revision which, inter-alia, includes an affordability clause, based on the recommendations of Committee of Secretaries (CoS) on the report of 3rd PRC. Any relaxation in the extant guidelines would require the approval of the Cabinet for which DoT may examine the issue at its end for necessary action.”
<<<<Click here for letter>>>>
Now, we have to pursue the matter in DoT for the preparation of the Cabinet Note.
Implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 12.12.2017 in CA No. 392 of 2017 - Case of 147 LDCE Quota SDEs (Revision of Seniority and promotions).
DoT vide letter number 20-2/2018-STF.II dated 12.04.2018 <<<<Click here for letter>>>> has clarified that the action in the matter may be taken as per the letter dated 05.09.2008 wherein it has already been decided and communicated that all the matters pertaining to absorbed TES Group "B" employees will be dealt by respective PSUs only and not by DoT.
It is expected that now the BSNL Management will take necessary action to implement the Judgment of Hon'ble Supreme Court without further delay.
“Dharna” on 12 04 2018 demanding the rolling back of the subsidiary tower company:
Compelling the government to roll back the Subsidiary Tower Company is the priority task of the trade union movement of BSNL. To achieve this, the All Unions and Associations of BSNL have called on the BSNL employees to organise massive “Dharna” throughout the country at BSNL CO, Circle and District Head Quarters on 12-04-2018.
All the District Secretaries of AIBSNLEA are requested to coordinate with the other constituents of the AUAB and to mobilise maximum number of Non-Executives and Executives in the Dharna.
GS, FS, AGS (F) and AGS (DR) met CMD BSNL and discussed regarding:
a) Holding of CPCs to fill up the vacant Group-A & Group-B level posts: We requested CMD, BSNL to initiate the CPCs to fill up the vacant Group-A & Group-B level posts subject to outcome of the court cases. GS also submitted that Pers. Cell may take suitable legal opinion in the matter to find way out regarding the Court Cases where there are conflict judgment regarding TES Group “B” seniority cases. CMD assured to discuss the matter with Director (HR) for early action in this regard.
b) Promotion from JTO to SDE of the JTOs qualified LDCE: We requested CMD, BSNL to take immediate necessary steps to issue promotion orders from JTO to SDE Telecom of 1700 LDCE qualified JTOs who are waiting for more than 2 years for promotion orders. He assured an early action in this regard.
d) Implementation of Hon'ble Supreme Court judgement on TES Group-B seniority cases: We requested CMD, BSNL for the implementation of the Hon'ble Supreme Court judgements on TES Group “B” seniority cases as already more than 3 months have passed after Hon’ble apex Court Judgment. CMD BSNL told that regarding apex Court Judgments response is awaited from DOT in one or two weeks, whenever DOT response arrived in BSNL, Supreme Court Judgement will be implemented. Further, GS submitted that has there is no financial implication BSNL in implementing Rule 206 Judgment. CMD assured an early action in this regard.
e) Creation of BSNL’s Tower Subsidiary: We expressed our serious concern against the creation of BSNL’s Tower Subsidiary and the arbitrary appointment of CMD Tower Company. CMD mentioned that so far the BSNL Tower Subsidiary has not been operational however, the matter has been taken up with DoT for further necessary action.
f) 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL: We apprised CMD BSNL that by next week the DPE may advice DoT to take up the matter with Union Cabinet for getting relaxation in the affordability Clause of 3rd PRC and requested him to kindly use is good office in DoT to move a Cabinet Note at the earliest. CMD assured to look into the matter.
Status of 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL: GS discussed with Director (DPE) and Assistant Director (DPE) regarding reply to be sent to DoT regarding 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL. Director (DPE) mentioned that till 9th April 2018 all the Officers in DPE are busy with the convocation being held on 9th April 2018 which will be addressed by Hon'ble Prime Minister. Thus the reply to DoT will be sent in the next week only. It is understood that after receiving reply from DPE, Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) will take up the matter in the Union Cabinet for the relaxation in affordability clause of 3rd PRC report.
Meeting with the officers of DPE:
GS along with the GS/FNTO Shri Jai Prakash and AGS/SNEA Shri Dahia met Joint Secretary (DPE), Director (DPE) and Assistant Director (DPE). We requested Jt. Secretary (DPE) to reply DoT regarding the relaxation in the affordability Clause of 3rd PRC recommendations to BSNL as the relaxation has been granted to some PSUs like FCI & others. We also requested to consider the recommendations of the BSNL Board for implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefits in BSNL. Jt. Secretary (DPE) after detailed discussions assured to reply DoT at the earliest.
He also mentioned that DoT being the Administrative Ministry of BSNL should take up the matter with Union Cabinet for relaxation based on the recommendations given by the BSNL Board for relaxation in the affordability clause.
He assured that the reply will be given to DoT with the approval of Hon'ble Minister of Heavy Industries so that he may be aware of the issue when it is taken up in the Union Cabinet.
Successfully organised “Lunch Hour demonstrations” today against operationalization of the Subsidiary Tower Company:
AIBSNLEA extend sincere gratitude and thanks all the comrades who actively participated in the Lunch Hour demonstrations through out the country and implemented it successfully. During Lunch Hour the representatives of Unions and Associations of BSNL along with their members reached in front of Sanchar Bhawan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi and organized very effective demonstration. Huge police and Rapid Action Force personnel were enforced by DoT Administration to contain the demonstrators. Delhi Police locked the doors of BSNL Corporate Office and did not allowed BSNL employees to come out from the Bharat Sanchar Bhawan during lunch hours so that they do not participate in lunch hour demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan. Police threatened all the leaders to arrest in case they go at Sanchar Bhawan and demonstrate since Section 144 of Cr PC was imposed in the vicinity of Sanchar Bhawan. Despite of all these threats the leaders along with their members succeed in reaching to Sanchar Bhawan and hold effective demonstration in the presence of huge police and RAF personnel. After some time police force took all the demonstrators in police custody and detained them in Parliament Police Station for two hours. After necessary police formalities against the leaders i.e. Com. Prahlad Rai, Com. G.L. Jogi, Com. C. SIngh, Com. Abhimanyu and Com. Suresh Kumar they released all the demonstrators at about 14.30 hrs. In this way a history has been created by organizing demonstration in front of Sanchar Bhawan for the first time after the formation of BSNL. We congratulate all the participants. AIBSNLEA CHQ Office Bearers, Circle Secretaries stationed at New Delhi along with their office bearers and members very actively participated in the demonstration at Sanchar Bhawan.
At 15.00 Hrs all the Central leaders of All Unions and Associations of BSNL hold a meeting and congratulated the BSNL employees for their active participation in the demonstration. Further, decisions were taken to continuously protest against the arbitrary decision of Government for formation of BSNL's Tower Subsidiary Company. Future course of agitation programmes are decided as under:
1.One day Dharana on 12.04.2018 at BSNL Corporate Office, Circle and SSA Head Quarters to protest against the Government decision in making BSNL's Tower Subsidiary operational.
2.On 19.04.2018 at all the Circle HQs “March to Governor House” will be organised and a Memorandum will be submitted to His Excellency Governors.
3.All India National Convention will be organized at New Delhi on 9th or 10th May 2018 subject to availability of Mavalankar Hall at New Delhi which will follow “March to Parliament”.
4.In case the Government do not roll back the BSNL's Tower Subsidiary, Indefinite Strike will be organized.
All the Circle / District Secretaries are requested to hold joint meetings along with their counter parts to implement the above agitational programme in a successful manner.
DR JAOs recruitment result declared:
AIBSNLEA consistent efforts yielded results in getting released the result of DR JAOs Examination held on 5th & 6th November 2017. AIBSNLEA congratulates all the new entrants in BSNL family. It is important to mention that some Associations vehemently opposed the recruitment of JAOs in BSNL to weaken the strength of Finance Wing in BSNL.
The Merit List has been prepared on the basis of Circle-wise merit position, as per the choice of Circle opted during registration by the provisionally selected candidates and as per the category-wise (OC, OBC, SC, ST & PWD) for the net vacancy position/qualified candidates, available in the respective Circles.
The concerned Circles have been requested to issue offer of appointment letter to the provisionally selected candidates for the post of JAO in BSNL.
Effectively organise lunch hour demonstrations today on the Subsidiary Tower Company issue.
The All Unions and Associations of BSNL has given call to conduct lunch hour demonstrations on 27.03.2018, against the decision of the government to form BSNL's Subsidiary Tower Company, and also against the decision of the DoT, to appoint Shri Amit Yadav, IAS, as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company. Circle and district secretaries are requested to make maximum mobilisations, in coordination with the other constituents of AUAB, and make the programme successful. Memorandum should also be submitted to the Chief General Managers and the State Governors. The All Unions and Associations of BSNL is organising a powerful lunch hour demonstration in front of the Sanchar Bhawan today. As per the Cabinet decision, Subsidiary Tower Company will come under the control of the Board of Directors of BSNL. As such, the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company should be appointed only by the BSNL's Board of Directors. However, the DoT, in a high-handed manner, has appointed an IAS officer as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company, without even informing the Board of Directors of BSNL. This itself clearly shows that, the Subsidiary Tower Company will not come under the control of BSNL. The whole game plan of the government is, to snatch the entire mobile towers of BSNL, in the guise of forming a separate tower company. Hence, opposing the formation of the Subsidiary Tower Company, and also opposing the high-handed action of the DoT, of appointing an IAS officer as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company, the AUAB will be organising a powerful lunch hour demonstration in front of the Sanchar Bhawan today.
All Unions & Associations of BSNL writes to Smt. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary (Telecom), DoT regarding follow up actions on the various demands raised by All Unions & Associations of BSNL - request thereof. <<<Click here for letter>>>>
It is reliably learnt that DoT has directed BSNL managemnt to hold BSNL Board meeting with in three days to ratify the DoT order regarding appointment of Shri Amit Yadav, Jt. Secretray (Admn), DoT as CMD, BSNL TowerCo and to make it operational from 01.04.2018. Now, BSNL Unions and Associations will decide further course of action shortly.
GS writes to Sh. Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL regarding unnecessary expenditure of BSNL in filing appeal in the Hon'ble Apex court against Hon'ble High Court of Kerala against the very righteous awarding of FR 22(1) (a) (1) pay fixation to the erstwhile Officiating-JTOs <<<Click here for letter>>>>
AIBSNLEA Assam Wishes a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous retiring life to All known and unknown Officers' and officials who are retiring on 28th February,2018.
Meeting between Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications and the All Unions and Associations of BSNL - A historical meeting:
A meeting is held at the Sanchar Bhawan today the 24.02.2018, between Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications and the All Unions and Associations of BSNL (AUAB). Together with the Minister, Secretary, DoT, Special Secretary, DoT, Joint Secretary (Admn.), DoT, DDG (Esst), DoT, Shri Anand Kumar, OSD to the Hon’ble Minister, CMD BSNL and Director (HR) BSNL were present. From the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, Com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. K. Jayaprakash, GS, FNTO, Com. N.D. Ram, GS, SEWA BSNL, Com. Ravi Shil Verma, GS, AIGETOA, Com. Mallikarjuna, President, BSNL MS and Com. S.D. Sharma, GS, BSNL ATM, participated in the discussions. The representatives of the AUAB heartily thanked the Hon’ble Minister for taking out time to meet them. Detailed discussions took place on the memorandum submitted to the Hon’ble Minister, the details of which are as follows:-
(1) 3rd Pay Revision.
So far, the DoT has been maintaining that BSNL employees are not eligible for 3rd Pay Revision. In today’s meeting the Hon’ble Minister agreed that the issue of 3rd Pay Revision of BSNL employees would be processed and would be taken for the approval of the DPE and the Cabinet. This is a great achievement. We have broken the stalemate that prevailed in the Pay Revision issue. At the same time we have to be vigilant, till the final approval is given by the Cabinet.
(2) Formation of Subsidiary Tower Company.
The AUAB representatives expressed their apprehension that in the name of formation of the Tower Company, the 66,000 mobile towers of BSNL are being snatched away from BSNL. They also pointed out that the decision of the Cabinet that, the Subsidiary Tower Company would remain under the control of BSNL Management, has been violated, through the appointment of an IAS officer as the CMD of Subsidiary Tower Company. They further pointed out that even BSNL Management was not taken in to confidence in the appointment of an IAS officer as the CMD of the Subsidiary Tower Company, which clearly shows that the Subsidiary Tower Company would not be under the control of BSNL Management. The reply given by the Hon’ble Minister in this regard is not satisfactory. The AUAB has to find ways and means to ensure the rolling back of the Subsidiary Tower Company.
During the discussions on the issue, GS AIBSNLEA raised the issue of additional increment on post based promotions under the provisions of executive promotion policy provisions which has been denounced by DoT vide letter dated 05.07.2017 and lakhs of rupees recoveries are taking place of BSNL executives and BSNL pensioners. He instantly submitted Hon’ble PB CAT judgment copy to Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) wherein the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 has been quashed. Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) immediately directed DoT administration to look into the matter. Now, we can expect that DoT may not go for appeal against the PBCAT order in this regard after this meeting.
(3) Pension Revision.
The representatives of AUAB strongly argued that pension revision should be done to the BSNL pensioners. It was pointed out that the BSNL pensioners and the Central Government pensioners are covered by the same rules. They argued that when pension revision is settled for the Central Government pensioners, the same should not be denied to the BSNL pensioners. The Hon’ble Minister assured that needful action would be taken to settle this issue.
(4) Calculation of Pension Contribution.
It was strongly argued that pension contribution in respect of BSNL employees cannot be calculated on the basis of maximum of the pay scale, when the same is calculated on the basis of actual basic pay, in the case of Central Government employees. It was pointed out that as per the DoP&T order issued in 2006, pension contribution of the Central Government employees is being deducted on the basis of actual pay only. The Hon’ble Minister directed the Secretary, DoT, that this issue should be settled as per Government orders.
(5) Allotment of 4G spectrum to BSNL.
The AUAB representatives pointed out that it will be extremely difficult for BSNL to compete with the private operators, without providing 4G service. They strongly argued that the proposal of the BSNL Management, for the allotment of 4G spectrum by the Government, should be accepted. The Hon’ble Minister replied in the positive and assured that needful action would be taken.
(6) Reduction of retirement age from 60 to 58.
The AUAB representatives strongly argued that the retirement age of the BSNL employees should not be reduced from 60 to 58, as a measure for the revival of BSNL. The Hon’ble Minister told that the government is not having any proposal to reduce the retirement age from 60 to 58.
(7) Left out issues of the 2nd PRC.
The AUAB representatives pointed out that this issue is lingering on very long time and needs to be settled. The Hon’ble Minister stated that this issue would be looked into by the Secretary, DoT.
At the end of the meeting, the Hon’ble Minister stated that the representatives of AUAB could meet him again, as well as the Secretary, DoT, in continuation of today’s meeting. The representatives of AUAB heartily thanked the Minister for his positive response to most of the issues.
After the meeting with the Hon’ble Minister, a meeting of the AUAB was held in the FNTO’s office. All the General Secretaries expressed their satisfaction with regards to the progress in the issues. They also expressed the view that all these have happened only because of the united struggles and massive mobilization by the entire Non-Executives and Executives, for which they deserve appreciation.
DoT today withdrawn its earlier letter No. 24-1/2018-SR dated 21.02.2018 vide which latest status on the charter of demands of Unions and Associations was intimated denying all the demands.
Marvellous March to Sanchar Bhawan on 23.02.2018:
We salute and express our sincere gratitude to all the participating comrades in “March to Sanchar Bhawan” program on the call of All Unions and Associations of BSNL and making it a grand success. Today morning at 11.30 hrs in Eastern Court building of BSNL Corporate Office compound More than 5000 comrades gathered from nook and corner of the country to participate in the “March to Sanchar Bhawan”. The March to Sanchar Bhawan was flagged off from the Eastern Court Building, Janpath to Sanchar Bhawan. Before commencement of the march all India leaders of different trade unions of CITU, INTUC, AITUC etc i.e. Comrade Shri Tapan Sen, Hon'ble Member of Parliament and Secretary General CITU, Shri Vidhya Sagar Giri, Secrteray, AITUC, Shri Jile Singh, INTUC leaders addressed the gathering and extended their full support to the struggle of BSNL employees.
The March was forcefully ended by Delhi Police at Sansad Marg Police Station near Sanchar Bhawan. On the assurance of police to arrange a meeting Seretary Telecom March culinated in a big meeting which was adddressed by all the General Secretaries of participating Unions and Associations including Comrade Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, AIBSNLEA.
A huge gathering of more than 5000 emoloyees gave patient hearing to all the speakers encouraging through slogans. More than 400 Comrades from AIBSNLEA BSNL Corporate Office Circle, Delhi Circle, Haryana Circle, Punjab Circle, Rajasthan Circle, Tamil Nadu Circle and UP (West) Circle participated in the March.
After adjournment of the meeting all the General Secretaries of the Unions and Associations of BSNBL were escorted by Police to Sanchar Bhawan to arrange a meeting with Secretary (Telecom). Initially Secretary Telecom directed Police to take all the leaders to meet Special secretary (T), DoT but all the leaders categorically told that we will meet only and only with Secretary (Telecom) otherwise all the employees will be called in DoT to demonstrate immediately. After some time Secretary (Telecom) agreed to meet the leaders in committee room.
Secretary (T) along with SS (T), JS (A) and Director (PSU) attended the meeting in the presence of Police and started discussions. All the leaders expressed their serious anguish against the negligent attitude of DoT administration towards the issues of BSNL employees even the Secretary (Telecom) is not granting meetings. They apprise in detail the justification of the demands i.e. implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefits, settlement of let out issues related to 2nd PRC, pension revision of BSNL pensioners, Rollback of Tower Subsidiary, No reduction in retirement age from 60 to 58 years and no VRS etc. Secretary (Telecom) mentioned that she have been meeting with BSNL leaders on different occasions and she is not denying meetings. However, she explained that the issues are already in her knowledge but she is not the final authority to decide. Matter is being discussed tomorrow with Hon’ble MOSC (I/C), head of the organization for consideration. Regarding 3rd PRC Secretary (T) mentioned that matter has already been referred to DPE for comments. She further mentioned that she is supporting BSNL being a state owned company.
After the meeting with Secretary (Telecom) all the General Secretaries met CMD BSNL and Director (HR) BSNL Board and apprised about the discussions took place with Secretary (Telecom). CMD informed that in tomorrow’s meeting he will also remain present along Secretary (Telecom) in the meeting with MOSC (I/C)
All the General Secretaries of all Unions and Associations will meet tomorrow morning at 1100 hrs to discuss the strategies for the meeting with Hon’ble MOSC (I/C) and thereafter will meet with MOSC (I/C) at 12.30 hrs.
The future course of actions will be decided all the outcome of the meeting with MOSC (I/C) and request the BSNL employees to implement ongoing agitation program of Work According to Rules successfully.
<<<Click here for the glimpses of the March>>>>>>
5th District Conference of AIBSNLEA Silchar Branch held on 07.02.2018
5th District Conference of AIBSNLEA , Silchar Branch was organized on 07.02.2018 at the Conference Hall of Silchar SSA. The conference was attended by Com. Swarup chakraborty, CS, Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee, ACS from Circle body. Com. Soumitra Das, DS, AIBSNLEA Silchar welcomed the circle office bearers and the members. In his welcome address he thanked to AIBSNLEA ,Circle body for extending every support to AIBSNLEA Silchar Branch. During his tenure many achievements were made with the support of members. AIBSNLEA recognized as major Association in Silchar SSA with the support of AIGETOA in the last referendum. All rule-8 cases were settled etc.
Com. Swarup chakraborty, CS, AIBSNLEA, Assam in his address expressed resentment against the tower company formation . He informed that AIBSNLEA made the presentation to 3rd PRC Committee for relaxing the affordability clause due to social obligation and BSNL’s role in natural calamities. He mentioned that BSNL has some constraints like TAC/CAG/CVC and Audit which private operators are not having these hurdles. Even then, BSNL works for nation building and does not think about profit or loss. He mentioned good quality 4G spectrum is the need of the hour for BSNL. He opposed the plan of DoT to reduce the superannuation age from 60 to 58 for granting zero percent fitment. He told that DoT is planning to retire 30,000 BSNL employees through this move. He apprised that AIBSNLEA had submitted our views / suggession on implementation of CPSU Cadre hierarchy in the draft proposal of Pers Cell which should be taken into consideration before Board approval. He appealed all executives to make every efforts to implement agitational call given by CHQ with a team spirit.
Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee, ACS in his address explained how DoT is looting BSNL in respect of payment of pension contribution on highest scale of pay instead of actual pay. He described the role of AIBSNLEA in the viability of BSNL. He requsted all the members of AIBSNLEA, Silchar to work hard for the betterment of Association and BSNL in particular. He stressed the need to strengthen AIBSNLEA as we are fighting sincerely for the interest of all the employees without any discrimination.
Com. Tapash Suklabadya extended the vote of thanks.
For the next term, District body was elected unanimously in which Com. Sankar Das, SDO , Com. Rupak Sharma, JAO, Com. Gautam Chakraborty, JAO were elected unanimously as District President, District Secretary and District Treasurer respectively.
Unanimous decisions taken in today’s meeting of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL” to intensify the struggles for achieving wage revision and for the ‘rolling back of the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company’.
“The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”, held it’s meeting at New Delhi on 08.01.2018 to discuss about the steps to be taken for intensifying the struggles for the settlement of 3rd Pay Revision and to ensure the ‘rolling back of the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company’. The meeting was attended by the General Secretaries / Representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, BTEU, SEWA BSNL, AIGETOA, BSNL MS, TEPU, BSNL ATM and TOA BSNL. The meeting was presided over by Com. K. Jayaprakash, GS, FNTO. The following decisions are taken unanimously for intensifying the struggles to achieve the demands.
Struggle programme:
(1) Whole day satyagraha for 5 days from 30.01.2018. The starting of the satyagraha will be marked by the paying of ‘shradhanjali’ at Gandhi Samadi at New Delhi on 30.01.2018, by the leaders of the “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”.
(2) ‘Indefinite Work According to Rule’ from 30.01.2018.
(3) Massive “March to Sanchar Bhawan” on 28.02.2018.
(4) Leaders of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL” will take all out efforts to meet Shri Manoj Sinha, Hon’ble Minister of State for Communications, the Secretary DoT and CMD BSNL, within a week’s time.
(5) The meeting entrusted to Com. G.L. Jogi, Leader, SNEA, and to Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, with the responsibility of exploring possibilities to take legal action to roll back the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company.
(6) A Steering Committee consisting of the General Secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA and AIBSNLEA is formed to monitor the struggles.
(7) Meeting the leaders of political parties and Central Trade Unions, by 30.01.2018, to mobilise support in favour of the demands of “The All Unions and Associations of BSNL”.
Charter of demands
(1) Settle:-
(a) 3rd Pay Revision with 15% fitment from 01.01.2017.
(b) Settle pension revision.
(c) Settle left-out issues of the 2nd PRC.
(2) Roll back the creation of Subsidiary Tower Company.
(3) No reduction in the retirement age from 60 to 58 and no VRS.
Tower Subsidiary Formation: Countrywide Protest Demonstration on 08.01.2018
Government is going ahead with the formation of Tower subsidiary formation irrespective of the strong opposition from the employees. It was told that it will be subsidiary of BSNL but Government has now appointed a Chairman Cum Managing Director for the new Tower Subsidiary company, making its intentions clear, day by day.
To protest it, as an immediate response, all Unions and Associations have decided to hold demonstration throughout the country on 08.01.2018. All the Circle/District Secretaries are requested to ensure 100% participation in these demonstrations and make it a grand success.
Further course of action will be decided in the meeting of all the Unions and Assns scheduled for 08.01.2018.
Deduction of Association subscription from the salary of members of AIBSNLEA:
BSNL Corporate Office has issued instructions to all CGMs and GM (CA)/GM (IT) BSNL CO regarding deduction of monthly subscription @ Rs. 80/- per month from the month of January 2018 and onwards from all the AIBSNLEA members through out the country.
AIBSNLEA CHQ had requested for this in compliance to a resolution passed by the AIC Nasik followed by confirmation for implementation by CWC Trivandrum.
Deduction of Association subscription from the salary of members of AIBSNLEA:
BSNL Corporate Office has issued instructions to all CGMs and GM (CA)/GM (IT) BSNL CO regarding deduction of monthly subscription @ Rs. 80/- per month from the month of January 2018 and onwards from all the AIBSNLEA members through out the country.
AIBSNLEA CHQ had requested for this in compliance to a resolution passed by the AIC Nasik followed by confirmation for implementation by CWC Trivandrum.
Meeting with GM (FP), BSNL, CO: - GS, President, FS & AGS (Finance) met GM (FP) and discussed regarding.
a) CPC from JAO to AO:- GM(FP) informed that CPC was initiated to fill up the vacant AO posts but the Hon’ble CAT Bangalore has granted the stay order on the existing seniority list of JAOs. The case is will be heard in the month of Jan-2018.
b) Consideration of some request transfers of AOs/ CAOs/ DGM (F):- We requested for consideration of request/ tenure transfer of AOs/ CAOs/ DGM (F). GM (FP) directed to DGM (SEA) to examine all the pending cases and issuing transfer orders.
c) Relieving of AOs/CAOs from Chhattisgarh & MP Circle: - We requested for relieving of AOs/CAOs from Chhattisgarh and MP Circle. GM (FP) mentioned that already the substitutes from other Circles have been posted to the Chhattisgarh and MP Circle. Now all the transfer orders will be implemented through ERP shortly.
d) Clarification on hard tenure Circle to West Bengal Circle: - We requested for issuing clarification on hard tenure Circle to West Bengal Circle from BSNL CO. GM(FP) assured to issue clarification at the earliest.
Meeting with PGM (Pers) BSNL, CO: - GS, President, FS & AGS (Finance) met PGM (Pers) and discussed regarding.
a) CPSU cadre hierarchy implementation:- PGM (Pers) mentioned that the most of the suggestion given by AIBSNLEA have been incorporated in the CPSU cadre hierarchy proposal submitted to the BSNL Board but before the Board meeting Hon’ble CAT Ernakulum Bench has granted stay order on the proposal itself. The case has been filed by some JTO’s qualified LDCE and waiting for promotion. He mentioned that the case will be heard on 3rd Jan-2018 and before that BSNL reply to the Hon’ble CAT. He mentioned that as soon as the stay order is vacated the CPSU cadre hierarchy proposal will be placed before the BSNL Board for approval. We further requested to ensure to consider reference points for next promotion from the date of last DPC, SDE/AO to SDE/CAO promotion after 7years only instead of 12 years and withdrawal of MT recruitment provision. PGM (Pers) was non-committal on these issues.
Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi allows OA filed by AIBSNLEA against the DoT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment in the same scale on functional promotion under EPP:
Today on dated 21.12.2017, the case was listed and heard in the Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi Court No. 4. After hearing all the related parties at length Hon'ble PB CAT allowed the OA. Details are awaited.
Meeting of all Unions and Association of BSNL
All Unions & Associations CHQ leaders met today and congratulated the BSNL employees for making two Day strike a complete success. The meeting also criticized and condemned the negligent attitude of DOT administration and BSNL Management towards BSNL employees strike and their legitimate demands. Further decided to hold meeting on 08-01-2018 at 15.00 hrs in FNTO office T-16, Atul Grove Road New Delhi to decide the future course of actions for launching hard Trade union actions in terms of Parliament March/ Sanchar Bhawan including indefinite strike.
CPSU Cadre Hierarchy Proposal in BSNL
GS writes to Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL intimating that PGM (Pers.) had discussions on some of the issues but he had not made discussions on all the issues despite our para wise reply on the proposed CPSU Cadre Hierarchy Proposal. It seems that our opinion / views / suggestions have not been given due importance by the PGM (Pers.). Even records of the discussion have not been taken and supplied to us. Therefore, whatever made known to the Management Committee are not known to us.
A convention of all Unions & Associations will be held on 27.11.2017 at 11 AM at BSNL multipurpose Hall, Panbazar. To grace the occasion CHQ leaders of all unions & associations will be present there and will address the significance of organizing two day strike on 12th & 13th December 2017. From AIBSNLEA CHQ Com. Prasun Mukhopadhyay, OS(East) will be present.
All members are requested to ensure their attendance to make these programme a grand success.
On the call of all Unions and Associations of BSNL Human Chain has been organized all over Assam Circle with full zeal and enthusiasm. At Circle Office, Guwahati the Human Chain was organized at mass level wherein almost all the executive, non-executive and retired employees participated in the human chain with chanting slogan. AIBSNLEA Assam congratulate all for making the programme a grand success.
HUMAN CHAIN ON 23.11.2017
All are requested to make all out preparations on scheduled HUMAN CHAIN on 23.11.2017. Members working at other places are requested to join the same at the Circle/SSA HQs.
Meeting with PGM (Pers.) to discuss the CPSU Cadre Hierarchy proposal:
GS, President, AGS (HQ), AGS (Fin), and AGS (DR) had meeting with PGM (Pers.) on CPSU cadre hierarchy. The meeting was scheduled as per direction of the Management Committee of BSNL Board. GM (SR), Jt. GM (Pers) and DGM (Pers-II) were also present in the meeting. AIBSNLEA submitted its detailed Para wise response to the draft policy approved by BSNL Management committee.
PGM (Pers) had apprised that purpose of the MC‘s direction to discuss with associations to make policy more employee and organization centric. He requested that AIBSNLEA should support the policy to break the stalemate in the promotions of executives in BSNL.
AIBSNLEA made it clear that we are never against the CPSU hierarchy rather we have been demanding it to implement in the true sense and as per Khan Committee recommendations. We further clarified that our suggestions are to safe guard the interest of the entire executives and it will give value additions to it. In view of this Pers. Cell should carefully go through our views / suggestions with open mind without any prejudice. Then point by point discussion was held.
While discussion, we strongly opposed the MT recruitment, ignorance of the weightage to seniority, reduction of sanctioned strength, increase in eligibility condition from of 7 to 12 years for the promotion of SDE/AO to DE /AGM/CAO, Time bound promotion in SG-JAG grade should be in E7 instead of E6 etc.
PGM (Pers) appreciated our concern in this regard and impress upon to consider MT Recruitment to full-fill the management requirement immediately but we categorically told that AIBSNLEA is firm on its stand and will not accept MT Recruitment at STS level which will block the career progression of executives.
PGM (Pers.) mentioned that he will study the submissions made by AIBSNLEA point by point and thereafter he will discuss the matter with AIBSNLEA again on 22nd and 23rd Nov, 2017.
<<<<Click here for the submissions made by AIBSNLEA on CPSU CH proposal>>>>
A meeting of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, was held at New Delhi today the 14.11.2017. Com. Chandeswar Singh, GS, NFTE, presided over the meeting. General Secretaries / representatives of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, FNTO, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, AIBSNLOA, BSNL ATM, BSNL OA and BEA BSNL attended the meeting. Comrade GS and Comrade President attended the meeting from AIBSNLEA side. The following decisions are taken unanimously.
1. The date of the human chain is changed, with a view to facilitate more time for the mobilization. Now, the human chain will be held during lunch hour on 23.11.2017.
2. The strike notice for the two day strike, to be held on 12th & 13th December, 2017, will be served on the Management and the DoT on 23.11.2017.
3. At the circle level, a meeting of all the circle secretaries of the unions and associations should be held on 18.11.2017. The ways and means to effectively organize the human chain and the two day strike, should be discussed and decided in these meetings. (At the Corporate Office this meeting will take place on 17.11.2017)
4. The last date for submission of memorandum to the Hon’ble MPs has been changed to 30.11.2017. A copy of the memorandum to be submitted to the Hon’ble MPs, will be circulated within a day or two.
5. Posters and hand bills will be printed at the All India level, by the All Unions and Associations of BSNL, in English and Hindi, and it will be sent to the circles. The expenditure for these will be borne by all the unions and associations. The posters and hand bills should also be printed in the regional languages, at the circle level.
6. To effectively organize the strike, meetings will be organized in important cities / centers, as per the following details. All India leaders of the All Unions and Associations of BSNL will address these meetings.
20.11.2017 : Lucknow 02.12.2017 : Jaipur
21.11.2017 : Patna 04.12.2017 : Bhubaneswar
22.11.2017 : Kolkata 05.12.2017 : Chennai
25.11.2017 : Pune 06.12.2017 : Bengaluru
27.11.2017 : Ahmedabad 07.12.2017 : Bhopal
27.11.2017 : Guwahati 08.12.2017 : Hyderabad
28.11.2017 : Ludhiana
All the Circle / District Secretaries are requested to implement the above organizational action programmes with 100% participation. Also coordinate with all the Circle / District Secretaries for effective implementation of the above agitation program immediately to:
(i) For implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and pending issues related to 2nd PRC.
(ii) To protest against creation of BSNL's Tower Subsidiary.
The date of the human chain is now changed with a view to facilitate more time for the mobilization. Now, the human chain will be held during lunch hour on 23.11.2017 at BSNL Corporate Office, Circle and District levels.
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding grant of facility of Deduction of subscription to Executives Associations <<<Click here for order>>>>
Director (HR) hold a meeting with AIBSNLEA representatives on 08.11.2017 and discussed the agenda items as under:-
1. Implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and settlement of E-2 & E-3 standard pay scales to the JTO & SDE equivalent executives in BSNL: We requested to get settled both the cases from DOT at the earliest to avoid unrest among the employees. Dir (HR) informed that she along with GM(Estt.) has met PS to Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) Shri Niteshwar Kumar and has discuss the matter on E-2 & E-3 pay scale issue and he has assured to appraised the issue to the Hon'ble MOSC(I/C) for review the PO since the earlier PO has been issued with the approval of Hon'ble MOSC(I/C).
On the issue of 3rd PRC report the BSNL Board has approved for its implementation with 15% fitment benefit and the same proposal will shortly be sent to DOT she immediately directed GM (Estt.) for sending the BSNL Board approval on 3rd PRC implementation for approval to DOT immediately. Dir (HR) mentioned that approval on 3rd PRC from DOT fully depends on Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) & Secretary (T) support. Since, the middle level administration in DOT is not favorable.
On the issue of payment of pension contribution on actual basic instead of maximum of the pay of BSNL employees to DOT. Dir (HR) mentioned that matter is still pending in the establishment cell of DOT to reply DOE queries wherein internal finance of DOT has also asked many quires in this regard. It seems that DOT Administration is not favorable to recommend the case to DOE.
2. Holding of CPCs to fill-up the vacant Group-B and Group-A level vacant posts: We expressed our serious concern against the non-filling of the Group-B and Group-A level about 17000 vacant posts on the pretext of pending court cases. PGM (Pers) informed that Three SLPs have been filed in the Hon'ble Supreme Court against the Judgement of Hon'ble High Court Chandigarh on SC/ST roster implementation in BSNL the case was heard in the Registrar Court on 27th Oct.2017 wherein the notices have been issued to all concerned and now the next hearing is expected in the middle of Nov. month. He explained that we have requested to the Hon'ble Supreme Court to give us the clear direction that whether the Hon'ble High Court Chandigarh Judgement has to be implemented of the DOP&T guidelines should be implemented on SC/ST roster in BSNL to fill-up about 17000 Group-B and Group-A level vacant posts in the interest of BSNL and its executives. He opined that on this hearing Hon'ble Supreme Court may give clear cut direction in this regard and on that basis the CPCs will be conducted immediately. Dir (HR) also informed that she along with PGM (Pers) has met BSNLs senior Advocate and discussed the matter for an early decision in this regard.
3. Withdrawal of additional increment on promotion in the same pay scale after time bound promotion under EPP: Dir (HR) asked the status of the court cases in this regard from PGM(Pers) and GM(Estt.). We expressed our concern that on 6th Nov-2017 the case was heard in the Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi filed by AIBSNLEA in the month of July-2017 against DOT order dated 05.07.2017 wherein for the last three hearings DOT Counselor shout time to file the reply and finally DOT filed the reply in Oct-2017 thereafter immediately AIBSNLEA Advocate also filed the rejoinder which was heard on 6th Nov-2017 in which Ist time BSNLs Advocate appeared and demanded the MA copy and requested for adjournment of the Court for next 3 weeks wherein the now case is posted for hearing on 28th Nov-2017. Dir (HR) express her anguish against towards BSNLs Advocate late appearance and further delaying the case. She directed CGM (Legal) and PGM (Pers) to deal the case on priority for an early decision so that the pension cases can be settled accordingly.
4. Implementation of CPSU cadre hierarchy in BSNL: We expressed our resentment towards the attitude of PGM (Pers) for not discussing the draft proposal with AIBSNLEA 2nd majority Executive Association on CPSU cadre hierarchy before placing to the management committee of BSNL Board wherein many discrepancies are seen which will harm the assured carrier progression of BSNL Executives. The Khan Committee recommendation which were finalized after the signature of three Executive Associations i.e. AIBSNLEA, SNEA and AIGETOA has been diluted/ deviated which is not acceptable. We also mentioned that AIBSNLEA have been demanding implementation of CPSU hierarchy in the line of Khan Committee report. Dir (HR) mentioned that Management Committee of BSNL Board has directed to discuss the draft proposal with all stake holders before its submission to the BSNL Board for approval and now you have opportunity to put forth your views in this regard. She directed PGM(Pers) to discuss with AIBSNLEA on point to point basis and to take out view for further submission to the management committee of BSNL Board. She also directed GM(SR) to be present in the meeting on 15th Nov.2017 at 15.00 Hrs in the Chamber of PGM(Pers) and thereafter she will personally discuss the matter with AIBSNLEA before its submission to Management Committee of BSNL Board.
During the discussions with Dir(HR) the PGM(Pers), GM(Estt.), GM(SR), Jt. GM(Pers) and DGM(Estt.) were also present in the meeting. Com. GS, President, FS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (DR) attended the meeting.
Status of the Court Cases against the DoT order dated 5.7.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP.
The case filed by AIBSNLEA vide OA/100/2649/2017 in Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi against the DOT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP came up for hearing on 06.11.2017 in the Principal Bench of Hon'ble CAT (Court No. 4). BSNL Advocate requested for supply of MA Copy and also requested for hearing date in the first week of December. AIBSNLEA advocate requested for immediate hearing. However, Hon'ble court posted the matter for further hearing on 28th November 2017.
AIBSNLEA Assam Wishes a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous retiring life to Com. Abdul Munyem, AGM and Com. Bijay Deb, PS Circle Office, Guwahati.
Our GS discussed with concerned officers in BSNL Corporate Office and confirmed that BSNL Board in its meeting held on 24.10.2017 has cleared the BSNL’s proposal approved by the Management Committee of BSNL Board for implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations with 15% fitment benefits in BSNL. It is understood that Govt. may put an embargo on the pretext of the affordability clause of PRC report. DoT has now to take the clearance from Cabinet Secretariat / PMO for relaxation in the affordability clause. Thereafter only, the presidential orders will be issued by DoT.
In view of these developments all the Unions and Associations of BSNL agitation programme has to be implemented with 100% success to mount required pressure.
Status on implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL, Superannuation benefits & Modification in SDE RR
It is understood that today morning in BSNL Full Broad Meeting, the presentation on 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment benefits was made by Director(HR), BSNL Board, wherein it seems that the issue will get clearance of BSNL Board.
It is also understood that BSNL Board has cleared increase on superannuation benefits from 3% to 5% and modification in SDE RR.
The confirmation on the above issues will be available after the signature of all the Board of Directors on the minutes.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle successfully staged Lunch hour demonstration on 16.10.2017 along with other Unions and Associations.
Congratulations to all union leaders of constituent Unions and Associations and all members of AIBSNLEA for making the programme success.
Clarification on the matters of application of catch-up Rules as mandated by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in BK Pavitra & Ors Vs UOI & Ors:
Dpartment of Personnel & Training / Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions vide letter number 22034/1/2017-Estt (D) dated 25.09.2017 clarifies to BSNL that as per the provisions of the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules,1961, the instructions issued by this Department (DoPT) are applicable only to Central Government Civilian "employees" and "posts". These are not suo moto applicable to employees of Autonomous Bodies, Statutory Organizations, Public Sector Enterprises, Trusts, Banks, employees of State Government etc, which are governed by their respective regulations / instructions issued by the concerned Administrative Ministry/Department under Statue/Act of the Parliament by which they are created or came into existence.
Meeting of Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) of BSNL Board held today:-
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) of BSNL Board held today to discuss and give the comments on implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and increase in superannuation benefit contribution from 3% to 5% for BSNL recruited employees.
It is understood that NRC after detailed discussions considered the pleading of Director (HR) BSNL Board on 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and also to increase superannuation benefit from 3% to 5% to BSNL recruited employees.
Now the NRC report will be put up to the full BSNL Board meeting which is being held tomorrow morning at 10.00 Hrs. for considering and further submission to the (DOT) Administrative Ministry for the issuance of Presidential Directives with the concurrence of internal finance of DOT. It seems that till date the issues are in right direction.
All the member of NRC i.e. Shri Dastne, Independent Board Director of BSNL Board, Smt. Sujata Rao Retd. IAS, Independent Director of BSNL Board, Smt. Padma Iyyer Kaul, DDG (Finance) DOT, Govt. Nominee Director of BSNL Board and Smt. Sujata Ray, Director (HR) BSNL Board attended the NRC Meeting. The meeting was convened by Smt. Sujata Ray, Dir. (HR) BSNL, Board who pleaded in the support of above two items of the agenda.
All Unions and Associations of BSNL served notice for trade union actions to secretary/DoT and CMD/BSNL.
GS writes to Shri Anupam Shrivastava, CMD BSNL regarding Implementation of Khan Committee report in draft CPSU Cadre Hierarchy-<<<Click here for letter>>>> <<<Annexure-'A>>>
Status of the Court Cases against the DoT order dated 5.7.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP.
Hon'ble PB CAT New Delhi:
The case filed by AIBSNLEA vide OA/100/2649/2017 in Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi against the DOT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP came up for hearing on 05.10.2017 in the Principal Bench of Hon'ble CAT (Court No. 4). DoT has yet not submitted its reply so the councillor appeared for DoT requested some more time to file rejoinder. Our advocate opposed it. Anyhow, Hon'ble court granted two weeks time further to DoT for filing its reply and thereafter one weeks time to the petitioner to file rejoinder, if any. Now the case is posted for further hearing on 06.11.2017.
Hon'ble CAT Jaipur:
Similarly, the case filed by Com. Karan Singh, Advisor (North), CHQ, AIBSNLEA along with 27 applicants also came for hearing on 05.10.2017 in the Hon'ble CAT Jaipur against the DoT Order dated 05.07.2017. DoT has yet not submitted its reply so the councillor appeared for DoT requested some more time to file rejoinder. Our advocate opposed it and requested to quash the said order. But the Hon'ble CAT posted the matter for further hearing on 16.11.2017.
CS AIBSNLEA and CS NFTE-BSNL Jointly submitted memorandum to Hon’ble CGMT Assam Circle today for his kind intervention and recommendation on implementation of 3rd PRC report with 15% fitment benefit to BSNL employees.
(and enclosed link of the memorandum)
Glimpses of the Candle light March to Jantar Mantar by CHQ and neighbouring Circles/SSAs in New Delhi on 04.10.2017:
<<<Click here for glimpses of the Candle Light March from BSNL CO to Jantar Mantar New Delhi>>>>
All BSNL Unions and Associations in the meeting held on 04.10.2017 morning at New Delhi has unanimously decided to organize protest action or the implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% fitment benefit. Settlement of left out issues related to 2nd PRC and against creation of BSNL's Tower Subsidiary.
The following agitation Programmes have been decided:
1. Lunch Hour demonstration on 16.10.2017 at BSNL CO New Delhi, all Circle/ SSA level.
2. "Human Chain" on 16-11-2017 at BSNL CO New Delhi, Circle/ SSA level.
3. Two days strike on 12th and 13th December 2017 and even then the issues are not resolved the indefinite strike will be organized till the time demands are settled. The notice to the Management will be served on 10-10-2017 after the signature of all the General Secretaries of BSNL Unions/Associations.
AIBSNLEA along with NFTE-BSNL jointly executed Lunch Hour Demonstration in support of "3rd PRC Implementation with 15% fitment benefit" today. AIGETOA also supported the demonstration and participated with us.
Thanks to all members of AIBSNLEA, NFTE-BSNL and AIGETOA for participating in todays demonstration and making it successful.
GS, FS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (F) met Member (Services), Telecom Commission, Dot and discussed regarding:
A) De-linking of the revision of Pension of BSNL Pensioners from the revision of pay scales of BSNL serving employees: We requested for de-linking of the revision of Pension of BSNL Pensioners from the revision of pay scales of BSNL serving employees in view of the fact that BSNL Pensioners are not related with the profit & loss of BSNL. BSNL Pensioner's pension should also be revised like revision of the pension of the Central Govt. employees. Member (S) appreciated our concern and assured to recommend the case to DPE and Cabinet Secretariat for consideration.
B) Payment of pension contribution of BSNL employees on actual basic pay instead of the maximum of the pay scale: We requested Member (S) to consider and give favourable remarks on BSNL's proposal for DPE. Member (S) assured for favourable remarks in this regard.
GS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (F) met CMD BSNL and discussed regarding implementation of 3rd PRC report with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL. CMD confirmed that the proposal regarding 3rd PRC report implementation with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL has been approved by the Management Committee of BSNL Board yesterday. Now, it will be sent to NRC & BSNL Board for approval shortly and thereafter to DoT for issuance of Presidential Directives.
It is understood that BSNL Management Committee has recommended implementation of 3rd PRC report with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL and suggested to revise the allowances/perks by BSNL after the approval of DoT on pay scale revision.
High Court of Kerala uphold FR 22.1.a.1 fixation for O-JTOs .....
On 15-9-2017 Hon.High Court of Kerala dismissed WPC 23407/10 & 23850/10 filed by BSNL against the CAT Ernakulam order granting legitimate fixation under FR 22 1(a) 1 to officiating JTOs .
BSNL filed 14 writ petitions in HONBLE Kerala High court against the FR 22 1(a) 1 pay fixation of officiating JTOs . From year 2010 onwards these cases are pending with this court . During this period officiating JTOs of other circles filed for fr22 1(a)1 protection cases . For all these cases favourable judgment were received from PCAT New Delhi. However, BSNL filed appeal in high court of New Delhi . New Delhi high court dismissed this appeal with remarks that it is subject to the outcome of pending cases in high court of kerala . BSNL again went to supreme court . Supreme court also dismissed this SLP and made same remarks that the outcome of the case is subjected to the verdict of kerala Highcourt. Finally 15/09/2017 Honble kerala high court dismissed all 14 petitions with FR 22 1 (a) 1 . Now all officiating JTOS are eligible for FR 22 1(a) 1 and no Recovery will happen further on this fixation already done .
Through this verdict Officiating service protection is also to be extended to the officiated services along with pending 78.2% fixation to all the erstwhile O-JTO comrades .
Congrats O-JTO Comrades.........
AIBSNLEA Assam successfully staged Lunch Hour demonstration against formation of subsidiary Tower Company along with BSNL Unions & Associations on 15.09.2017. Congratulations to all comrades for making the programme success.
AIBSNLEA decides to participate in the demonstration call given by all BSNL's Unions & Associations during lunch hour on 15th Sept., 2017 to protest against the creation of BSNL Tower Subsidiary Company.
All the District Secretaries of AIBSNLEA are requested to participate in same along with all the members.
AIBSNLEA serves upon a Notice for organizational action programs demanding 3rd PRC implementation with 15% fitment benefits in BSNL to the Chairperson, Telecom Commission and Secretary (T), Department of Telecom, Govt. of India AND Chairman cum Managing Director, BSNL to launch following organizational action programs:
1.Memorandum to be submitted to the Hon'ble MPs (LS/RS) by all the District Secretaries immediately.
2. Holding of Demonstration on 04.10.2017 during Lunch / Closing hours at BSNL CO New Delhi, Circle and SSA Head quarters and submission of memorandum to SSA Heads for recommending to the Hon'ble MoSC (I/C)
3.“Candle Light” March on 04.10.2017 at 18.00 Hrs from BSNL Corporate Office, Janpath, New Delhi to Jantar Mantar, New Delhi.
“Implementation of 3rd PRC recommendations with 15% fitment benefits in BSNL”
Click here for the copy of the Notice
All the District Secretaries are requested to submit the Memorandum After demonstration to the CMD / SSA Heads. The Memorandum should be submitted to all the Hon'ble Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha in their area immediately.
Click here for the copy of Memorandum in docx format
Click here for the copy of Memorandum in pdf format
AIBSNLEA CHQ Delhi will organize a "Candle March" at 18.00 Hrs from BSNL Corporate Office, Janpath to Jantar Mantar, New Delhi in support of this demand.
We request all the BSNL Unions / Associations to participate and support the program.
All the District Secretaries are requested to ensure successful implementation of the above Organizational Action Program with 100% participation.
GS, President met PGM (PF), BSNL CO and Chairman Committee on 3rd PRC and discussed regarding finalization of 3rd PRC report for submission to the Management Committee of BSNL Board for approval. PGM (PF) informed that today she has submitted the committee report to GM (Estt.) for further necessary action.
It is understood that committee has recommended 15% fitment benefit with some conditions wherein the main emphasis may be on 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL. With this BSNL will incurred additional Rs.272 Crores financial burden for executives and about Rs.725 Crores for non-executives wage revision wherein Basic +DA will be merged in new pay scale band which will increase the pension, commutation value and remove the stagnation in the existing scales. 15% fitment benefit the financial impact will be about Rs. 2500 Crores.
We have been pleading that 15% fitment benefit recommendations should go from BSNL to DOT to keep the BSNL employees motivated and for its growth. Now after the BSNL management committee approval the 3rd PRC proposal will be placed before the nomination committee of BSNL Board wherein independent and Govt. nominee Board of Directors will examine and approve, thereafter the agenda on 3rd PRC proposal with the clearance of DOT will be put up in the BSNL Board for its approval and it will be sent to DOT for approval and issuance of presidential directives. This whole process has to be closely monitored to ensure that the things are in positive direction.
BSNL Corporate Office issued order regarding
(i) Conducting DR-JAO in BSNL through open competitive Exam. Publication of Indicative advertisement for wide publicity through website, news papers through Circles, Employment News etc. reg..
<<<Click here for letter>>> <<<Format>>> <<<Website for Online apply>>>
(ii) Refreshment allowance to sportspersons-reg. <<<Click here for order>>>>
GS, President and AGS (F) met GM (SR), BSNL CO and discussed regarding:
a) Payment of pension contribution on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale: GM (SR) informed that matter is under consideration to DOT to reply DOE queries on BSNL proposal. The establishment cell of DOT has processed the reply for financial concurrence to the internal finance of DOT. GM (SR) mentioned that he is closely monitoring the developments and pursuing in DOT for positive reply to DOE. He further mentioned that in case BSNL request for payment of pension contribution on actual basic is considered by Govt. than BSNL will be saving 1600-1700 crores per annum and it will pave the way in getting implemented 3rd PRC in BSNL.
b) Special C/L to the Circle/ District level office bearers of AIBSNLEA. We requested to allow special C/L to the Circle/ District level office bearers of AIBSNLEA. GM (SR) assured an early action in this regard.
Stay on implementation of DOT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP - Orders from BSNL CO:
Consistent efforts of AIBSNLEA yielded results in getting released the orders from BSNL Corporate Office for keeping the implementation of DoT order number 40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt) dated 05.07.2107 in abeyance till further order both in case of serving as well as retiring employees. <<<Click here for the order>>>
It may be recalled that AIBSNLEA had filed an OA vide O.A./100/2649/2017 in Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi against the DOT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP. Similarly, Com. Karan Singh, Advisor (North), CHQ, AIBSNLEA along with 27 applicants also filed case in the Hon'ble CAT Jaipur & Hon'ble High Court, Jaipur against the DoT Order dated 05.07.2017. Hon'ble CAT Jaipur has granted stay order on re-fixation of pay & recoveries as per above said order.
Review of result of failed SC/ST candidates in JAO LICE 40%, notified on 07.03.2016 and JAO LICE 10%, notified on 03.06.2016:
BSNL Corporate Office has reviewed and declared the results of the fail SC & ST candidates in the light of office order No. 22-5/91-NCG dated 30.11.92.
<<<Click here for the forwarding letter>>> <<<Click here for the result sheet>>>
Free night calling facility on concessional telephone connection extended to BSNL serving Gr. B, C & D employees having residential service telephone connection and concessional telephone connection to retired BSNL employees.
Letter enclosed in gallery>>
GS met GM (Admn.), BSNL CO and requested to allow night free calling facility on concessional telephone connection of BSNL Gr. “A” officers also as AIBSNLEA has demanded for all the executives. GM (Admn) mentioned that the competent authority has allowed upto Gr.”B” level officers only. However, we will take up the matter with CMD, BSNL and Director (HR) to allow this facility to the officers of Gr. “A” level also.
CS, AIBSNLEA Assam had a talk with GS, Prahlad Rai ji yesterday regarding E1+5 increment for 2013 batch JAO. GS assured that HR plan is in final stage. It is expected to approve very soon. In this regard GS will meet Dir(HR) shortly to discuss the development.
GS Writes to
Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD BSNL, regarding Delay in creation of trust for the superannuation pension fund for Direct Recruits Employees of BSNL
GS met CMD BSNL and discussed regarding implementation of 3rdPRC with 15% fitment benefit in BSNL. We explained him that there are some rumors that BSNL management is delaying the approval of BSNL Board and may propose 0% fitment benefit on 3rd PRC implementation. CMD BSNL clarified that the committee has prepared the report and shortly proposal will be put up to the BSNL Management committee and thereafter to the BSNL Board for its approval. CMD assured to recommend 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL with 15% fitment benefit only and he will make sincere efforts to get approved from DOT. He further mentioned that at this juncture we all should concentrate to increase the revenue of BSNL to get the positive result from DOT in this regard.
GS, AGS (DR) also met Jt. GM (Pers) and discussed regarding CPC from JTO to SDE (Telecom). Jt. GM (Pers) mentioned that BSNL's Sr. Advocate from Kerala is sending the draft of MA to BSNL Corporate Office Pers Cell for vetting shortly. The MA will be filed in the Hon'ble High Court Kerla immediately to get vacated the stay order on promotion. However, the CPC work in process, the VCRs are being collected. As soon as the stay order is vacated the CPC will be expedited.
BSNL Management continuing its vindictive actions against the General Secretaries of Executives Associations for organizing organizational actions. Initially in the month of Jan., 2017, BSNL Management issued Memorandum (SHOW CAUSE Notice) to the General Secretaries of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA & AITEEA for organizing two days dharna on 27th & 28thDec., 2016 under the banner of United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations.
Later on, in the month of May, 2017, the GS of AIGETOA & now in August, 2017, the GS SNEA have been served major penalty charge sheet for organizing Trade Union Activities in the month of April, 2017, May, 2017 & July, 2017 as understood from BSNLEU CHQ Website. AIBSNLEA strongly condemns such vindictive actions.
Status of the Court Cases against the DoT order dated 5.7.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP.
AIBSNLEA had filed an OA vide O.A./100/2649/2017 in Hon'ble Principal Bench CAT New Delhi against the DOT order dated 05.07.2017 for withdrawal of additional increment by fixation in same scale on post based promotion under EPP. The case came up for hearing today but posted to 21.09.2017 for hearing as DoT advocate requested for some time to file the reply.
However, Hon'ble CAT Bench Jaipur has stayed the impugned order for pay revision and any recoveries till the next date of hearing i.e. 05.10.2017.
<<<Click here for the Order Page -1>>> <<<Click here for the Order Page - 2>>>
GS met GM (Admn), BSNL Corporate Office New Delhi and requested him to allow the night free calling facility on the landline numbers of serving employees also. He assure to take up the issue to the competent authority for approval and issuance of an early order in this regard.
GS, President, FS and AGS (F) met CMD BSNL and felicitated him on behalf of CWC meet Trivandrum held on 11th and 12th August 2017. CMD BSNL addressed the Open Session on the occasion of CWC through Video Conferencing which motivated and encourage the members. CMD BSNL could not attend the open session of CWC due to his sudden and an essential meeting with Hon'ble MOSC (I/C). We extended our sincere gratitude and thanks for his inspiring speech through video conferencing. We further discussed regarding:
A. Implementation of 3rd PRC in BSNL: We requested CMD BSNL for the approval of BSNL Management Committee and BSNL Board on 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL and thereafter to get the approval of DoT at the earliest. CMD BSNL mentioned that the committee report is expected shortly and the same will be put up in the next BSNL Management Committee for its consideration and approval. Thereafter, efforts will be made to bring it in the next BSNL Board meeting scheduled to be held on 29th August 2017. In case, if the matter is not discussed in this meeting then immediately an urgent BSNL Board meeting will be convened in the first week of September 2017 itself for its approval. CMD further apprised that he is already discussing the matter the independent Directors of the BSNL Board but still some constraints are there on the internal finance of DoT for which we have to overcome. Hon'ble MOSC (I/C) is in favour of 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL and he categorically told in the cabinet meeting that 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL in must for its survival. CMD advised us to pursue in DoT and be vigilant.
B. Rs. 22820/- pay fixation to JTOs/JAOs of post recruited 01.01.2007 batches: We requested CMD BSNL for the settlement of long pending issue of Rs. 22820/- pay fixation to JTOs/JAOs of post recruited 01.01.2007 batches. CMD BSNL mentioned that the committee report on this matter was put up to his office but some more information was required to through the case. Now, the matter will be discussed in the Management Committee of BSNL Board to take some favouable solution.
C. Withdrawal of Addl. increment in the same pay scale on promotion under EPP: We requested CMD BSNL to discuss the matter in DoT for review of the withdrawal of Addl. increment in the same pay scale on promotion under EPP as it was approved by BSNL Board and cleared by DoT. We also informed that AIBSNLEA has already filed the case in the Hon'ble Principal Bench, CAT, New Delhi and the next date of hearing is 24th August 2017. CMD BSNL advised us to discuss the matter with Director (HR) and assured to discuss the matter in DoT for its review.
<<<Click here for the photo-1>>> <<<Click here for the photo-2>>>
Meeting with Director (HR), BSNL Board:
GS, FS AGS(HQ) met and felicitated to Director (HR) on behalf of the CWC Meet Trivendrum which she could not attend as Guest of Honour due to her pre occupation and discussed regarding:
(a) Implementation of 3rd PRC with 15% Fitment benefit: We requested for getting an early approval of BSNL Board for 3rd PRC implementation in BSNL. Director (HR) mentioned that CMD BSNL has advised us to immediately bring this item in the next BSNL MC Meeting and thereafter for BSNL Board approval. This action is being taken on fast track but thereafter we have to pursue in DoT for its approval. She also confirmed that Hon'ble MOSC&IT is in favour of its implementation. She also appreciated that during her recent visit to Hyderabad, our association people met her and discussed this matter wherein they gave some important suggestions also. Except your association no one discussed the matter so seriously.
(b) CPSU Cadre Hierarchy implementation : Director (HR) confirmed that yesterday PGM(Pers.) gave presentation to CMD BSNL in her presence wherein CMD BSNL and herself has directed to PGM(Pers.) to modify the CPSU Cadre hierarchy proposal to provide non post based time bound promotions upto the level of AGM as per Khan Committee Report. She confirmed that SNEA(I) has suggested non post based promotions up to SDE level only. She mentioned that why they are doing like this? And they tried to trunked the replacement of pay scales earlier proposal of BSNL dated 06.06.2016 up to the level of E3 scale only and demanded to keep one executive in E3 scale for 10 years. We explained that it is just to keeping the issues half resolved. She further mentioned that in CPSU Cadre Hierarchy the legal aspect are also there e.g. SC/ST roster implementation etc. However she assured to consider the views of AIBSNLEA.
(c) Grant of special C/L to Circle / District Office bearers of AIBSNLEA also: We requested for granting of special C/L to Circle / District level Office bearers also. Director (HR) assured to look into the matter.
Address by Shri Anupam Srivastava Ji on 11.08.2017 to the CWC meet of AIBSNLEA:
Complete video recording of the address by Shri Anupam Srivastava Ji, CMD BSNL to the Open Session of CWC meet of AIBSNLEA through video conferencing is available at our Kerala Circle website <<<Click here for Kerala Circle website>>>
Resolutions passed by the CWC meet Trivandrum on various organizational issues:
CWC of AIBSNLEA in its meeting held at Trivandrum on 11th and 12th August 2017 unanimously resolved:
1. That with effect from 01.01.2018 the monthly subscription from the members of the association will be increased to Rs.80/- from the existing Rs.50/-. The quota share among CHQ, Circle and District will be Rs.40/-, Rs.20/- and Rs.20/-respectively.
2. That a sum of Rs.200/- per member be collected towards the legal fund of AIBSNLEA to meet the expenditure towards various court cases.
3. That the new welfare scheme will be commenced from 01.09.2017. In this scheme, a one time contribution of Rs. 500/- will be collected from all the members. On getting the amount, the CHQ will allot a unique ID number to that participant member. At the time of superannuation / voluntary retirement, the member will be awarded with gift / memento worth Rs.500/-. In case, if the said member expires during the service before retirement, the family of the diseased will be paid a sum of Rs. 50,000/- from this welfare fund.
4. To impress upon BSNL Management to immediately expedite all the CPCs and fill-up all the vacant posts. In the name of pending court cases, the CPC work should not be stopped.
5. That in case, if our pending HR issues are either not resolved or no action is taken within a three months time frame than immediately organizational action program be launched.
6. That in case, if the 3rd PRC recommendations are not implemented in BSNL with full 15% fitment than CHQ may start a joint united struggle along with other Associations / Unions.
Report on the 2nd Day proceedings of CWC meet Trivandrum.
In post lunch session General Secretary presented his report on the activities of the Association during the period. The report, including the HR issues, was discussed in detail and the action taken by the CHQ with the present status of each and every case was elaborated.
The followings have been decided in Trivandrum meet:
1. The subscription of the association will be increased to Rs.80/- from the existing Rs.50/- and the quota ratio will be Rs.40/- to CHQ, Rs.20/- Circle and Rs.20/- District. The same will be effective from 1.1.2018.
2. A sum of Rs.200/- per member will be collected towards the legal fund to meet the expenditure being incurred on various court cases.
4. All the circles who are not updating the circle website were requested to make arrangements for regular update of their website.
5. The new welfare scheme already approved by the AIC Mysuru may be commenced from the 01.09.2017.
5. It was decided to co-opt Shri Deepak Sharma, AM, BSNL Corporate office as AGS (DR) and Shri S. S. Rawat AGM Rajasthan Circle as Advisor (G) against Shri Ajay Kaswan and Shri Dinesh Meghwal respectively.
6. It was also decided to enroll Direct Recruit executives as member of AIBSNLEA.
7. It was also decided that in case if the 3rd PRC recommendation are not implemented in BSNL then CHQ may start a joint united struggle with other unions / associations in due course of time.
It was also decided to hold next CWC meet at Dehradoon of Uttarakand Circle. At the last Com B.S. Reddy, AGS (Engg.) delivered the vote of thanks Comrade S. Sivakumar, CHQ President, adjourned the CWC meet Trivandrum sine die.
Central Working Committee meeting of AIBSNLEA
Trivandrum CWC was attended by Com. Swarup Chakraborty, Circle Secretary and Com. Alok Kar, Circle President from Assam Circle.
The Open Session of the CWC meet was started as schedule with the august presence of Dr. P.T. Mathew, CGMT Kerala Circle as the Chief Guest and Shri A.M. Gupta, GM (SR), BSNL CO, Shri Ashutosh Gupta, GM (Restructuring), BSNL CO New Delhi, Shri S. Jyothi Shankar, GM (EB/S&M), Kerala Circle, Shri SS Thampi, PGMTD, BSNL, Trivandrum, Shri K.K. Vel, PGM (Finance), Kerala Circle, Shri Amit Gupta, AGS, AIRBSNLEWA CHQ, Shri Manoj Singh, GS AITEEA as the special guests of the function.
All the dignitaries on the dais were welcomed and felicitated.
Open Session was inaugurated by lightening of traditional lamp after a devotional song of Ganesha Vandanam.
Com. V. Shaji, Circle Secretary, AIBSNLEA, Kerala : Welcomed the Chief Guest, Guest of Honours, special invitees and all the other dignitaries on the dais and all the CWC members, Circle Presidents, Circle Secretaries and all the members present. All the dignitaries on dais were felicitated by presenting Bouquets. Com. Shaji in his welcome mentioned that the CWC is being held at a crucial juncture and AIBSNLEA and its members are confident to achieve the targets assigned by the CMD and will make BSNL as number one operator. He mentioned that under the leadership of Dr. P T Mathew, CGMT Kerala Circle will reach its height.
Com. S Sivakumar, President, AIBSNLEA CHQ: in his welcome address mentioned that the CWC is being held at the time when BSNL staff is facing the challenge of 3rd PRC implementation. He mentioned that after the demonetization and entry by Reliance Jio, the revenue of BSNL is coming down day by day. He appreciated the Kerala Circle management and comrades for its achievement of profit. He has also mentioned about various methods adopted by BSNL in increasing the revenue. BSNL is providing the service to the nation on behalf of the Govt. and hence, Govt. is bound to take care of the BSNL requirements. He has also briefed about the actions taken by the Association and BSNL management towards the 3rd PRC implementation. He also demanded that the AIBSNLEA office bearers should be extended with 20 days special leave as per the provisions of the DoP & T and DoT guidelines on the subject. On behalf of the association, he has assured the BSNL management to extend full support and co-operation in increasing the revenue.
Dr. P T Mathew, CGMT, BSNL, Kerala Circle, Hon. Chief Guest: in his address has mentioned that the AIBSNLEA has great leaders and with the approach of AIBSNLEA BSNL Kerala will grow much more. Kerala BSNL circle has achieved more and more profit year by year with 23% profit in the last year. You have the right to work and the result will automatically come. He made the example of Geeta Advise by Lord Krishna to Arjun in the Mahabharatha. "No" is not there in the dictionary of Kerala BSNL. He mention that Bill Gate the richest person to provide the internet and broadband connection to each and every house is the long term vision of Kerala. To provide broadband connection to each and every landline customer is the short term vision. The work towards the same has already started and this is the secret of success of Kerala. In the mobile sector, each and every person is provided with GSM connection with a 10% growth in the last year. The target is to give 10 connections per employee in a month which can increase the revenue. Going to the institution, giving power point presentation with details of plans and by the efforts of 30 people, 1400 connections were provided to an institute within 3-4 hours of time. He remembered the words of Mother Teressa. “what I cannot do, you can do and what you can't do I can do, but when we do together everything can be done”. He has also mentioned above various actions and methods adopted to capture the market and increase the growth of connections. He mentioned that the age is not a bar for each one of us and stated the example of Shri E Sreedharan Metro Men at the age of 85. It is only the mind set and the excellence is the continuous process and not an accident. The goal is making the BSNL profitable and with the commitment, we can achieve the same and wished the conference a grand success.
Com. Prahlad Rai, GS AIBSNLEA in his address mentioned that Kerala Circle is the most profit making circle of BSNL and congratulated the entire team of executives and non- executives of Kerala circle of BSNL. He on his personal behalf and on behalf of the AIBSNLEA has expressed his appreciation for the achievement and commitment. The network coverage and data communication is excellent, where there is not even a single call drop. He mentioned that when Kerala Circle can achieve such huge profit with quality of service, all other circles can also definitely achieve the profit and efforts are to be taken with commitment like Kerala comrades. He also briefed about the formation of the AIBSNLEA, its achievements for the last so-many years. The rolls played by the AIBSNLEA in the financial viability of BSNL. <<<Click here for the Key Note Address by GS>>>>
Shri Anupam Srivastava, CMD, BSNL (through Video Conference) thanked he mentioned that the strength of the BSNL is the executives and non-executives. There are positive signs of improvement. BSNL was number 1 once and due to various reasons, its positions had come down. All the new technologies like NOFN, etc is helping BSNL to improve. All of you are making party of the organization and be a part of the BSNL revival. With such a aggressive market and competition, the market share of BSNL as gone up. He also told that the revenue from operation has been increased. Please stay together and work hard to increase the revenue of BSNL. There are virtual turn around going on in the organization. He congratulated the profit making circles, like Kerala, Maharashtra and Odissa, etc. He mentioned that the journey has to be continue and the responsibility shown by the AIBSNLEA in reviving the BSNL is commendable and appreciable. As regards 3rd PRC, we are working together and the Hon. MoC is also in favour of the BSNL and implement the 3rd PRC. He also stated that the Hon. MoC is of the opinion that the efforts and hard work should continue and ensure that the turn around continue. He mentioned that BSNL should get 3rd PRC and urged every one to take the responsibility of the journey. He also mentioned that GST implementation has also taken place and all the processed needs to be made accordingly to take care of the GST. He also mentioned that Finance wing of Corporate office in consultation with Circle IFA, the cash flow problems will be resolved and the problem will be eased out. He mentioned that this is the time to remain unite and make the BSNL over above every and continue to process of revival. He thanked everyone and expected that the gathering will take many decisions which will benefit in the turn around of BSNL. He mentioned that he missed the mammoth gathering and apologized for not making it personally to attend the session due to his busy schedule and appointment with various Ministers. <<<Click here for the Address of CMD, BSNL>>>>
Com. Amit Gupta, AGS, AIRBSNLEWA: He mentioned that as on today, there are around 2 lakh pensions those who retired after formation of BSNL. The pension for the pensioners are paid by the DoT, whereas the medical facilities are given by the BSNL. There are no one to help the issues of pensions, there is no one to listen to their problems. When people talk about 3rd PRC, there are many pensioners who has so far not got the 2nd PRC benefit, 78.2 % fitment, etc. There are no records, in Kerala alone more than 3000 cases are pending. He mentioned that as per the information received from DoT under RTI, the pension revision of DoT pensioners will be done only if BSNL employees get 3rd PRC benefit. He personally requested the GM (SR), to take care of the Pensioners' issue.
Com. Manoj Singh, G.S. AITEEA, CHQ: The motivation in joining the BSNL is pay and promotion. The extended pay scale issue is pending for many years which is related to 2nd PRC, till the time when we expect the implementation of 3rd PRC. It is quite surprising that for one cadre there are three different pay scales. He mentioned that through the Kerala circle has achieved best services, it is not the case in other parts of the country. He mentioned about various HR issues pending for more than so many years. He mentioned that the concern of the management towards the 3rd PRC is appreciable. He said that JTO to SDE seniority quota promotions should be made immediately considering current vacancies.
Dr. Jyothi Shankar, GM (EB/S&M CM), BSNL, Trivandrum, Guest of Honour: He has mentioned about the areas where he has worked and during his tenure in Trivandrum, it was awarded as the best Telecom. District. He mentioned about the activities of Kerala Circle, which is instrumental in earning profit. He mentioned that he expects the leadership of AIBSNLEA and AITEEA should ensure that a situation is created in BSNL that employees are benefitted with 3rd PRC.
Shri S S Thampi, PGMTD, Guest of Honour: He mentioned that the 3rd PRC is the burning issue for each and every one of you and is confident that the leadership of the Association will take its efforts. He mentioned that as officers, there are limitations and associations and unions are having freedom. He requested to address the route cause of the problem. He suggested to convince the political masters which will help every one of us to get the 3rd PRC. He mentioned about various methods which can be adopted in marketing and increasing the profit.
Shri Ashuthosh Gupta, GM (Restructuring), BSNL Corporate Office, Guest of Honour: in his speech mentioned that the HR plan is in the final stage and the approval of the BSNL board is awaited. As regards the issue of amendment of CDA rules, he has mentioned that there is a provision to review the performance after attaining the age of 55 which is available in CDA rule and made applicable in all the Govt. Departments. Hence, the same is being implemented in all the PSUs and hence, the same is incorporated in the CDA rules. There are clear cut guidelines from the Govt to implement the clause in all the PSUs and there are also clear cut guidelines in the case of making the issue applicable and the issue has to be approved by the Director (HR) and the possibility of mis-use of the clause is rare. He also mentioned that as per the guidelines from Govt., the succession plan is being implemented only in the case of CGMs. As regards the issue of introduction of collection of donation clause in the CDA, the matter will be reviewed and will be reverted back to the CHQ of AIBSNLEA. As regards the re-structuring of Civil / Electrical, it was mentioned that the post is abolished at the bottom level, so that existing employees gets the promotion to higher posts against the vacancy aroused out of retirement. He mentioned that the AIBSNLEA is lucky to have the leader like Com Prahlad Rai. AIBSNLEA not only achieve the goal of its members, but works for the over all benefit of the organization BSNL. He mentioned that the CWC is being held at the right time and the issue of 3rd PRC, etc. He has congratulated the organisors of the Function.
Shri K K Vel, PGM (F), BSNL, Kerala Circle Guest of Honour mentioned in his speech, if we are able to hold together, we will be able to regain the customer and improve the cash flow. With the operations alone we are not going to improve the revenue. Analyse the landline and broadband customer, increase the EB and maintain the quality of service. If we able to give the service satisfaction, the customers will in turn will give the revenue what is the need of BSNL. He assured that the pending medical and pensioners cases will be scruitinised and settled. Every one of us know what is happening and no one can teach anyone. If we maintain the integrity, the organization will flourish.
Shri A M Gupta, GM (SR), BSNL Corporate Office, Guest of Honour He thanked the AIBSNLEA for inviting him and ensuring his presence in the meeting. He mentioned that the meeting is being held at a crucial juncture and BSNL management is eager to know the outcome of the meeting. We have to find out the solution for 3rd PRC. He also stated that the two days discussion is important not only for the association it is for the BSNL management also. He mentioned that CMD never miss the opportunity to attend the meeting and address the gathering. But due to his constraint he could not attend the session in person and hence he addressed through video conferencing. BSNL management has already submitted resources management plan to the DoT for implementation of 3rdPRC. He also mentioned that Director (HR) was also keen to attend and address the session, but could not make it due to the important assignment. He has conveyed and read out the message of the Director (HR). Through her message he has conveyed that to implement the 3rd PRC, efforts are taken by the management under the leadership of CMD and requested every one to come together forgetting the difference and support the BSNL. He mentioned that the efforts of the GS Com. Prahlad Rai in pursuing the 3rd PRC with various levels and ministers are commendable and due to his efforts, the BSNL management were called by the MoC and the entire BSNL Broad has explained the details to the MoC. While some associations creates the doubts in the minds and making fear amongst the members, the approach of Com. Prahlad Rai is in fully in positive direction and thanked Com. Rai in understanding the situation and being in support of the BSNL management. BSNL management has already explained the source of income to meet the financial burden of BSNL on implementation of 3rd PRC to the Secretary Telecom. The case of payment of pension contribution on the maximum has already been taken up and the amount paid will be received back for which the file is in process with positive remark from all the points. He assured that implementation of 2nd PRC to the pensioners before the implementation of 3rd PRC. He also mentioned that the revision of pension of the pensioners is not connected with the profit and loss of the BSNL. He assured that he will take up the issue with DoT. As regards the special casual leave to the office bearers of AIBSNLEA, there is a provision in the guidelines of DoP&T and DoT, whereas by oversight or due to other reasons, provision has not been made in the MV. He assured that fair treatment will be given to both the association. The issue of Pension contribution of BSNL recruitees, additional 2% is under process and very shortly a favourable decision will be taken by the BSNL MC. The cadre hierarchy issue is also being considered. As regards the notional benefit, he mentioned that this issue is of AIBSNLEA only and the issue has already approved by the MC and board approval is awaited. As regards the issue of donation collection by the association, the matter will be reviewed. He also mentioned that the HR plan of BSNL is also in the final stage and all the small issued will be resolved. He assured that any issue will be looked into by sitting together. Requested everyone to forget the difference and support the BSNL management. He thanked everyone for the support and having the leader like Com Prahlad Rai.
Com. Vijayakumar, Circle President, AIBSNLEA, Kerala Circle expressed vote of thanks
KINDLY SEE CO, ND ORDER No.412-16/2014-Pers.I DTD.09.08.2017.
Status of 3 rd PRC notification by DPE:
DPE has send the minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held on 19.07.2017 to the Cabinet Secretariat for confirmation in the last week. The confirmation of minutes is expected by this week and thereafter the OM on notification of 3 rd PRC implementation may be issued by DPE in the next week. After the notification of the OM the respective PSUs will take decision regarding its implementation for their executives. And, thereafter the respective PSUs will sent to their respective administrative ministries for the approval and issuance of Presidential Directives. In this manner after the notification of DPE OM on 3 rd PRC implementation, BSNL Board will take the decision for its implementation in BSNL for its executives and thereafter it will be sent to DoT for approval and issuance of Presidential Directives. We have to see that notification of DPE OM is allowing BSNL to implement 3 rd PRC report or not. Whether the Cabinet has empowered respective PSU Boards or administrative ministries to give dispension in the affordability clause as recommended earlier in the interim report of 3 rd PRC. In case, the respective PSU Boards/ administrative ministry are empowered by Cabinet for dispension in the affordability condition of the PSU then it is the BSNL Board and administrative ministry who can take decision immediately for 3 rd PRC implementation in BSNL for its executives otherwise BSNL Board has to take up the matter with the administrative ministry to take the Govt. approval on dispension in the affordability clause for BSNL.
On 11/07/2017 GS writes to
Director(HR), BSNL Board regarding Ad-hoc promotion of Sri Mihir Kanti Bhattacharjee, DE Staff No.198211249 to AGM/DE cadre with effect from the date on which his next junior was promoted with all consequential service benefits.
Letter Attached in Gallery
Dear Comrades,
AIBSNLEA is sincerely trying for the last so many years for the effective and practical implementation of Standard pay scales (E2- for JTO/JAO and Equivalent cadres and E3 – for SDE/AO and Equivalent cadres). While the discussion came up initially, from several sources it was evident that without cascading effect (E3 by E4, E4 by E5, E5 by E6 and E6 by E7) it cannot be implemented in BSNL. If at all standard pay scale is implemented without cascading effect, its damn sure that so many litigations will be filed in the courts due to the deadly issues of junior/ senior, heavy pay loss to the executives in the E2A scale, on the wedge of getting E3 compared to the executives at the beginning of E2A Scale and also holding an executive for 10 years in E3 scale is unlike any other PSUs. Thus practically the court cases will stop the implementation of Standard pay scales without cascading effect like so many promotions of JTO/SDE are stopped through court intervention. In addition to these many of senior executives are stagnating for the last couple of years without any annual increment.
By foreseeing these realties, AIBSNLEA took a stand since beginning for the implementation of standard pay scales with cascading effect because we want to implement this for the benefits of all the BSNL executives. More over, this implementation of standard pay scales with cascading effect is doubly benefitting for the young talents of BSNL working in the non standard pay scales of E1A and E2A. Those who want to see that standard pay scales are not implemented in BSNL at any cost, can only opt for implementation of standard pay scales without cascading effect. During the agitation of United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA ,Management Committee of BSNL Board deliberated over the issue at length and decided to recommend up-gradation of pay scales of E3, E4, E5 & E6 for Sr. SDE, AGM, DGM and SG-DGM and equivalent posts to E4, E5, E6 & E7 respectively w.e.f. 01.01.2007. Accordingly the proposal was sent to DoT vide letter number 1-13/2015-PAT (BSNL) dated 06.06.2016 for approval. But now the Majority Association is trying to get withdrawn the proposal and want to restrict the upgradation up to E2 and E3 Scales only. Hence they are harming the interest of all the BSNL Executives.
In spite of this, while DOT rejected the proposal of implementation of standard pay scales with cascading effect, AIBSNLEA also took a stand with the demand for implementation of standard pay scales without cascading effect with an expectation and symptoms that DOT will approve. DOT did not consider even implementation of E2 and E3 Pay Scales without cascading effect and approved E-1A and E-2A intermediatory Pay Scales.
But, what happened next is the outright rejection of the proposal. Who is responsible for this catastrophe? After referendum, one association, self-proclaimed as saviours of BSNL and BSNL executives, is recognised as Majority association gave trade union notice for the implementation standard pay scales for E2 & E3 alone to DOT and at a later stage withdrawn their demand for the reason known to them. When a recognised association demanding something and at a later stage unconditionally withdrawing the demands does clearly indicating that they are not serious on the demand of getting standard pay scales to BSNL Executives. This only triggered DOT to pronounce Presidential Orders for unwanted E1/E2 scales. How that association can wash off their hands? Do they think they can eye wash others from their calculated move by yelling and shedding crocodile tears in public after things are happened as per their wish ?
Now what a responsible association has to do? AIBSNLEA is doing for the benefits of all the executives without giving any scope for litigations. .... ....... .....
All officers are requested to come forward aggressively and participate in SIM Melas, visit nearby schools, Pvt. Company, and various institutions & offices and increase sales. Please remember that our 3rd PRC depends on the profitability of 2016-17. All Field officers are requested to ensure proper orientation/optimization/functioning of BTS so that satisfactory service s can be provided to the customers for voice and data. If you face any problem in the field kindly post the same in TELEGRAM/WHATSAPP group for speedy restoration of services. Your valuable suggestions are always welcome.
United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations comprising of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA and AITEEA gave a call of agitation program in support of its long pending demands and in the first phase of agitation, members successfully organized Massive Demonstration today throughout the circle. A large number of executives actively participated in the demonstration. We extend our sincere thanks to all the executives who made demonstration a success.
In second phase of agitation the two day massive "Dharna" will be arranged on 27th and 28th December 2016 at BSNL Corporate Office and all Circle/SSA headquarters. All are requested to make it a grand success by ensuring 100% participation. The program for “Work According to Rules” will also commence from 27th December 2016 Morning and will continue till settlement of demands.
United Forum of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA and AITEEA extends whole hearted support to all executives who took part in the first Membership Verification process. We have 2nd largest membership all over BSNL jurisdiction and number one in 18 Circles. We are to go ahead further.
United Forum also expresses sincere thanks to BSNL Management and others who helped to complete Memebership Verification process smoothly.
AIBSNLEA also congratulates comrades of Silchar, Dibrugarh and Assam Circle Office who made United Forum as Number One in their areas.
We along with AIGETOA and AITEEA will continue our endeavour to settle HR and related issues with utomost sincerity and devotion.
Our sincere thaks also to those executives of the United Forum who worked day and night to make Membership Verication process a successful one in our perspetives.
Long Live United Forum of AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA and AITEEA !
Long Live, Long Live !
President ,AIBSNLEA , CHQ , OS(E) , CHQ , Circle Secretary AIBSNLEA Assam Circle and district level leaders of Silchar SSA of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA attended and addressed in this special general body meeting where all AIGETOA leaders appealed to DR executives to vote and support AIBSNLEA in the ensuring membership verification because they belief that AIBSNLEA is the only association who is safeguarding the interest of the DR executives in true spirit as per the signed MOU of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA . The Senior retired leader Com. M.K. Chakraborty attended the meeting and requested all the executives to understand the real picture and vote for the tradition honesty i.e. in favour of AIBSNLEA.
Com. President elaborated the about all DPCs 206 and 147 cases , E2-E3 pay scale, Stoppage of MTRR recruitment , the history of the 1640 struggle under the leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai , achievement of 30% fitment benefit of in 2nd PRC and assured that fitment benefit in 3rd PRC as per schedule A company.He extended sincere thanks to Com. Ravi seal for their unconditional support for the success of AIBSNLEA to become No.1 association and assured that all the grievances of DR JTOs will settled by the AIBSNLEA . He appealed to one all to vote for AIBSNLEA in Sl. No.1.
OS East in his deliberation emphasized about the achievement of AIBSNLEA since its birth like AAO pay scale , Solution of JAO 2010 option case, 78.2% IDA fixation for pensioners also , solution of cabinet note of 60:40 case , and the betrayal history of our friendly association. He elaborately discussed the status of E1+5 Increment, AD(OL) restructuring case and creation of PPS post etc.
He also assured that after getting the No1 position in the referendum and by the experience leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai 30% Superannuation benefit will be achieved for the DR executives and all executives will enjoy the full benefit of 3rd PRC.
Com. CS, Assam cleared the house about the position of rule-8 cases and assured the house that all rule-8 cases will be executed very soon. He reminded the house regarding DGM promotion order in Engineering and accounts wing which was issued under the active pursuation of our association.
In the meantime the reinstatement order of the new JAOs was received and house was jubilant and congratulated com. Prahlad Rai for his early action. It proved that only by the leadership of Prahlad Rai under AIBSNLEA the interest of all executives will be safeguarded. So, VOTE FOR AIBSNLEA IN SL. NO.1.
District Secretary Com. Saumitra Kumar Das welcomed all the comrades in this jam packed meeting and AIGETOA District President Com. V. Subbaiah extended the vote of thanks.
Com. A.K. Tripathi, OS , AIGETOA organised the meeting very nicely.
Guwahati election campaign meeting was held at Multipurpose hall at Panbazar, Guwahati-1.
The hall was jam packed with the members of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA. Many members of other sister association were also present to listen the deliberation of CHQ leaders.
From AIBSNLEA / CHQ President Com. S.Sivakumar and organising secretary Com. Prasun Mukhopadhyay was present .CS of AIBSNLEA Com. Swarup Chakraborty , CS of AIGETOA Com. Satya Jyoti Nath , ACS Subhrendhu.Bhattacharjee and Santanu Choudhury were also present .District president Com. Biswajit Shama presided the meeting and district secretary Com. Ranjit kumar Das organized the meeting very successfully.
Both the CS presented the achievement of the Assam Circle regarding Rule8 cases and attending of local issues , different views and its solutions regarding verification and appeal to all members to vote for AIBSNLEA in serial no. 1 .
Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacherjee ,ACS AIBSNLEA and Com. Bijoy Sonowal president AIGETOA requested the audience to rise on the occasion and inform that interactive session will be held with CHQ leaders.
Com. Prasun Mukhopadhyay, OS(East) elaborated the betrayal history of the friendly association starting from its birth. He also explained the necessity of signing of MOU with AIGETOA and three P’s (Pay ,Promotion and Pension ) of DR Executives which is protected and fulfilled under the excellent leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai .
Com. S.Sivkumar , CHQ President briefed the achievement of AIBSNLEA and efforts taken by the organisation to achieve the demand . He also explained the role of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA to achieve the demands with scrapping of MTRR and 30% superannuation benefit ,E2-E3 upgradation and cadre hierarchy. He also apprise about the consistent effort taken by AIBSNLEA , DE to DGM order and criticize the role played by SNEA against Rule, 206 DGM Promosion. He explained the sinister motive of SNEA against DR JTO’s in respect of MTRR, E3 Scale for 10 years. He assured that all the DPC will be conducted as per the existing DOPT order with SC/ST Roaster as per the constitution provision .He also explained the role played by Com. Prahlad Rai and our AIBSNLEA leaders in the 1640 strugglers. He requested all to vote for AIBSNLEA in serial no. 1 to safeguard the interest of all executives and BSNL.
A delegation team comprising of President and OS (E), CHQ along with CS of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA and ACS of Assam visited the Dibrugarh and Jorhat SSA on 15-11-2016 , Nagaon and Tezpur SSA on 16-11-2016 for campaigning of membership verification . A grand gathering was observed to listen the latest development of CHQ / AIBSNLEA in the respective venue.
Com. Swarup Chakraboty, CS, AIBSNLEA , Assam analysed the work done by the Circle office and assured the house to stand with them for any need.
Com. Satyajyoti Nath, CS, AIGETOA, Assam informed the house regarding latest development regarding rule-8 cases and assured the house that pending rule-8 cases will be solved within a short time.
Com. Prasun Mukhopadhaya elaborated the history of the Association and how the unity broken by the so called traitors, necessity of signing MOU with AIGETOA and our achievement regarding 3 Ps (Pay +Promotion+Pension- solving 60:40 case and superannuation benefit) replacement of E2-E3 standard pay scale and so on, status of E1+5 increment case of 2013 JAO batch etc. He assured that only by the excellent leadership of Com. Prahlad Rai all the pending issues will be resolved by us after getting No.1 position in membership verification
Com. Subhrendhu Bhattacharjee, ACS , AIBSNLEA , Assam appealed to all to vote for AIBSNLEA in Sl. No.1 in the forthcoming verification.
Com. S. Sivakumar, President, CHQ, AIBSNLEA gave the clarion call to all the executives to vote for AIBSNLEA because only AIBSNLEA can protect the interest of executive of all discipline. He analysed the status of DPCs, promotion of LDCE SDE/DE and our role for the 3rd PRC as per the existing DOPT order with the SC/ST roaster with reference to the constitution provision , status of 206 case / 147 case etc.
A fine interactive session was held to satisfy the different quaries of the members present in the house. Many executives non-members were present in the meeting.
In all the meeting welcome address
and vote of thanks given by the District Secretary and District President respectively.
A great enthusiasm developed among the followers and all taken the oath to make AIBSNLEA No.1 in the forth coming verification.
Click here for notice on 1st Membership Verification of Executives Association
Joint Election Canvassing program by AIBSNLEA and
S. No. |
Program Date and Time |
Place / Station |
Prominent Star Speakers |
1 | 15.11.2016 at 10.30 hrs | Dibrugarh For Dibrugarh & Jorhat SSAs |
CHQ President & OS (East) of AIBSNLEA along with CS of AIGETOA Assam |
2 | 16.11.2016 at 10.30 hrs | Nagaon | |
3 | 16.11.2016 at 15.00 hrs | Tezpur | |
5 |
17.11.2016 at 15.00 hrs
18.11.2016 at 15.00 hrs |
Guwahati For Bongaigaon & Guwahati SSAs
Silchar |
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle wishes all a happy Diwali
CS, Assam
An important general body meeting of AIBSNLEA is scheduled to be held on 28th October 2016 at BSNL IQ, Panbazar at 5 PM. All members are requested to attend the meeting positively. JOIN ONE JOIN ALL!
A large number of DR JTOs in Assam met CGMT Assam Circle on 18.10.16 under banner of UNITED FORUM (AIGETOA & AIBSNLEA) - ASSAM CIRCLE to press for fast tracking of Rule 8 cases. CGMT directed GM(Admin/HR) to take personal initiative to solve the issue.
On 05.09.2016, CS, ACS(Hqr) and CS , AIGETOA met CGMT Assam Circle on the issues of payment of retirement benefits to the retiring Comrades specially Civil Wing Comrades. It was observed that there is much delay in getting VC clearance from BSNLCO. CGMT took up the issue immediately with concerned Officers at New Delhi and it was assured that the Civil Comrades also would get the retirement benefits at the same time along other Telecom Comrades.
GS, OS(E) attended the 6th CEC Meeting of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch on 30.08.2016 at Guwahati. At 09-30 hrs all the delegates of seven Branches of Assam Circle attended the flag hoisting ceremony in presence of GS and OS(E). Circle President of Assam Circle Branch Com Aloke Kar hoisted the flag. Thereafter, all the delegates assembled at Multi-Purpose Hall of BSNL IQ at Panbazar, Guwahati. Next one minute silence was observed as a mark of respect to the souls of departed comrades.
The gathering was addressed by the Circle President of Assam Circle wherein he mentioned about the present status of BSNL in Telecom sector and also urged upon the role of the AIBSNLEA executives in the present day competitive scenario. Next welcome address was given by Com Ranjit Kumar Das, Divisional Secretary of the Host Branch. This was followed by the self- introduction of the delegates.
Com Swarup Chakraborty, CS, AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch submitted the report of Circle Secretary. He elaborated issues like membership strengths, settlement of long pending up-gradation cases of the executives under EPP, Intra as well as Inter Circle Transfer cases, Tenure Transfer matters, Promotional issues of executives and Status of Look After cases in the cadre of SDE, DE and DGM(T). Com Chakraborty also reported the burning issue of R-8 transfer cases and explained in detail about its present position wherein a committee has been constituted by CGMT, Assam Telecom Circle taking representatives from three executive Associations and Officers of HR section of Circle Office, Assam Circle Guwahati. He mentioned that a recommendation after first meeting of the committee has been submitted to the administration for immediate actions by the Circle Head. Com CS also mentioned about the steps taken by him on organisational matters specially on forth coming membership verification issue. Circle Treasurer submitted an interim report of financial matters of the Circle Branch. Divisional Secretaries also submitted report on membership and other organisational issues of respective Branches. Reports of CS, CT and DSs were accepted by the house.
Com Prasun Mukhopadhaya, OS(E) addressed the delegates.Thereafter, Com GS addressed the house with his clear and systematic presentation. He covered almost all the burning issues like Up-gradation of executive pay scales and hurdles being faced, CPU hierarchy scenario, status of pending court cases and expectations in coming days, promotional issues of various cadres, on-going Trade Unions programmes launched by three associations and steps needed to increase the membership strength. Com GS also delivered on the issue 78.2% enhancement of DA and apprised the house how AIBSNLEA achieved success in 60:40 pension issue on its own effort.
At 15-00 hrs of 30.0 8.2016 joint open session of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA , Assam Circle Branch started. Com GS, and OS (E) and GS AIGETOA shared the dais. CGMT Assam Telecom Circle Shri Mahesh Kumar Seth was the Chief Guest and Shri M K Gogoi, PGM(ETR), Guwahati the guest of honour. The multi-purpose hall was jam packed with officers, executives and employees of BSNL. The Open session was initiated with a Shree Ram Bhajan followed by some melody songs. The artists were mostly from BSNL families.
CS, AIBSNLEA Assam Circle delivered key note address where he covered burning staff matters and developmental issues of Assam Circle area of BSNL. He requested for immediate settlement of Rule-8 issue of DR JTOs. Com Satyajyoti Nath, CS, AIGETOA, Assam Circle Branch covered various issues being faced by the young executives. He also urged for immediate solution of Rule-8 cases.
Com OS(E) addressed the open session where he stressed for strengthening of BSNL executives and also requested CGMT, Assam Telecom Circle for immediate settlement of Rule-8 issue.
Com GS, AIGETOA spoke on various issues being faced by the executives directly recruited executives. He requested CGMT Assam Telecom Circle to find ways for immediate solution of Rule-8 issue. He appealed to the comrades awaiting Rule-8 transfer to have patience.
Com GS AIBSNLEA elaborated all the issues of BSNL before the Chief Guest and the audience. He explained in clear terms the role of AIBSNLEA in organising the executives to work for greater interest of BSNL. Com GS delivered on 78.2% DA issue, hurdles on up-gradation of pay scales of executives, bottle neck created on CPU cadre hierarchy issue, amendment of MTRR Rules, Superannuation issue, role of AIBSNLEA in TU actions to resolve HR issues, resolution of 60:40 pension issue and on Rule-8 transfer issue being faced by the BSNL DR JTOs posted in Assam. He urged upon CGMT Assam Circle for immediate settlement of the issue to boost up the morale of the executives.
Shri M K Gogoi, PGM (ETR), Guwahti spoke on various HR issues of BSNL. Shri M K Seth, Chief Guest of the function gave a patient hearing to various issues raised by the leaders and assured to use his good office to solve them to the possible extent. He also responded favourably to solve the Rule-8 issue. He requested to the executives to work hard to make Assam Telecom Circle a profitable organization and also to earn more revenue for BSNL.
The open session was over by 20-30 hrs. The house assembled at 21-30 hrs after dinner break and rest issues like resolution and organisational strategies for forth coming membership verifications were addressed. The CEC meeting was declared closed at 22-30 hrs with a vote of thanks from host Branch.
G S Com Prahlad Rai inaugurated New Website of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch in presence of OS(E), AIBSNLEA and Delegates of 6th CEC of Assam Circle.
As a part of all India program AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch participated in Lunch Hour Demonsataion in front of C.O. of Assam Telecom Circle on 23.08.16.
The Date of CEC meeting of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch is further re-scheduled to 30.08.2016 due to some extra-ordinary situation.
Our GS, OS(E), AIGETOA GS and AGS (E) would address the meeting.
All Divisional Secretaries are asked to send their upto date Circle Quota to Circle Financial Secretary. Report of the Divisonal Secretaries containing membership strength of AIBSNLEA, AIGEOTA, others and total executive strenths of the Branch should reach to Circle Secy well before the meeting for further actions.
Revised date for CEC of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle is 02.09.2016. This is due to some unavoidable situation.
Assam Circle Branch of AIBSNLEA congratulates all the 78 TTAs who have qualified for JTO cadre in the recently declared result of LICE for promotion to JTO.
In the General Body Meeting of Guwahati Branch held on 01.07.16, CS informed that-
1. Discussions made by him with all the CEC members and DS of Guwahati Branch proposed to hold the next CEC of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle on 03.09.2016 at Guwahati.
2. CS also informed that Com Prahlad Rai, GS and Com Prasun Mukhopadhya, OS(E) would be requested for their gracious presence on the occassion.
3. Guwahati District Secy was asked to go ahead with the preparatory works for CEC in a befitting manner.
CS and CWC Member of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch attended the General Body Meeting of Guwahati Branch today and highlighted following points in view of the recently concluded AIC at Mysur:-
1. Immediate organisational steps are necessary for membership verification issue.
2. CS of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle and AIGETOA are required to go for tour to different Branches for enlighting the members on membership verification and other burining issues.
3. Relevant points on the Constitution ammendmends discussed and stress given for suitable incorporation of Office Bearers in AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Body.
4. Issuses of various ongoing DPCs discussed.
5. Resolutions taken at AIC were also pointed.
CONGRATULATION COMRADES ! As per report of Chq, the following issues are getting solved soon:-
1. Scales to be replaced from E1A/E6 by E2/E7 respectively . Residency period 5 years.
2. CPSU hierarchy proposal to be placed before Board within 15th june.
3. As regrads stagnancy for realising of R-8 transfer cases vis a vis recruitment matters Management would share the matter with UF. BSNL CO to issue strict instructions to Circles for long pending R-8 cases.
4. LDCE results to be declared soon.
5. DGM Rectt. and RR to be scarepped by 23rd June, 2016.
6. Regarding JAO to AO and AO to CAO promotion, it is awaited for court clearance.
7. Matter relating to relaxation of CAO to DGM(F) promotion to be placed before BSNL MC.
8. Steps being taken for SDE(C/E) to EE(C/E) promotion soon.
As per intimation of Chq:-
1. Agitational Programme to continue.
2. Mass Hunger Strike at Chq/Circle/SSA Hqrs. from 25.05.16 to 27.05.16.
3. Work According to Rule Programme from 25.05.16 till our demands are settled.
Pl make it a grand success.
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA organised massive Dharna Programme at Circle/SSA Head Quarters of Assam Circle on 13.05.2016 as a part of All India Call in support of demands like E2/E3 payscales for JTOs/SDEs or equivalent cadres, CPU Hierarchy, Scrapping of MT Recruitmentment process etc. At Guwahati, many Circle Level Leaders of both the Associations including leaders from sister unions of Assam Circle spoke on the occassion. Chief General Manager of Assam Telecom Circle Shri M K Seth also addressed the gathering. It was a grand success.
As a part of all India call Given by AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA, Dharna Programme has been rescheduled on 13.05.2016 at Circle/SSA Head Quarters. Please make it a grand success.
As a part of all India call Given by AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA, there would be Demonstartion at CO Office Assam Circle at Lunch Hour on 03.05.2016. All Comrades are requested to be present positively.
CS & ACS (Hqr) along with CS (AIGETOA) met GM(HR & Admn), Assam Circle to discuss the following issues:
1. Re-opening of JTO Recruitment for Assam and NE Circles.
2. It is reported by GM(HR & Admn) that BSNLCO has confirmed verbally recruitment of 166 TTAs for Assam Circle.
3. Immediate settlement of JTO Rule-8 Cases. It was insisted to publish the up-dated list of JTOs awaiting Rule-8 Transfer.
4. issue of equvalent pay parity for executives.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch wishes a very happy BIHU and Subha Nababarsha to all.
Com CS and Com ACS(Hq) met CGMT Assam Telecom Circle on the burning issue of R-8 Tranfer cases etc. and expressed deep concern on the matter of in-ordinate delay to take steps by Circle Admn. CGMT Assam Circle appreciated our concern but he informed that some more time is needed to sort out the issue. The Association requested for settlement of the issue at the earliest as a large number of Comrades are suffering.
Meeting with DIR(EB): CS, ACS(Hqr), ACS and DS (Ghy Br) met DIR HR Shri N k Mehta in presence of CGMT Assam Telecom Circle and discussions were made on the following issues:-
1. Critical issue of pending R-8 transfer cases.
2. Capturing more and more EB Customers .
3. Quality of Mobile Services at Guwahati.
4. Filling up of un-filled DGM/GM posts.
5. Approval of Service related matters of Assam Circle with topmost priority from BSNLCO.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch and AIGETOA Assam Circle Branch jointly felicitated CGM Assam Telecom Circle Shri M K Seth on 17.02.2016. We apprised him about some burning HR issues and some developmetal matters of Assam Telecom Circle.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch wishes a very happy Magh Bihu & Makarsankranti to all.
Guwahati District Branch of AIBSNLEA Assam Circle felicitated Com. A Nath, Com. D Barman and Com. S Chakraborty on their retirement on 31.12.2015. In a well attended meeting held on 07.01.2015 in the multi-purpose Hall of BSNL at Panbazar, contribution of the retired Comrades were highlighted by several experienced leaders of AIBSNLEA.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch wishes a very happy new year 2016 to all.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch wishes a very happy X-Mas to all.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch participated in the massive lunch hour demonstration held on 22.12.2015 at Guwahati, CGMT Assam Circle,CO for implementing 78.2% IDA for BSNL pensioners as per call of Forum of BSNL Executives and Non-executives.
AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Assam Circle Branch held Lunch Hour Demonstation on 11.12.2015.in the premises of CGMT Assam Telecom Circle Office as a mark of protest against MT(SRD) recruitment by BSNL.
As a part of all India Program, AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA Assam Circle Branch held Lunch Hour Demonstation on 4.12.2015. in the premises of CGMT Assam Telecom Circle Office at Panbazar with grand success.
United Forum of AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA has given call for Agitational Program on various unsettled issues.
As a part of all India Program AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch would hold Lunch Demonstation on 4.12.2015. in the premises of CGMT Assam Telecom Circle Office at Panbazar. Make it a grand success.
AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch wishes a very happy VIJAYA DASHAMI to all.
We are extremely thankful to CGMT Assam Telecom Circle and his HR team for issuing Look-After order in the grade of DGM(T) on standalone basis for the following comrades:-
1. Shri Amitava Nath
2. Shri Hari Chandra Kachari
3. Shri Alok Kar
4. Shri Mohan Chandra Modak
5. Shri Jadab Chandra Adhikari
6. Shri Ratneswar Newar
7. Shri Vivekananda Nath
Retd. Com Vivekananda Battacharjee, Sr. P S, o/o CGMT Assam Telecom Circle expired on 23.09.2015. AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch deeply condoles his demise and prays to the almighty for eternal peace of the departed soul.
Com Ashish Choudhury, DGM and Branch President, Silchar Branch expired on 22.09.2015. AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch deeply condoles his sudden demise and prays to the almighty for eternal peace of the departed soul.
As per decision of CWC meeting at Kolkata, AIBSNLEA Assam Circle Branch extnds Solidarity Moral Support to the strike call given by Central Trade Unions on 02.09.2015.
We wish a very happy and prosprous Independence Day on 15th August, 2015.
We condole sudden demise of Bharatratna Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. It is a great loss to the Nation.
Joint Effort of BSNL Unions and Associations together with support of Chq has yielded result to get sanction of 10 GE Core Data Link from NIB Guwahati to Chennai to improve Broadband Servics of entire N E Region.
AGITATIONAL PROGRAMME is deferred for six months in view of the assurances givn by BSNL Management. We congratulate our members for their whole hearted particpation in relay hunger programm on 7th Jul,2015.
The Conference started with Flag Hoisting Ceremony at 09:30 hrs of 04.07.2015. All the seven Divisional Branches reported in the Conference. Circle Scretary submitted his report covering on burning issues like membrship strength, Up-gradation issues, intra and inter circle transfer cases, tenure transfer issues, look after arrangements, reversion cases of JTOs, PS promotion cases, Rule-8 transfer issue, VCR issues, organisational matters, devlopmental issues and relationship with AIGETOA. Elaborate discussions were done on the report of CS. Circle Treasurer and Divisional Secretaries also submitted their reports. G S Com Prahlad Rai addressed joint session of AIBSNLEA and AIBSNLEAREWA, AIBSNLEA and AIGETOA, and OPEN SESSION. Com G S elaborated almost all the scenerios related to BSNL like financial status, promotional issues, MT trainee recrutment issue, 78.2% IDA for pensioners, 60:40 pensioner issue, Rule-8 transfer issue and many others. Open Session was attended by Shri Rajeev Yadav, CGMT Assam Telecom Circle as Chief Guest. Other senior Officers who attended are- Sr. GM (EB, Sales and Mktg), GM(HR and A) and GM(Kamrup SSA). Circle secretaries of -AIGETOA Com S Nath, SNEA Com I H Mandol, BSNLEU Com B Deka, and NFTE Com Patgiri also attended. All of them spoke in the Open Session.A positive development is expected from the discussions in Open Session. New body was formed. The important posts and corresponding elected members are-Com Alok Kar (Circle President), Com Swarup Chakraborty(Circle Secretary), Com T K Bhttacharjee (Circle Treasurer) and Com Amitava Nath(CWC Member). The conference ended at 23:00 hrs with a vote of thanks from host Branch.
Arrangement for accommodation of delegates made in IQ Panbazar and ETR IQ Panbazar. For Accommodation pl contact Com Pinak kanti Nath (Mobile-9435599121 and Com Shantanu Choudhury (Mobile- 9435000731). Accommodation would be available from evening of 03.07.2015 to 05.07.2015 morning.